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Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...

Ash and our heroes were confronted by Marlon, the pretty idiot Gym Leader of Humilau City, who stated that they're closing the summer camp after the Darkrai incident.

Serena argues that they're strong enough to deal with any sort of threat that comes their way and battles Marlon to prove it.

After defeating him Serena earns Marlon's respect (as well as his Badge), our heroes all get Z-Rings and Z-Crystals and the camp remains open.


On their way to Icirrus City, site of Ash's 7th Unova Gym Battle Challenge, our heroes have decided to relax a bit at the Astilbe Town Pokemon Center. Serena and Dawn are just chatting and grooming their Pokemon, Nate is reading a book and Ash is admiring his Badges.

"Six Badges down, two more to go..." he whispered to himself. After a couple of minutes the girls finish their makeshift Pokemon hair saloon and Nate finishes reading his book. "Okay if this is gonna be our day off then what are we gonna do?" He asked.

"I know!" Dawn said. "We should check out the Battle Club!" "The Battle Club?" The other three asked in confusion. "Battle Clubs are facilities where Trainers go to, to test their power! I'm shocked that none of you have heard about it!" Dawn explained.

"Sounds like my kind of place!" Ash said, standing up. "Eh... why not?" Nate said before also standing up. "It might be fun! I'm in!" Serena said in her usual cheerful attitude. "Well then it's settled!" Ash said. "We're going to the Battle Club!"

After a couple of minutes of walking our heroes were able to find the Astilbe Town Battle Club and went inside it.

(Which kinda looks like an actual gym...)

Once inside the battlefield they immediately noticed that a Doubles Battle was taking place. One of the Trainers was a girl with red hair and orange-ish eyes. She was wearing a green hat, a yellow scarf around her neck, and a yellowish-green attire.

Her two Pokemon were Chespin and a yellow-flower Flabébé.

Her opponent was a guy with orange hair and dark-yellow eyes. He was wearing a white sleeve-less shirt under a black sleeve-less jacket, red long pants and black boots.

His two Pokemon were an Incineroar and a Midnight Lycanroc.

"CHESPIE USE VINE WHIP ON LYCANROC AND BÉBÉ USE MOONBLAST ON INCINEROAR!" The girl commanded. Two light green vines come out from each side of Chespin's head and both vines were flung towards Lycanroc like whips. Flabébé gathers energy from the moon. It then forms an orb of pink energy from its mouth and fires it at Incineroar.

The other Trainer barely flinched at the sound of the Super Effective attacks and simply snapped his fingers. Incineroar creates a flame in the shape of an open pair of teeth, which then chomps down on Flabébé's Mooblast.

When Midnight Form Lycanroc got hit by Chespin's Vine Whip, it became surrounded by a multicolored aura and charged at Chespin, punching it and sending it flying backwards.

"OH NO CHESPIE!" The girl cried out in worry. "Your Chespin is the least of your worries now!" The other Trainer exclaimed. "DARKEST LARIAT!" He commanded. Both of Incineroar's hands become covered in yellow-orange fire. It then starts spinning rapidly while holding out its hands, spinning into Flabébé and sending it flying backwards.

"BÉBÉ!" She cried out in worry. When the dust cleared, both Chespin and Flabébé were knocked out cold. "Chespin and Flabébé are unable to battle!" Exclaimed the Referee, which just so happened to be Don George. "Incineroar and Lycanroc win! Which means that Cross is the victor!"

The girl returned both her Pokemon to their Pokeballs and ran away to treat them. "Woah... that guy sure is strong..." Ash said in awe. "Okay ladies and gentlemen!" Don George said. "We're going to take a short break. After that the Battle Club will be open for battles again!"

A couple of minutes later our heroes were at the Battle Club's cafeteria. Ash, as usual, was eating his meal like a food vacuum (there's a thought 😂). "And mom said I eat quickly..." Nate whispered. All of their Pokemon were out as well, eating their Pokemon food and Serena's home-baked Pokepuffs, which everyone seemed to enjoy.

Despite the loud chatting Ash's Rockruff was able to notice something from the far end of a corridor. Rockruff, being the nosey dog it is, decided to investigate. "Hey Rockruff! Where're you going?" Ash asks while swallowing his food.

After Rockruff didn't listen and kept sniffing its way to the sound it heard, Ash and the others decided to pursuit. After a couple of seconds, Rockruff saw what caught its attention. It was Cross and the other girl, who was looking a bit uncomfortable.

After Ash and the gang saw what Rockruff was hinting at, they decided to investigate. After walking a bit closer they could overhear (or eavesdrop) on what was going on.

