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Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...

The Mistralton Ball took place and Ash and Serena had a few awkward moments as the two danced.

Serena and Ash were then chosen to be the opponents of Miette and the Kalos Queen herself, Aria, in a Pokemon Battle.

During the Pokemon Battle Serena's Eevee had evolved into Sylveon.


Serena is standing at the balcony of her Pokemon Center room just looking out to the horizon. She then looks down at the little yellow box that she's holding.

This box was a gift from Ash after she won her first Princess Ribbon, back at Nimbasa City. 'No matter if it's sunny, raining, hailing or during a sandstorm... don't give up 'till it's over...' she remembered what Ash said after he gave her the gift.

She then grabs two of her Pokeballs, containing the two Pokemon she was planning on using in the Showcase that'll be held in just a few short hours.

"Braixen, Pancham..." she said to the Pokebslls. "We're going to win!" The two Pokeballs shook up and down, as if they were nodding.

A few minutes later...

Ash has woken up and was walking to the bathroom to change. After walking out of the bathroom with his casual clothes, he took a glance at the clock, which read 5:52 am.

'Whoa! That's early, even for me!' He thought. 'Well, might as well have an early morning Training session...' he quietly opened the door and walked down the stairs.

He took two Pokeballs out of his belt and walked out of the door of the Pokemon Center.

He was about to release the two Pokemon he wanted to train but he saw that someone began to train before him. "Braixen, Fire Pledge, and Pancham, Stone Edge!" A female voice spoke.

Ash saw Serena training her Pokemon for the upcoming Showcase. Her two Pokemon tried to do the combination they were asked to do, but the combo failed.

Serena sighed and looked down. "Hey don't put yourself down like that..." Ash said. Serena turned around, a bit startled, but calmed down once she saw that it was Ash.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you..." said Ash while scratching the back of his head. Serena sighed. "It's okay Ash..." she reassured him. "I'm just really nervous about today's Showcase..."

Ash put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry! You aced the last Showcase!" He reassured her. Serena looked down. "I know but..." she hesitated. "But...?" "But that was pure luck..." she spilled the Poke-Beans.

"Last time you didn't have enough time to train..." Ash reminded her. "You've been training really hard since then! You have nothing to worry about!" Serena blushed and smiled. "Thanks Ash..." she said.

The two decided to eat breakfast and relax until it's Showcase time. A couple of hours later Nate, Pikachu and Dawn woke up and joined the two for breakfast.

"So, have you thought about a new Routine for the Showcase?" Nate asked. "Actually, yeah!" She replied. "Great! What is it?" Dawn asked with curiosity. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now wouldn't it?" She teased Dawn who pouted.

After they all got ready they got out of the Pokemon Center and went to the location of the Showcase. 'Wow... there are many more people than there were last time...' Serena thought, worried a bit.

"I see you finally made it!" The four heard a familiar female voice from behind them. "MAY!" Dawn and Serena said in unison. "How have you been?" "I was working hard on my routine and I even won my first Princess Ribbon!" May replied, showing the four her achievement.

"Good job!" Dawn congratulated her friend. "Thanks!" "Pfft... only ONE Princess Ribbon? Pathetic..." the group heard another all-too-familiar voice. 'Great...' Nate thought in a sarcastic tone as the five turned around to see, who else? Miette!

"Hey! One Princess Ribbon is really impressive!" Ash argued. "Yeah! How many have you won?!" Dawn asked in a hostile tone. Miette however was unfazed, as she grabbed a box and opened it, revealing two Princess Ribbons.

"WHAT?!" Ash, Serena, Nate, Dawn and May said in unison. "How did you get two so quickly?!" "Pure, perfect talent..." she answered in a smug tone before walking towards the location of the Showcase.

"Don't let her get on your nerves!" A female voice said. Our heroes turned over to the source of the sound. It was a blonde haired, blue eyed girl with a red hair accessory with horns. She was wearing a green dress with a rainbow in it. Just like Ash's peculiar lightning bolts, she has two pink hearts on her cheeks.

(SVTFOE is now my third favorite show and I wanted to add her!)

"Thanks but... who are you?" Serena asked in curiosity. The girl gave them a goofy smile. "My name is Star Beautifly! I'm a Performer just like you!" She answered in a sing-son voice.

"Nice to meet you Star!" Serena said. "I'm Serena! These are my friends Ash and Pikachu, Dawn and May. And that's my brother Nate!" She introduced herself and the gang to Star.

"Nice to meet you all!" Star said in an enthusiastic tone. "Well, I'll be seeing you later! I gotta get ready for the Showcase!" She continued before rushing to the Showcase's location. "Bye!" Ash waved her goodbye.

