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Previously in Pokemon Chaos and Order...

Our heroes have arrived in Opelucid City where Ash hopes to win his 8th and final Gym Badge to be qualified for the Unova League.

Unfortunately they bumped into someone they didn't want to meet, Trip. After going a bit nuts, Ash and Trip have a battle, Greninja vs. Serperior.

During the battle, Ash demonstrates his new ability, but the battle is interrupted by Hunter J. After failing her missions, Red, Gary, Leaf and the "Rocket Twins" show up and finish her off.


"There it is!" Ash states with pride and excitement as he stares at a medieval-looking building with dragon statues decorating the outside.

"The Opelucid City Gym!" Ash exclaims as he looks at Pikachu on his shoulder. "Let's give the Gym Leader a battle he'll never forget!" "Pika!" Pikachu answered with an excited arm pump. Like with the Driftveil Gym, Ash's friends were already inside when he walked in.

Just like the outside, the inside of the Gym was decorated with medieval style architecture, with dragon statues covering the walls.

"Ash!" Serena waved to him from the audience stand of the Gym. Ash waved back before the door on the Gym Leader's side of the Battlefield opened, revealing the silhouette of the Gym Leader.

Ash adjusted his cap. "My name is Ash Ketchum!" He stated. "I've come a long way from the start of my journey to here! And I'm hoping to win your badge so I can enter and beat the Unova League!" "Pika Pikachu!"

The Gym Leader let out a chuckle, and the Gym Leader's voice was a little more higher pitch than what Ash was expecting. "You really think you can beat me now?" The Gym Leader said as they stepped forward into the light.

"You're such an overconfident kid!" Iris said as she walked over to her side of the Battlefield. "Iris?!" Ash, Serena, Nate and Dawn said simultaneously in shock. "Why are you so surprised?" Iris asked. "I said I was training to become a Dragon Master. And I'm related to the Gym Leader!"

"Who's that?" Red whispered into Gary's ear. "I have no idea..." Gary answered. "Maybe an ex-girlfriend..." Leaf added. "Ashy-Boy? I don't think so..." Gary returned.

Ash stepped to his side of the Battlefield. "It's fine by me that you're the Gym Leader..." he said nonchalantly. "What's important is that I get the Badge!" Iris chuckled before drawing out a Pokeball. "Okay then, if you want to be beaten that badly... DRAGONITE! LET'S GO!" She exclaimed as she hurled her Pokeball forward, releasing her first Pokemon.

It was a draconic, bipedal Pokemon with light orange skin. It has large, grayish-green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head, with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is cream-colored, and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail. It has thick arms and legs ending in three claws each. The leg joints are well defined, while its arms have a smooth, rounded appearance. Its wings are small relative to its body, with teal wing membranes.

"DRAGO NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE!" Dragonite roared powerfully, causing Ash to flinch. 'Whoa a Dragonite!' Ash thought before checking the Pokedex.


Dragonite, the Dragon Pokemon, and the Evolved form of Dragonair.

Dragonite is said to live in the sea. With its small wings and large body, it can fly faster than the speed of sound.


"So your Dragonair evolved..." Ash murmured. He then turned over to Pikachu. "Dragonite sure seems like a powerful Pokemon!" He said. "But it won't be the first time you beat one! What do you say buddy?" Without even answering, Pikachu jumped over to the battlefield. "Alright then, Pikachu's my first Pokemon!" Ash said.

The referee then stepped onto the referee stand. The referee was in fact, the previous Gym Leader of the Opelucid Gym, Drayden.

"Alright!" He said. "The Gym Battle between the Opelucid City Gym Leader, Iris, and Ash the challenger is about to get underway. This is a two-on-two Battle. The battle will be over as soon as both Pokemon of either side are unable to continue. In addition, only the Challenger will be allowed to substitute. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" Drayden brought his arms down.

"Okay Pikachu use Thunderbolt go!" Ash gave the first command of the battle. Pikachu jumped high in the air and its body became surrounded with yellow electricity. It then fired a large yellow, blue and purple bolt of electricity from its body at Dragonite.

Iris' confident smirk didn't fade from her face though. "Use Thunder Punch!" She commanded. Dragonite's fist is surrounded by yellow sparks, which grow into a ball of electrical energy. Dragonite then punches the approaching Thunderbolt attack, completely countering it.

