Meeting the Princes(Hidden Identity)

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"Uh....excuse me!I'm not falling for you!"Haruka screamed.

Haruka look at him:he has green eyes,green hair,and wear simple clothes.

"Your such a klutz,"he said,"The name is Shu."

"I'm not a klutz you baka,"Haruka said.

"Your name,"he said slyly.

"Haruka,"she replied angrily.

"Your such a cool hearted jerk,"they heard.

Shu and Haruka run to see Hikari arguing with a cool hearted guy and saw everyone there.

"What's wrong,"Touko asked.

"This jerk here is so cold hearted,"Hikari said while pointing at him.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves,one by one girls,"Asuna said.

"What are you doing here?"They asked.

"I was out walking,"she replied,"So,my name is Asuna."

"Kasumi,"Kasumi said.

"Hikari,"she said angrily at the cold hearted guy.

"Haruka,"she said sternly.

"Crystal,"she said happily.

"Touko,"she greeted them with a warm smile.

"Mei,"she said.

"Kourni,"she said with a wave.

"Blue,"she said in disgusted at the brown spiked hair guy.

"A-I mean Satoshi,"he said while scratching the back on his head.

"Shu,"he said with a hair flip. (A/N:stupid hair flip)

"Shingi,"he said.

"Green!Baby,"he said while the girls cringe and Blue kick him in the shin.

"N,"he said and smile at them.

"Hyu,"he said.

"Citron,"he said with a wave.

"Gold,"he said.

"So......girls.......your nearly late for work,"Asuna said.

"What!?!?Got to go...bye,"they said and ran off.

Asuna chuckled and said,"I know who you really are your highness."

"How do you know,"they said shocked.

"I just know.Bye,"she said and walked away.

Drew P.O.V :

"Don't you think that those girls not Asuna,looks like the lost princesses,"Ash said.

"They do look kind of familiar,"I said.We then thought about the day of the lost princesses 5th birthday.

No P.O.V:

Flashback:5 years ago

Dawn open her present from Paul.

"It's so cute!Thank you Paul,"she said and smiled.She has just gotten a necklace that match what Paul wear,but pink.She went up and kissed him on the cheek.

Korrina open her present and was shocked to see what it was.It was a little Riolu.

"Thank you Clemont.It just what I wanted,"she said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Y-your welcome,"he said while blushing.

"Open my present first.Please Marina,"Vincent said.

"Eh...."she sweatdropped.

"I'll open this one,"she said pointing to a random present not aware that it was from Jimmy.

She open it and saw in awe.It was a bracelet that say Jimmy & Marina 4eva.

"J-Jimmy you shouldn't  have,"she said and walked to Jimmy.

"Heh,heh,maybe I should"he said and Marina kissed him on the cheek.

May looked at the present in her hand.In there were a rose,her favorite flower and a precious glass rose.

"Oh My Arceus.Drew it's beautiful,"she said and accidently kissed him on the lips.Drew was blushing so hard.

"Gary what are these,"she said.

"Those are empty books if you want to write some stories or make it into a diary and some books are stories,"he explained.

"Your know me to well,"she said and kissed his cheek.

"It's a.....Luvdisc.Ah!!!!A water pokemon,"she said.

"Thank you Ash!!!"she screamed and kissed him fully on the lips.

"Opps,"she said blushing while letting Ash go.

Hilda look at N and said,"Did you got this for me?"

Her present was a simple friendship bracelet.

"Yeah,"he said and Hilda chuckled and kiss him on the cheek.

Rosa was looking were Hugh can be.

"Hugh where are you?"she said.

"Here Rosey,"he said.

"I tell you to stop calling me that and thanks,"she said and open her present.Her present was a Snivy that she had befriended.

"Snivy,I miss you,"she said and cried,"thanks Hugh."

She wiped her tears and kissed him on the cheek.

Present Time:

They sighed.They miss them the most because they loved them but we're too late to tell them after they disappear.They didn't save their sister and the one they love.Their heart were broken but they never stop looking for them.They walk back in silence to their kingdom.

A/N:Poor them.Well that's another chapter for the hot summer day.Bye

Oceania Out

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