"Come on Mairin you know the rules when you battle me!" Cross said with barely any emotion on his face. "No way! I'm not giving you my Pokemon!" Mairin screamed at him. "You didn't think I'd battle you for free now did you?" Cross replied. "NOW PAY UP!" He growled, frightening Mairin and causing her to fall.

Ash and Serena both gritted their teeth before pouncing their way to Cross. "HEY!" They both yelled, catching Cross' attention. "What do you think you're doing?!" "Getting my payment for battling her..." Cross said coldly. "PAYMENT?!" Ash growled. "You don't steal other people's Pokemon if they lose to you! How do you even call yourself a Trainer?!"

At that moment Cross' Lycanroc appeared and tackled Ash to the ground (it didn't use the move Tackle though). "ASH!" Serena exclaimed as she rushed to his aid. Cross then walked up to Ash and glared at him. "Listen to me weakling!" He growled. "I'm the most powerful Trainer on the world! How dare you even question my methods!"

At that moment Ash's Rockruff bit down on Cross' arm causing him to scream, fall to the ground and throw Rockruff back to Ash, which in turn preceded to growl at Cross. Cross and Rockruff stared to each other's eyes for a couple more seconds, and after a while Rockruff's eyes widened in realisation.



A couple of weeks back Cross and Rockruff were walking around the Unova Region. Rockruff had no idea where they were going but Cross had one, very specific idea in mind.

They were walking along Route 4, on their way to Unova's Desert Resort. Once there Cross grabbed Rockruff and placed it on a rock.

"Well... goodbye now..." he said before walking away. Rockruff was confused and so it followed Cross, thinking they were still partners. "It's not working anymore..." Cross said as he picked Rockruff up again. "You're too weak..." Cross then placed Rockruff on the same rock and tied a collar around Rockruff and around the heavy rock.

After Cross started walking away Rockruff realised that it's being abandoned. It's eyes filled up with fear and tears as it desperately tried to yank the collar off of the rock and chase after its Trainer. But it was to no use, Cross was already out of sight, leaving Rockruff to cry on the rock.


Ash and Serena then heard Rockruff start to whimper. "Rockruff what's wrong?" Ash asked as he went over to comfort his Pokemon. Serena then remembered something. "Hey Ash. Didn't Nate's Lucario say that Rockruff had a previous Trainer?" (Chapter 12)

It took a moment for Ash to realize what was going on but then he put two and two together. His eyes widened as he stood up. "YOU'RE ROCKRUFF'S ORIGINAL TRAINER?!" He demanded to know. Cross just stared at the whimpering Rockruff and shrugged. "I knew I saw this pathetic little face before..."

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Ash growled. "Power is what battling is all about..." Cross said. "If your Pokemon don't have enough power, you leave them be and look for something stronger. And if they don't leave you alone, pretend that you're heartbroken and they'll leave you be..."

Ash, Serena and especially Rockruff were shocked by what they heard. Ash's face seemed like it was about to explode with rage. "I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH ANY OF THIS!" He growled. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DOUBLES BATTLE TODAY AT DUSK! If I win, you have to apologize to Rockruff and stop doing these horrible things!"

"Fine by me..." Cross shrugged. "But WHEN I win, you're gonna have to admit that I was right..." "DEAL!" Ash exclaimed. "Then it's settled!" Don George suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "The battle will begin at dusk!"

(At dusk)

"Alright then listen up!" Don George said as he walked up to the referee stand. "The battle between Ash and Cross is about to get underway! This is a Doubles Battle! The battle will be over as soon as both Pokemon from either side are unable to continue. Substitutions are not allowed! Please bring out your Pokemon!"

Ash then grabbed two Pokeballs from his belt. "ROCKRUFF! EEVEE! I CHOOSE YOU!" He exclaimed ash he hurled both Pokeballs forward, releasing both of his Pokemon. "INCINEROAR AND LYCANROC! BATTLE FOR ME!" Cross exclaimed while throwing his Pokeballs forward, releasing both of his Pokemon.

"Alright then... LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" Don George exclaimed while bringing both of his arms down, allowing the battle to officially begin. "ROCKRUFF! USE ROCK THROW AND EEVEE USE SWIFT!" Ash made the first command.

Despite Cross being Rockruff's OT (Original Trainer), after hearing that he never cared about it made Rockruff much more eager to attack him and his Pokemon.

The rocks around Rockruff's neck glow white and a multi-colored orb appears on its tail. The orb dissolves into multiple sparkles that turn into rocks with a white glow around them, which Rockruff then fires at its opponents.

Simultaneously, Eevee's tail glows white and multiple golden-yellow stars with golden sparkles around them come out from its tail traveling towards its opponents.

Despite both attacks actually hitting their targets, Cross seemed uninterested, as if he knows that he's going to win. Unbeknownst to him though, his Pokemon have taken more damage than he thought.