'So many rivals...' Serena thought before taking a deep breath. 'I'll have to do my absolute best!' She then started to walk towards the Showcase's location too. "Good luck Serena!" Ash exclaimed. "You're gonna do great!"

Serena got to the changing room of the Showcase and put on her new dress and wrapped the blue ribbon Ash gave her around her right wrist.

(Imagine her having the blue ribbon)

'Okay Serena, take a deep breath...' she thought. 'I can do it! I won last time! I can do it again!' "Serena! How are you doing?" A female voice said, catching Serena's attention.

She turned around to see one of her friends. "ELLIE?!" She exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here?" "After some thinking I decided that I don't like violence..." she explained. "So I decided to give performing a try, and I love it!"

"Good to know!" Serena squealed in delight. "You look... absolutely stunning..." Ellie tried to say. "Thanks..." Serena answered a little embarrassed. "Well it's nice to see you're making new friends!" Another girl walked up to the two.

"Oh hi Shauna... SHAUNA?!" Serena said confused. Shauna smiled. "Ellie, I think you should get ready, you're Performance is right after Miette's..." "Okay, thanks!" Ellie said before walking away, winking to Serena.

Ash, Nate and Dawn sat down at the Audience Stand, anxiously waiting for the show to start. "Oh! That reminds me!" Ash exclaimed before grabbing two Pokeballs out of his belt.

"Eevee and Rockruff come on out!" He said before releasing the two Pokemon. "Hey guys! You two haven't watched Serena's last Showcase so I think you should watch this one..." Ash told his two Pokemon. "Who knows, maybe you'll learn something..."

Rockruff and Eevee sat there, waiting for the show to start. Suddenly, the lights went out and the spotlight lit the image of Monsieur Pierre in the middle of the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" He exclaimed. "Welcome to the Mistralton City Pokemon Showcase! And without further ado, let me introduce our first Performer... STAR BEAUTIFLY!"

Pierre then exited the stage and a platform rose from below the stage, revealing Star wearing a pink dress.

She had two Pokemon. One was a light brown, canine Pokemon. It has oval, brown eyes, a red nose, and its face covered by an abundance of cream fur. This facial fur can be used for radar, and provides Lillipup with information about its surroundings. It has large pointed ears with a tuft of fur near the base of each. Its fur puffs out above its paws, and its back has a spiky dark blue blaze. A Lillipup.

The other was a butterfly-like Pokemon with wings that come in a large variety of patterns. Its thorax is an elliptical shape divided into three segments, each with a different shade of gray. Its legs are also elliptical which are black on the lower half and grayish on the upper half. It has two black, circular hands and no visible arms. It has a round, grayish head with large, black, pixelated eyes and a pair of skinny antenna. A Vivillon.

"LET'S GET THIS SHOW, ON THE ROAD!" Star exclaimed. "VIVILLON, USE HURRICANE AND LILLIPUP, USE HYPER VOICE!" She commanded. Vivillon's wings glow light blue and it flaps them, releasing a powerful gust of wind.

Both of Lillipup's ears roll up, first one then the other. It then takes in a deep breath and shouts loudly. As it shouts, the inside of its mouth glows white and a beam of wind with turquoise rings inside them come out from Lillipup's mouth.

The two powerful gusts of wind and sound collided with each other, creating a pink tornado. "NOW USE PSYCHIC!" Star commanded. Vivillon's eyes glow light blue. Star and Lillipup became outlined in light blue and began to float.

"DOUBLE TEAM!" Star commanded again. Lillipup then began to vibrate, moving so fast that it created the illusion of multiple clones, outlined in white. "NOW USE SHADOW BALL AND INFESTATION!" She commanded.

All of Lillipup's clones open their mouths and form black and purple balls of energy in front of them. The balls then condense slightly and the Lillipup clones fire them. Simultaneously, Vivillon's eyes glow lime-green and it releases a black swarm from its wings.

The black swarm then surrounded all the Shadow Balls, causing them to explode into purple fireworks, frightening Ash's Eevee. Rockruff then gave Eevee a playful lick, telling it that it's going to be alright.

The pink tornado then subsided and Star and her Pokemon landed gracefully at the ground. "AND I'M DO-ONE!" She exclaimed in a sing-song tone, causing the crowd to erupt into applause.

After stunning Performances from May and her Blaziken, Drew and his Roserade, Shauna and her Bulbasaur, Miette and her Watchog and Ellie and her Umbreon, it was finally Serena's turn.

May's Blaziken

Serena was about to walk into the floating platform that'll take her to the stage, she is confronted by Miette. "You should just give up!" She said in a hostile tone, but with a grin on her face.