"WHAT THE...?!" Ash exclaimed in shock (no pun intended). "Alright then use Electro Ball!" He commanded. Pikachu's body becomes surrounded in yellow electricity and multiple blue sparks come off its body. All the electricity then condenses at Pikachu's tail and forms into an yellow-white orb of electricity with sparks of blue electricity coming off it. Pikachu then jumps high in the air, does a side flip and hurls the ball of electricity at Dragonite.

"BLIZZARD!" Iris commanded suddenly. Dragonite then rapidly flapped its wings, releasing strong cold winds, surrounded by snowflakes and shards of ice, to blow towards Pikachu’s Electro Ball, freezing it. "Now Iron Tail!" Ash commanded.

Pikachu's tail then flashed blue and white before transforming into metal. Pikachu then slapped the frozen Electro Ball with its tail, sending it flying towards Dragonite and hitting it in the chest.

Before long Iris gave out another command. "Use Dragon Rush!" Streams of bright blue aura start to form around Dragonite's body and then they grow and cover most of its body, with a black shadowy aura inside the bright blue and purple aura as it grows. Dragonite then flies high in the air before rushing at Pikachu with incredible speed, slamming into it with full force.

Pikachu is then sent flying against a nearby wall with so much force the brick wall cracks. "PIKACHU!" Ash calls out in worry for his partner. Pikachu tried to keep up and crawl back to the Battlefield, but the strain on its body was to great, and it collapsed.

"Pikachu is unable to battle!" Drayden says. "Dragonite is the winner, round 1 goes to Iris!" Ash then rushed over to his Pikachu and kneels down next to it.

Ash then pets Pikachu on its tail, waking it up. "You did an amazing job Pikachu..." Ash said, giving out a weak smile. "I don't care how it looks, Dragonite definitely took damage from your frozen Electro Ball. So take a good rest Kay?"

"Pi... Ka..." Pikachu squeaked weakly before Ash took it in his arms. He headed over to the audience stand and handed Pikachu to Serena. "Can you keep it safe?" He asked. "Of course Ash..." Serena replied before gently wrapping her arms around Pikachu. "Show her what you're made of!" She whispered before giving Ash a wink.

Ash's face flashed red but he ran to the Battlefield before Serena could notice. "Okay. Maybe now you have a point..." Gary whispered to Red and Leaf. "I've never seen Ashy-Boy blush like that..." "He's not so dense anymore..." Red joked.

Ash stepped onto his side of the Battlefield and drew out his second Pokeball. "Its all on you now..." Ash whispered as he brought the Pokeball close to his face. "GRENINJA! I CHOOSE YOU!" Ash exclaimed before hurling his Pokeball forward, releasing his Greninja.

"Okay then. Let's see what you're made of..." Iris said. "Dragonite! Use Thunder Punch!" She commanded. Dragonite then electrified its fist again and rushed over to Greninja, ready to punch it. "Counter it with Ice Punch!" Ash commanded.

Greninja's fist becomes surrounded by cyan sparks, which grow into a cyan and white ball of energy, surrounded by snowflakes. Greninja then pulls back its fist and as soon as Dragonite came to punch it, it retaliated by fist-bumping Dragonite with its Ice Punch.

Both Pokemon struggled for control, but both eventually gave out and were sent flying backwards. "Water Shuriken!" Ash commanded.

Greninja put its hands in front of the shuriken-shaped part of its legs. A swirl of water then appears in front of each of its hands, forming into orbs and eventually into blue sharp-edged throwing stars. Greninja then threw the throwing stars at Dragonite, both of them hitting their target.

"Use Flamethrower!" Iris commanded. Dragonite takes a deep breath before breathing out a red-orange stream of fire from its mouth at Greninja. "Night Slash!" Ash commanded.

Greninja then spread its arms apart (kinda like Wolverine). Greninja's hands then became surrounded by a black and red aura with a purple outline. Greninja then charged at Dragonite, leaving purple/red streaks of energy behind its hands. Greninja then slashed Dragonite's Flamethrower, creating a show of sparkles.

"BLIZZARD!" Iris commanded suddenly. Dragonite then rapidly flapped its wings, releasing strong cold winds, surrounded by snowflakes and shards of ice, to blow towards Greninja. Greninja crossed its arms together in an 'X' shape, trying to keep its footing as small chunks of its body become encased in ice.

Ash then began to shiver and his breath was visible. "G... g... g... g... Greninja..." Ash said, shivering uncontrollably. "We... c... c... c... can't... b... be... be... beat her... like th... this..." Ash and Greninja then threw their arms sideways, Ash shaking off the cold and Greninja shaking off the frozen parts of its body. "Stronger and stronger... HERE WE GO!" Ash exclaimed while synchronizing his movements with Greninja.

