Royal Ball Announcement

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Oceania P.O.V:

Today was the girls day off,so we decide to walk around town and talk.

"I'm glad that the boys are not here today,"Blue said.

They agreed with her because the boys have something to do(for the ball).We walk around more until there were a crowd of people in front of the 4 royal knights.

"Who are they?"Mei asked.

"There the royal knights that serve every poke-types kingdom,"I explained,"the brunette hair one named Lyra, the red haired one named Zoey,the other red hair one named Kenny, and the kind of cold attitude named Silver."

"Shh!!!!!!There about to speak,"Hikari said.

We turn our attention to the royal knights.

No P.O.V:

"We have an announcement to make from King Henry,"Silver started.

Everyone begin to whisper.

"We will have 3 balls host by King Henry and his friends,"Kenny said.

"The first ball is a masquerade ball which will be in 2 days and at the strike of midnight you must take of your mask and reveal yourself to the person who your dancing with,"Zoey explained.

"The second ball will celebrate each poke-types kingdom and the date still haven't decide yet,"Lyra said.

"Lastly,the third ball is a not a normal ball,but a ball were the princes will finally chose a queen/bride to rule by their side and they will decide who to pick out of every girl that shows up there.The date still not decide yet,"Silver explained.

"Each balls would be host in the same place at the same time,"Kenny said.

"It will be hosted at the princess of Pokémon castle since she allow us to use it and it will start when the sun sets,"Zoey said.

"Those are the announcement we have said from King Henry,"Lyra said.

"Everyone is invited,"they all said,"we'll see you all there,take care and goodbye."

"The first ball is in 2 days,"someone said.

"We got to hurry to find the right dress,"someone else said.

The girls just walk back home to talk about it.

Oceania P.O.V:

I told the girls that I would be right back.My crystal ball was glowing so I answer it.(A/N:I know it doesn't make sense but let's say there is magic in the world so they use a crystal ball to communicate.)

"Hello?"I asked.

"Hello Oceania.It's me,Queen Caroline dear,"she said.

"What is it Caroline?,"I asked.

"Well......we were wondering if you attend all three balls that have been announced,"she said.

I think about it for a while.The girls are going to be there as peasants not princesses yet.

"I'll be happy to attend the 3 balls,"I said.

"All right dear,I will tell the rest.Bye,"she said.

"Bye,"I said and hang up.

I went back to the living room were everyone is there.

"So,you guys are going to attend those 3 balls,"I said.

"Why?"they asked.

"Because I'm going as my real identity and you guys would use your fake one,"I said.

"Fine,"they sighed.

"Now time to sketch and figure out the dress,shoes,mask,hairstyles,and accessories,"
Hikari said happily.

"Won't mind if I help,"I asked.

"Of course I won't mind,"she said and went to the sewing room.

They all groaned.

I chuckled and say,"don't worry,I'll be there too,you know."

"But,we have to take of our mask at midnight to show who we really are to the other person we were dancing with but,what happen if we got the princes or the guys,"Marina  said worrying.

"My advice:don't run away,"I said and went to the sewing room.

At the palace:No P.O.V:

"Kings and Queens,guess what,"Queen Caroline said to the other kings and queens.

"What is it honey?"King Norman asked to his wife.

"The princess Oceania has agree to go to all 3 balls,"she explained.

"Really?!That's great,"Queen Johanna said.

With the boys:

"So were stuck here until the first ball,"Hugh said.

"Yep,that's how it goes,"Jimmy said.

"Let's hope we don't dance with some girls that have very heavy perfume on,"Paul said recalling the last ball they have.

"Yuck,"Ash said.

"Well,let's hope to see the girls there,"Clemont said.

They nodded.

A/N:Thats the end of that chapter readers.Hope you enjoy this chapter.The next chapter will be about the dresses that the girls going to wear and it will have many parts.Bye!

Oceania Out

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