Rules, Form

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In this roleplay we are doing chains. I'll make the first roleplay chapter when I think it's time.


■ No swearing!

■ No inappropriate activities! This is a CLEAN roleplay and I want to keep it that way!

■ Bully the character, not the roleplayer!

■ This is a pokemon only roleplay!

■ No op ocs or Mary Sues/Gary Sues!

■ You can have as many ocs as you want as long as each has a form! I really don't care how many. Go crazy! It's a city! It is the definition of crazy!

■ Follow the rules or else!

I might add a few more later.

Any rule-breaking will result in punishment!

Ok, now forms!

Btw, shiny, legendary, and mythical (is that how you spell it?) pokemon are absolutely fine! (Get it? ABSOLutely? Hahahahahahaha why)

Nickname (Optional):
Stage (Child, Teenager, Adult):
Backstory (Optional):
Extra (Optional):

And here is my oc!

Name: Tara
Nickname: None
Pokemon: Sylveon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Stage: Teenager
Backstory: Unknown
Extra: She moved to the city because she was used to crazy from living with her family.
Looks: A sylveon with a yellow necklace.

That's all for now! See ya when I see ya!

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