Greninja became surrounded by a mystical veil of water, which eventually forms a whirlpool around it. Iris, Dragonite, Drayden, Red, Gary, Leaf, Jessie, James and Meowth were in shock. "What's going on?!" Red asked in desperation. He soon got his answer though.

The water vortex surrounding Greninja blew up into a million water droplets. The water droplets then began to move until they formed four swirls of water on Greninja's back. The swirls form an orb and eventually a giant Water Shuriken. Greninja stands up, its appearance altered. Ash and Greninja then open their eyes together, which flashed red.

'Is that... the Battle Bond Phenomena?' Drayden thought, unsure if he's seeing the situation correctly. "Aerial Ace!" Ash commanded, his voice booming and echoing. Greninja locked its eyes with Dragonite before its body was surrounded by a white outline. Greninja then began to hover before dashing at Dragonite with unimaginable speed, slashing it several times.

Without giving Iris time to Retaliate, Ash gave his Greninja another command. "WATER SHURIKEN NOW!" He exclaimed. Greninja's body was then temporarily covered by another water vortex. Ash and Greninja then moved in unison, creating and orb in front of Greninja before launching it towards Dragonite, the orb flattening into a sharp-edged disc (sounds familiar?)

(Chapter 37)

Dragonite tried to dodge but the sharp-edged water disc was too fast, and it hit Dragonite square in the chest. "WHILE ITS STILL SURROUNDED BY WATER!" Iris shouted. "USE BLIZZARD!"

Dragonite the whipped out another Blizzard, causing the water vortex surrounding Greninja to get frozen solid. Ash was about to cry out in worry but his body froze, keeping him immobilized.

"NOW THUNDER PUNCH!" Iris commanded. Dragonite electrified its fist again, and once again it charged towards Greninja. Before Dragonite could punch the frozen water vortex, Ash's body began to spasm as cracks appeared in the surface of the ice.

"What's going on?!" Serena asked, her voice filled with worry. "Pika Pika!" The slightly recovered Pikachu squeaked, still being held by Serena. When Dragonite's fist was no more than an inch (2.54 cm) from the frozen vortex, the ice shattered, hitting Dragonite and making it flinch.

Greninja was panting uncontrollably, but it had a crazed look in its glowing red eyes. Greninja's and Ash's body then began to spasm in unison, before Ash's eyes also started to glow red. Ash's and Greninja's bodies then stopped spasming, and a purple shadowy aura surrounded the two.

"We are not going to lose to you!" Ash exclaimed, his echoing voice sounding more angry... almost demonic. "NIGHT SLASH!" Ash commanded. Ash and Greninja moved in unison as they pulled back one of their arms. A purple and red blade then materializes in the palm of Greninja's pulled back hand. Before charging forward, Greninja held the blade with both its hands, the blade growing and changing, transforming into a battle axe.

Greninja then charged at Dragonite, Night Slash battle axe in hand, and it narrowly misses slashing Dragonite's throat. "DRAGONITE! THUNDER PUNCH!" Iris commanded. Dragonite electrified its fist one more time. It then punches the crazed Greninja in the stomach, sending it flying backwards.

Ash and Greninja clutched their stomachs before yellow sparks began to crackle all around Greninja's body, signifying that it's paralyzed. "That won't stop me!" Ash exclaimed before making a motion that resembles that of someone tearing apart metal chains that are binding them.

Greninja then did the same motion as Ash, as a light-green energy surrounds its body, curing it from paralysis before disappearing. "ICE PUNCH!" Ash commanded. Greninja then slams its fists together, causing both of them to become encased in ice. Greninja then charges at Dragonite and repeatedly punches it in the face, chest and stomach.

"I can't take this anymore! Hold Pikachu for me!" Serena said before handing Pikachu to Nate. "Serena! What are you doing?!" Nate asked as Serena hopped off of the audience stand and ran towards Ash. As usual, Ash was doing the same motion as Greninja, and was repeatedly punching the air next to him.

"ASH STOP!" She shouted as she grabbed Ash's wrist. When she grabbed Ash's wrist, Greninja's fist became immobilized. However, as soon as Serena touched Ash's fist, she felt a surge of energy go through her and the world around her became dark and distorted, and the floor beneath her transformed into water.