"SNARL AND FLAMETHROWER!" He commanded. Lycanroc crosses its arms and then slashes its arms forward. A purple ball of energy is fired from in front of Lycanroc's body and grows in size until it turns into a hemisphere and runs along with top of ground until it hits both Rockruff and Eevee and creates an explosion on impact.

Before Ash could react though, Incineroar released a stream of red-orange fire from its flaming belt at Rockruff. Despite Rockruff being the target, Eevee jumped on the Flamethrower's way, taking it head on. "EEVEE NO!" Ash cried out as Eevee was engulfed in an explosion.

When the dust cleared, Eevee was knocked out cold. "Eevee is unable to battle!" Upon hearing these words, Rockruff ran over to Eevee, together with Ash. Rockruff licked Eevee a couple of times until it woke up, much to Rockruff's relief.

"Kay Eevee ret... huh?" Ash was about to return Eevee to its Pokeball when it protested. "Are you saying you want to watch Rockruff battle?" Ash asked, to which Eevee simply nodded. "Kay! Then let's give Eevee a real show!" Ash exclaimed.

"You're wasting your time!" Cross exclaimed. "If a Pokemon is weak, no amount of Training can change that..." Ash and Rockruff gritted their teeth, remembering how Trip used to say stuff like this.

Ash was about to call out for another command when something strange happened. Rockruff seemed to be mesmerized by the sunset. Even though it's a spectacle, it's not worth risking a beating. Despite this, Rockruff kept staring until a green light was seen at the horizon. Rockruff's eyes glowed a matching color before hopping back to the battlefield, giving a supersonic howl and starting to glow green.

Rockruff's body glow intensified as its body was growing and changing. When the glow dissipated, a different Pokemon stood instead of Rockruff.

It resembles a quadruped, orange-gold wolf. It had a white underbelly that extends up around its muzzle and eyes in a mask-like marking. It has pointed ears with dark brown tips and pink insides, big green eyes, and a triangular, dark brown nose. There are four sharp fangs in its mouth: two in the upper jaw and two in the lower. Large tufts of brown fur extend from the sides of its head; three tufts on each side. A bushy, white mane covers its neck. Four dark brown rocks poke out of its mane, creating a shape similar to a stylized sun. The lower portions of this form's legs are white, and each foot has three dark brown claws. It also has a long, fluffy white tail.

The Pokemon let out a mighty roar as it stood up, ready to battle its former Trainer. "Rockruff... you evolved...?" Ash muttered in shock and awe, before checking his Pokedex.


Lycanroc, the Wolf Pokemon. And the Evolved form of Rockruff.

Lycanroc has two different forms based on when it evolves. It evolves into Midday Form Lycanroc during the day and Midnight Form Lycanroc during the night. Furthermore, when it gets close to evolving, Rockruff's temperament becomes more aggressive, and it tends to act more independent. It's common for it to disappear and then return after it has evolved.


"But my Lycanroc doesn't look like either its Midday or its Midnight form..." Ash murmured. "So that must mean its a new form! Great job Lycanroc!" Ash exclaimed before praising his newly-evolved Pokemon, which smiled back.

"Evolving won't change the fact that you're weak!" Cross growled. "CRUSH CLAW AND CROSS CHOP!" He commanded. Cross' Lycanroc's claws glow red and it rushes over to smash its claws down onto Ash's Lycanroc.

Simultaneously, Incineroar crosses its arms to form an "X" and runs up towards Ash's Lycanroc. "USE ROCK POLISH TO DODGE!" Ash commanded. Instead, Lycanroc surrounded itself in a white aura and then slams itself into Incineroar at a high speed, causing it to fly back onto Cross' Lycanroc.

"AWESOME! LYCANROC JUST LEARNED ACCELEROCK!" Ash exclaimed. "LET'S GO! USE ROCK THROW!" He commanded. Lycanroc releases circular multi-colored waves from its body, white orbs of aura appear in front of itself, before rocks form inside the orbs, leaving a white glow around the rocks. It then shoots the rocks towards both opponents.

"INCINEROAR! DARKEST LARIAT!" Cross commanded. Incineroar used its Dark-type signature moves to deflect the rocks back at Lycanroc. "DODGE IT!" Ash commanded. Lycanroc preceded to do just that as it hopped around, dodging the rocks.

One particular rock then caught Lycanroc's eye and instead of dodging it it charged towards it and caught it with its teeth. It then brought the stone back to Ash. "Huh? What you got there Lycanroc?" He asked before Lycanroc placed the weird-looking stone in Ash's hand.

The rock was diamond-shaped, with two smaller diamonds on the sides, and it was tan in color. On the center was etched the image of a Lycanroc.

