Chapter 1

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Ace:" Dodge and use double kick!" Ace yelled pointing at a wild Buneary, the Buneary dodge the kick, before kicking chimchar back, Chimchar fell on its back, before blowing fire out of its mouth burning the buneary, Ace then threw a Pokeball at it.

Ace smiled before looking over at Veruka, he smiled and picked her up hugging her, she hugged him back.

Veruka:" Chimchar!"

Ace:" What should we name her? Hm..." Ace said thinking to himself, he snapped his fingers pointing at Veruka, Veruka tilted her head slightly.

Ace:" How about Bunny!" Ace said excitedly, Veruka looked at Ace with an unamused look before Ace sighed.

Ace:" Fine...How about Lola" Ace said looking at Veruka, Veruka nodded her head and smiled, Ace smiled before holding out his hand, Veruka jumped on his arm and climbed onto his shoulder, Ace called his Buneary Lola out of her Pokeball, she came out of the ball looking around, Ace then kneeled beside her.

Ace:" Hello Lola, I am girl trainer Ace!" Ace said with a smile on his face, Buneary just looked at him, Ace softly petted her hair, before Veruka jumped off his shoulder.

Veruka:" Chimchar! Chimchar!" Veruka said talking to Lola, Lola nodded her head and smiled, Ace reached into his pocket pulling out two rare pokebeans, he then gave them both to Veruka and Lola.

Lola;" Buneary!!" Lola said happily, both Veruka and Lola hugged Ace's leg before he patted them on the head, they all heard a rustled within a nearby bush, Ace then walked towards the sound and peeked behind the bush seeing a small gravestone with the name.

Ace:" Soul..." Ace said looking at the gravestone, he then watched as a pokemon walked out from behind the gravestone, he looked at him before yawning, Ace then took out his Pokedex, and tried recording.

Pokedèx:" Zorua, The Spiteful Fox Pokémon " Ace heard the Pokédex say, Ace then brought out another Pokéball, he then threw it at the Zorua smirking, he watched as it hit and bounced off of the Zorua.

Ace:" What!" Ace said, the Zorua glared looking at Ace and his two Pokémon, the Zorua then headbutted Ace making him fall over, Veruka then tried to kick the Zorua with Hi-Jump Kick, but hurt itself as she phased through the Zorua, Lola tried to pounce on it but missed.

The Zorua bit Lola which made Lola flinch, Zorua then used shadow ball on Veruka, Veruka dodged and watched as the pokemon had fled, Ace looked over at his Pokémon with concern.

Ace:" Are you both okay? Lola, Veruka?" Ace said, Veruka and Lola nodded their heads, Ace than picked them both up and ran back to Twinleaf Town.

~ Adam p.o.v ~

Dawn:" Come on! It'll be fun!... You promised me that you'll start a new adventure with me..."

Adam;" No," Adam said walking with Koan on his shoulder, she looked over at and saw a mysterious pokemon running towards them.

Chibiusa:" Scor!" Chibiusa yelled pointing at the Mysterious Pokémon, Adam turned and saw the white and red pokemon rum towards him, Adam pointed at the Pokémon before Chibiusa jumped off his shoulder and tried to kick it, Chibiusa use watched as she kicked through the pokemon.

Adam:" What!?" Adam said a bit surprised, he then was tackled by the pokemon, he fell onto his back with the pokemon standing on top of him, the Pokémon looked at him.

Adam:" ... "

Dawn:" What does it want? What even is it?" Dawn asked looking at the Pokémon, down took a picture of it and recorded it on her Pokedex.

Dawn:" Zorua, The Spiteful Fox Pokémon," Dawn said reading the Pokedex, Adam then looked at it.

Adam:" S...Soul?" Adam said looking at the Zorua, it nodded its head and began to lick his face Adam smiled brightly and hugged it.

Dawn:" Wait you know this Pokémon?" Dawn said looking at Adam, Adam nodded his head before looking at it.

Adam:" Soul...Why do you look so different?" Adam said looking at Soul, Soul looked down sadly before looking at Adam, Adam just held soul close to him closing his eyes.

Adam:" I promise we'll never be apart again..."

Chibiusa:" Scor! Scor Bunny!" Chibiusa said happily meeting Soul, Soul nodded her head smiling, Adam than brought out Soul's old Pokeball and pressed the button on it watching as she went back into her Pokeball, Adam than called her out putting the Pokeball away.

Dawn:" I've never seen you this happy before little bro"

Soul:" I have, isn't that right my master?" Soul said speaking to Adam telepathically, Adam nodded his before Ace saw the Zorua sitting on Adam's chest.

Ace:" Wait! You caught that violent thing!!" Ace said pointing at Adam, Adam shook his head, Zorua got off of Adam's chest and growled at him.

Soul:" Do you hear this fiend! Master, let's destroy him and his Pokémon!" Soul said while growling.

Adam:" Be a good girl Soul" Adam said petting her, he then looked up at Ace and smiled, Ace confusingly looked at Adam.

Adam:" What?"

Ace:" I never saw you smile before..." Ace said with a smirk, Adam nodded looking at Dawn.

Dawn:" So...Will you-" She was cut off by Adam.

Adam:" Yes, I'll go on an Adventure with you"

Ace:" Can I join?" Ace asked looking over at Dawn and Adam. Adam looked over at Ace and nodded his head.

Adam:" Yes, but only of you beat me in a battle" Adam said pointing at Ace, Soul started readying herself for battle, Ace tossed out Lola his shiny buneary.

Ace;" You're on!"

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