Poke-types Kingdom Ball

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Girl's P.O.V:

"I'm so excited for this ball,"Dawn said happily

"Calm down Dawn.Jeez,"Misty said

"Why so grumpy,Misty?"Korrina asked

"One,the boys will be there,two,Ash is going ended up eating all the food,and three,wasn't their something about the first half of the ball that we have to dance with someone on who has the same types and then the other half we can dance with anyone,but I feel like I'm gonna end up dancing with my brother,"Misty explained

"Oh,"they all said

"Well let's hope that never happen,"Hilda said as we arrived.

At the ball:

"Wow!!This is different then the other one,"Mei admired

The ballroom was full of people that represent a type and the ballroom was decorated with streamers and balloons. There is different type of food from each type and flags were hanging that represent a type.

"Well,what are you guys waiting for?" Zoey said and came to them as Lyra follow them both in their normal type dress and fire type dress

"Come on.Let's dance,"Lyra said and pull Marina

They all laughed and follow Lyra.

Boy's P.O.V:

"Gah!!!!I don't feel like going down there,"Hugh exclaimed

"But you have to because your parents said strictly to attend ALL the ball they hosted,"Silver said

"Geez Silver.You're like our dads," Jimmy said

"I am not your dad,"Silver exclaimed

They all laughed.


"Come in,"Clemont shouted

Oceania peek her head and said,"you boys ready or no."

They were about to said no,but Silver and Kenny answered her.

"Yep,they're ready,"They both said

"Good,because EVERYONE has been waiting for you,"Oceania said while putting her hands on her hips.

"Alright,Alright.Geez mom,"Gary said


"I am not your mother Gary,"Oceania exclaimed.

"Alright,alright.Sorry,"Gary said and they all headed to the ballroom.

Girl's P.O.V:

They laughed as Lyra told them a story.

"So,Gary said you girls can't fight like a real man and they went blabbering things about girls can't fight or they can't do what boys do and you know what Zoey did next................she was so mad that she pick an actual sword and put the sword near Gary neck and she was so creepy she said I will beat your butt up if you stop saying what were you saying right now and they just froze and she went don't mention this to any one our else you're dead,"Lyra told them

"OMA Zoey.You scared them like you're bigger then them,"Misty said

"Yeah,I taught them a lesson to never mess with me or Lyra,"Zoey said

They laughed along.

"Attention everyone,"the royal advisor, Brock said

"Please welcome the kingdoms of all Poke Types,"he announced

One by one each king,queen,prince,and princess from their types came down the stairs.

"Thank you for everyone for being here to join the celebration of each Poke-Types Kingdom,"Oceania said

Everyone cheered

"Of course let the ball begin,"Princess Aria said

"But for this half of the ball,you have to dance with someone from the same types and each dance you dance with a different type and the other half is you can dance which ever type you want,"Oceania announced

"First up,dance with the person who has the same type as you,"Aria said

The girls all went separate way.

Haruka's P.O.V:

I somehow was surrounded by boys that was dressed as the same type as me and I nervously look around until someone took my hand and walk me to the dance floor and dance.

"Oh........Thanks Hugh for taking me away from them,"I said

"No problem.Besides,Drew was a little jealous when you were surrounded by them so I just have to grab you to stop Drew's jealous ness,"Hugh said

"He was jealous,"I said

"Yep.I can tell by his face.Besides,it's been years since he was that jealous to someone ever since my little sister Maybelle has disappeared along with the boy's sisters..................."he said

"D-did you find them?"I asked

He sighed

"Sadly no,but I hope to find her again and find my true love I once love,"he said

"Don't worry.....You'll find her,"I assured him

The music ended and we bowed to each other.

"See you around,"I said

"Sure,"he said and walk away

Hikari P.O.V:

Well the first half of the ball has ended and now the other half we can dance who ever we want.

"Zoey!!!"I screamed her name

"Yea Hikari,"she answered

"Why aren't you and Kenny dancing together,"I said

"Uh.............................I can't find him,"she answered

I faceplam

"He is right behind you so bye,"I said and walk off

Suddenly,I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh,hi Ash.What do you want?"I said

"Well me and my friends parents are mad at Paul for not dancing with anyone yet and they told me to find someone Paul can dance with and I just happen to see you,"Ash explained

"Oh...........where's Paul?"I asked him

"He's over here,"Ash said and I followed him

Somehow I'm near the thrones and I see the kings and queens and Paul.

"Hello,your majesty,"I said and bowed to them

"Hello,Miss................."King Wally asked

"Hikari,your highness,"I said

"You mean THE Miss Hikari or Madame Hikari,"Johanna asked

"That's me,"I said

"Oh my Arceus.Can we ask you a favor,"the queens said

"Of course,"I said

"Can you design our dress for the last ball?"they asked

"It would be an honor to design your dress for the last ball,"I said

"So Ash,Why bring her here?"King Henry asked

"Well,actually the one she's the one Paul dance with so go on Paul and dance with her,"Ash said and push Paul to me

"Fine.Would you care to dance?"he asked and bowed

"I would love to,"I said and bowed and grab his hand

No P.O.V:

As we see here,our princes are dancing happily with them as they talk and make jokes to each other and maybe a little torture.But what they didn't know is that Sinister have a plan to break out and maybe ruin their relationship with each other.

Sorry if I haven't update in a long time.8th grade is just everything that gets thrown at you about being prepared for high school yand stuff and all the other stuff.Well another chapter for today so bye.And thanks for 1k reads.

Oceania Out

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