Ash just stared at the weird looking stone in awe. 'Is that a... Z-Crystal?' He thought. "GIVEN UP EH?!" Cross teased from across the battlefield. "Too bad! SNARL AND FLAMETHROWER!" He commanded. Cross' two Pokemon unleashed their attacks.

"USE STONE EDGE AS A SHIELD!" Ash commanded. Lycanroc stood up on its hind legs and an orange aura surrounds its body. It then slammed its front paws onto the ground, causing multiple jagged light blue stones to come out of the ground, moving towards the two attacks and blocking them.

At the same moment Ash told Lycanroc to use the move, he realized that the Z-Crystal began to glow an orange-brown light, as if the move and the crystal were somehow connected. "We gotta try this Lycanroc!" Ash exclaimed, causing Lycanroc to nod in agreement.

Without wasting a second Ash slapped the crystal in his Z-Power Ring. "LET'S DO THIS!" He exclaimed before crossing his arms together in the shape of an 'X', causing the crystal to glow and the same orange-brown from before to surround him. He then spread his arms to the sides of his body, moving them in a semi-circle formation. He then brought his arms forward, one on top of the other.

He then stroke a pose like he was trying to show how strong he was (best way I can think of to describe this), before turning around, getting on one knee facing his right and striking a pose.

The light that surrounded Ash then went over to Lycanroc, surrounding it and making the same 'Z'-like shape to appear before him. "Let's show him the power of the sun and the moon combined Lycanroc!" Ash exclaimed.

Lycanroc then breaks the ground around it, causing shards of rocks to get thrown into the air and fly upwards. "Time to show you that power is not everything in battle!" Ash exclaimed.

"SPLINTERED..." Lycanroc then jumps up with the shards as they stop and then point towards Incineroar and Lycanroc.

"STORM..." Lycanroc and the shards then shoot towards its two opponents.

"SHARDS!" Ash's Lycanroc lands on the ground behind Incineroar and Cross's Lycanroc as the shards strike them behind it, creating a huge explosion, with Lycanroc barely flinching.

Ash's Lycanroc then jumped back to Ash, who preceded to pet Lycanroc's mane and congratulate it on a job well done. When the dust finally settled, both of Cross' Pokemon were lying on the ground, knocked out cold.

"Incineroar and Cross' Lycanroc are unable to continue!" Exclaimed Don George. "Ash and his Lycanroc win!" "ALRIGHT! WAY TO GO LYCANROC!" Ash exclaimed while hugging Lycanroc. After Cross returned both of his Pokemon to their Pokeballs he had a malicious grin on his face.

"You know what... you were right!" Cross said as he walked over to Ash's Lycanroc, much to their shock. "Sorry Lycanroc. I was wrong to say you were weak and I hope you'll forgive me... hey I know! Since you haven't been able to forget me after all this time, why don't you come back to the team? We'll be great! Give up on this loser Trainer and come with me! We'll reach the top with our combined power!"

Cross then extended his arm over to Lycanroc. "What do you say?" He asked, with the most genuine tone he could muster. Lycanroc seemed interested enough, seeing as to how its old Trainer wanted it back. But trickery is a double-edged sword because instead of coming with Cross, Lycanroc's eyes turned red and it bit down on Cross' arm.

"You see! Lycanroc's part of the family. Looks like we're staying a team!" Ash said before kneeling down next to Lycanroc and scratching its stomach. Cross growled, both in pain and in anger, and he stomped away, swearing to make them pay.


Hey guys! Infinityalbi10 here! As always big shoutout to yomozuki, Vivekyadav449 and my little bro SuperMega800 for following me! Thanks a ton you wonderful guys and gals.

First of all, I've been waiting to write this chapter for so long and now it's finally here! YAY! Second of all, you might've noticed Mairin was in this chapter (totally understandable if you missed her the first time you read this but trust me! She's there! 😂), and so you might be wondering if Alain will make an appearance.

Well, I originally intended for him to not show up... but after thinking about it I can safely tell that not only he will, but he'll also be a big obstacle for Ash to beat the League. If KevinSchomaker is reading this and if you've already figured it out... PLEASE don't spoil it!

Anyways now that Ash has used his first Z-Move let's move on to next chapter's summary:

With Iccirus City on their minds and a newly-evolved partner on their hands, our heroes were ambushed by Attila and Hun, the Team Plasma Grunts who attacked Leaf and Iris. (Chapters 18 and 24)

After getting help from a new Trainer named Amber, our heroes are able to scare them off, but are confronted by the leader of Team Plasma, Ghetsis, and his daughter...

Will our heroes be able to defeat Ghetsis? What does he have in store for them? Why is the girl with Ghetsis somehow more easy to hate than Miette?

Find out next time... AS THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!

Thanks for reading! 😊

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