Serena said nothing and just glared at Miette with a look of 'MAKE ME!'. Miette then snapped and pushed Serena to the ground. "I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" She growled at Serena, whispering.

May, Shauna, Drew, Ellie and Star walked up to Serena, ready to help her. "Thanks for the help everybody!" She thanked them. "Are you okay?!" Ellie asked, extremely worried. Serena just nodded before looking at Miette with a sad look on her face.

'Why is she so mean?' She thought. 'I hope I can help her just like Ash helped me...' "AND NOW, THE FINAL PERFORMER FOR TONIGHT!" Pierre exclaimed from the stage. "SERENA YVONNE!"

"Gotta go! See you all later! Was nice meeting you Star!" Serena said under her breath. "Braixen, Pancham. Let's do our best!" She exclaimed to her two Pokemon.

Serena and her Pokemon rose up together with the platform, takes a deep breath and opens her determination filled eyes, humming the song Ash wrote.

'She looks stunning...' Ash thought with a dazed face, while his Eevee starts to look interested. "LET'S DO THIS!" Serena exclaimed.

"BRAIXEN USE PSYBEAM AND PANCHAM USE DARK PULSE!" Braixen fires a streaky blue beam with pink circles inside it from its wand-stick and Pancham creates a ball of black and purple circles in each hand. It then combines them and fires the circles as a beam of circles.

The two attacks collided in such a way that the resulting explosion was pink and purple with gold sparks firing away from them. This completely stunned Ash's Eevee, who looked at the spectacle in awe.

'Here goes nothing...' Serena thought, remembering the technique that she tried and failed to perfect in the day Braixen evolved from Fennekin. "NOW BRAIXEN USE FLAMETHROWER!" She commanded.

Braixen jumps in the air and points its wand stick at Pancham and forms a red-orange flame at its tip. It then releases a red-orange stream of fire from the tip of its wand.

“ALRIGHT PANCHAM! USE SKY UPPERCUT!" She commanded. One of Pancham's paws then began to glow white. Pancham then rushes at the Flamethrower with its paw close to the ground. Before the Flamethrower could hit Pancham though, it uppercuted the Flamethrower, cutting it in half and creating a flaming spectacle.

'It worked!' Serena thought in astonishment. "NOW HIDDEN POWER AND ARM THRUST!" She commanded. Braixen forms a light blue ball of energy in front of its wand-stick. It then begins to spin the wand-stick, firing the balls of energy in all directions, like a sprinkler.

The balls then collided with the split stream of fire, surrounding the balls with rings of fire. Pancham then rubbed its paws together and it jumped high in the air. It then hit one of the balls with one of its paws, causing it to explode in sparkles. Pancham then hit the rest of the balls, causing the same effect.

"NOW BRAIXEN! USE FLAMETHROWER AND SPIN AROUND!" Serena commanded. Braixen then formed a red-yellow flame at the edge of its wand-stick. Braixen then brought the wand-stick above its head, and began to spin it.

Then a stream of fire was blasted from the edge of the stick blown upwards and sideways, creating a spiral of fire. "NOW PANCHAM! ARM THRUST!" She commanded. Pancham then jumped in the air and landed in the middle of Braixen's wand-stick.

It then jumped towards the stream of fire and touches it with its paw. It then begins to do gymnastic flips upwards, following the way of the fiery stream, to the shock of the crowd.

After Pancham reached the top Serena called out. "USE DARK PULSE!" Pancham then fired the Dark Pulse at the fiery vortex. While the Dark Pulse did dissipate the vortex, creating a stunning scene, it accidentally also hit Braixen, creating a huge explosion.

"BRAIXEN!" "PAN CHUM!" Serena and Pancham called out in worry. When the dust settled, Braixen was lying on the ground. Serena rushed to the first Pokemon she caught and held it in her hands, with Pancham close by.

Before Serena could start to cry, Braixen's eyes shot wide open and it hopped from Serena's grasp, walking towards the crowd. "Braixen...?" Serena turned to Braixen, both worried and confused.

Braixen then shot Serena a look that was all to familiar to her. It was the same look Ash had whenever he was in the middle of an important battle. 'Don't give up 'till it's over!' Serena reminded herself.

She then stood up with a confident look on her face. "Let's try something new Braixen!" She said. "Braixen!" Braixen barked in understatement. It then held its wand-stick in front of its face with both hands while closing its eyes.

It then created a flame at the tip of the wand-stick. It then looked at Serena and threw the wand-stick towards her. To the crowd's shock, she caught it. She then began to spin it around like a fire-dancer and began to dance rhythmically, with her Pokemon mimicking her motions.