Ash turned to look at her with his red eyes. "THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU SERENA!" He shouted, causing her to take a step back. "Don't interfere with my affairs!" He continued. "Ash listen to me! You're being too harsh!" She exclaimed. "Dragonite already battled Pikachu, and now you're beating it way too much!" Tears started to form in her eyes.

"It's its fault for being that weak!" Ash barked before pulling back his fist, ready to deliver the finishing blow. "DON'T DO IT! YOU SOUND JUST LIKE TRIP!" She shouted. Ash stopped its fist right in its tracks and his eyes widened. The shadowy aura surrounding him subsided and his eyes returned to normal.

He then look at his hands, shaking in fear and in confusion. "What... what am I doing...?" He said in a shaky voice. He then dropped to his knees and started to weep. "WHAT AM I DOING?!" He cried out before punching the ground.

Serena put her hand on Ash's shoulder, her worries off the chart. "I'm... I'm sorry..." was all Ash could say as he looked down, ashamed. "What happened Ash...?" Serena asked with a soothing tone. "I... I don't know..." Ash said before a tear fell down to the watery floor.


Serena was about to say something else when she felt the sensation in her hand go numb. She looked down on her hand and to her horror, she saw that it was transforming into water and it beginning to spread to the rest if her body.

"ASH! HELP ME!" She cried out. Ash shot her a quick glance and his eyes widened. "SERENA!" He cried out before running towards her. As soon as he was about to reach her, her whole body turned to water and her image dissolved back to the ground.

After seeing this, Ash couldn't help but let his tears flow. "S... Serena..." he wept as the tears flowed through his face, falling towards the ground.

Splat... splat... splat...

When Ash opened his eyes, he was back at the Opelucid Gym battlefield, Serena still holding his wrist, though her eyes were still closed. The shadowy aura that was surrounding Greninja had already dissipated and it took a step back.

"Serena...?" Ash asked as he looked at the girl who was still holding his wrist. She opened her eyes, apparently in just as much shock as Ash. "Ash...?" She said back, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry..." was all Ash could say before he collapsed in her arms and hugging her tightly.

Serena of course, blushed like crazy at this act, but soon composed herself and returned the hug. Greninja then reverted back to its normal form and collapsed to its knees. Ash's knees then also gave out as he hugged Serena tighter.

After a few seconds, which felt like an eternity to the two, Ash parted the hug. "I'm sorry for losing control..." Ash said. "I don't know how it happened or why I couldn't stop myself. But now that I'm not crazy I can only do one rational thing... I forfeit..." Ash finally said after a long pause.

Ash began to walk away from the Battlefield and Greninja followed shortly behind him. Suddenly, Dragonite's eyes flashed red and a look of 'oh no you don't' came to its face. It quickly stood up.

Streams of bright blue aura start to form around Dragonite's body and then they grow and cover most of its body, with a black shadowy aura inside the bright blue aura as it grows, and then Dragonite rushes into Greninja. Iris gasped. "DRAGONITE STOP!" But it was too late.

When Greninja turned to look at Dragonite, its Dragon Rush already hit it, and Greninja was sent flying against the wall with so much force it broke a hole through the wall.

"GRENINJA!" Ash yelled, worried about his partners well-being. However, he had problems of his own. He felt shortness of breath and a heavy weigh around his chest. He felt paralyzed and mute, like he was having sleep paralysis, but he was wide awake. Though he wouldn't stay awake for long, as he felt his vision blur and his limbs give up, as he collapsed to the ground.

The last thing Ash heard before losing consciousness was Serena calling out his name, worried sick and next thing he knows he's in an ambulance, heading towards the nearest hospital.


Hey guys! Infinityalbi10 here! Big shoutout to Ash-Greninja-Xyz for following me! Thank you. So... it's been a while... I said I was taking a break and that break officially ends today! I freaking love this story but I want to get to the end because I want my work to be complete. Anyways here's the summary for the next Chapter (which should come out either later today or tomorrow):

After his loss against the Opelucid City Gym Leader Iris, Ash wakes up in a hospital, following a synchronized fainting with Greninja.

Ash felt the strain of his first loss in years get to him, and feeling ashamed, guilty and unworthy, Ash decides to abandon the group and heads over to Route 10 to think things over. When Serena and Greninja search for him, and the former eventually finds herself in danger what will Ash do?

Will he be able to save Serena before he loses control again? What is the source of Greninja's new ability?

Find out next time... AS THE JOURNEY CONTINUES!

Thanks for reading! 😊

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