Serena then jumped high in the air and threw the wand-stick back to Braixen.

"NOW LET'S FINISH THIS WITH A BANG!" She exclaimed as soon as they landed. "FIRE PLEDGE AND STONE EDGE!" She commanded after twirling. Braixen then slammed its hand on the ground, causing pillars of fire to rush towards Pancham.

Pancham slams its paw on the ground, causing glowing light blue pillars of rock to appear and rush towards Braixen's Fire Pledge. Serena looked at the two moves, extremely worried. Just before the moves collided, she closed her eyes.

As soon as the moves collided though, the fire pillars burst inside the rock pillars, causing them to light up like a disco. Serena opened her eyes, stunned at the fact that her combo move actually worked.

"NOW JUMP AT THE PILLARS!" She commanded. Pancham and Braixen then jumped at the pillars, jumping between the pillars with gymnastics. Each time they leave a pillar it disintegrates into light-blue and gold sparks.

After Braixen and Pancham landed Serena closed her eyes and then posed with her Pokemon while exclaiming, "And... FINISH!" There was a moment of silence from the crowd.

Ash then began to clap his hands slowly. Some people followed in Ash's footsteps and soon enough the crowd erupted into booming applause.

Serena sighed a sigh of relief before the same platform that brought her up to the stage, brought her and her Pokemon down to the backstage.

Serena stretched her arm upwards, trying to relax her muscles when she's tackled into a hug by Ellie, catching her off guard. After a moment of shock she returned the hug. "That was great!" Ellie exclaimed after breaking the hug. "Thanks!" Serena said in her usual cheerful tone.

Shauna, Drew, May, Star and Miette were then called back up stage, alongside Serena and Ellie. "This has been an incredible Showcase!" Monsieur Pierre exclaimed. "Sadly it can only have one winner. And just like our Kalos origins, you in the audience will choose the winner of today's absolutely magnifique Showcase!"

The people in the crowd either gasped or had a confused look on their faces. "If you reach under your seats..." Pierre explained. "You'll find nothing... but on your left you will find a Glow Caster!"

The crowd grabbed the Glow Caster, which had 7 switches, purple, green, red, yellow, orange, pink and blue. "Each one of the switches represents a Performer!" Pierre said. "The Performer representing each color will appear in the monitor now!"

The monitor then lit up, revealing which color represents which performer. Red is May, orange is Miette, yellow is Star, green is Drew, blue is Ellie, purple is Shauna and pink is Serena. "Vote away!" He said, causing the people of the crowd to press the switches representing the Performer they chose.

The kid in the back chose Miette... shame...

After the switch was pressed, a light ball of the same color as the switch flew out of the caster and towards the respective Performer.

After a few seconds the answers were revealed. "And the winner of the Mistralton City Pokemon Showcase is..." the monitor then counted the number of votes for each Performer. Eventually the image of only one Performer was shown on the monitor.

"SERENA!" Pierre exclaimed while the audience cheered Serena's name. Braixen and Pancham then hugged Serena, who began to tear up. Pierre then handed her the Mistralton Princess Ribbon.

Serena thanked Pierre as her and the other Performers went off stage. "Well, unfortunately we do not have confirmation on where the next Showcase will be held..." Pierre said. "So stay in touch with our MewTube channel and BONNE NUIT!" ('Good night' in French)


Serena said goodbye to her old friends and her one new friend before walking out to her friends. Ash then ran at her and gave her a big hug, Nate and Dawn shortly following him.

"THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" The three said in unison. Serena chuckled and hugged them back. "But now it's Ash's turn!" She exclaimed. Ash nodded in agreement.


Hi guys! Infinityalbi10 here! First and foremost Shoutout to MarcusMasteredMilk, amour4eva, adriennegela, frangeleizy and AmourGirl15 for following me! Thanks a ton! Phew... it's been a while hasn't it? It feels great to be back! It also feels great to say that we're halfway done! And just 10 chapters before something I'm sure you've all been shouting since Chapter 1. But that's for later ;). Next chapter's summary:

Our heroes have finally arrived at the Mistralton City Gym, and met the Flying-type Gym Leader Skyla.

However her battling style is unusual to say the least. She doesn't even battle, she just imagines the outcome of the battle and decides either to give or not to give a badge based on that.

After watching this, Nate challenges Skyla to a REAL battle, despite her claiming that he doesn't stand a chance against her with the Pokemon he chose to use.

Will Nate teach Skyla a lesson on that you can't 100% predict the outcome of a battle? Will Skyla prove herself superior to Nate? Will Ash be able to win his 6th Badge?

Find out next time... AS THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!

Thanks for reading! 😊

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