The Unwanted

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Mordred sat down at the breakfast table, sighing as the smell of bacon and eggs permeated the small dining room..  She wore a red and yellow black sports bra, and a pair of athletic shorts, and sneakers..  she was always out running working after all.. she was the type of youth who couldn't stay still.. 

She glared at the empty spot on the table that used to have her twin sister Arturia, chowing down on copious amounts of food and somehow never getting fat..  the emptiness had been a sore point ever since she left to govern a nation. 

"Stupid way to decide who rules a kingdom.. making a battle league.." Mordred grunted as she picked up her fork. 

"Mordred.." said a man sternly. He had blonde hair, a handsome face and he wore a pink apron over his normal clothes. He hadn't touched his breakfast yet. "What do we do?" 

Gawain was Mordred's big brother.. half brother.. technically, Arturia was her half sister too, but the two of them were born at the same time and they looked almost exactly alike, so they were called twins.  Their father Uther, had slept around with quite a number of women, so it had ended up like this..  Mordred was the outsider to the family that had been adopted when she was 12 after her mother died of cancer.. but due to her being the one born out of cheating, Arturia had taken a LONG while to warm up to her and usually treated her coldly till about a year ago.. right before she was chosen to lead the people of the Camelot Region. 

"Yeah yeah.. wait for the ENTIRE family to get here.." Mordred grunted. "Mama always takes so long though..  LOOK! Dura-chan's already lookin' hungry!!"

The house pokemon Duraludon fiddled it's large metallic arms shyly, it's stomach growled as it looked at the large bowl of iron minerals in front of it..  It had the appearance of a large metal dinosaur with stubby giant legs, a tail and a tall robotic Mecha look to it..  though sometimes Mordred thought it looked like a walking talking lighter. 

"Dura..." Duraludon looked at Mordred as if to say. "Please let me have my  munchies.. I promise I'll be good."

"Sorry Duraludon.." said Gawain. "But rules are rules.. we eat when the entire family is at the table.. no exceptions.."

"Mom's taking ages.." Mordred muttered. "Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?"

"No.. she's gone out early this time around." said Gawain. "She wanted to get something special for today considering the special occasion.. She and Rin went out to get a cake from the bakery.. the Emiya Family's been preparing it specially.. "

"Cake?" Mordred muttered. The Emiya Family Bakery rarely ever baked anything other than breakfast pastries.. to have somebody order a cake from them was expensive, and usually worth the price. Just what was the occasion?

"Hey.. is Sis coming home or something?" Mordred asked quickly. 

"Why of course." said Gawain. "She should be back this afternoon.

Mordred sighed. So that explained it. Not that she didn't miss Arturia, but that meant her Zacian and Lugia would be coming along and the basement would become an overcrowded Pokemon den again..  she wouldn't be able to play any of her favorite Visual Novels in peace..  and Duraludon would have to sleep in Mordred's room... 

"Looks like it's you and me together again Dura-chan.." said Mordred, patting Duraludon on his hard metal head. 

"Dur.." Duraludon blinked her eyes and then budged Mordred's arm, as if trying to remind her of something. "Dur Dura..."

"Eh?" Mordred said. "What?"

"She's curious why you aren't out of the house yet.." said Gawain.

"EH!? I'm waiting for my goddamn breakfast that's why! And Mama is taking ages buying a cake for Arturia!!" grunted Mordred. 

"Not for Arturia..." said Gawain.

"EH!?" Mordred said, blinking again.

"For YOU.." said Gawain. "You.. are aware of WHY Arturia's coming home today.. aren't you?"

Mordred stared for a few seconds, uncomprehending... then..


"GASSSSP!" Duraludon gasped, putting her giant metal arms to her mouth.  "DURAA (Master! Mo-chan said a bad word!!)

"Mordred! No profanities under this roof!" Gawain exclaimed. 

"Oh clam it bro!!! I GOTTA GO!!" Mordred roared, gulping down all her breakfast at once and then leaping out the door, screaming. 

Fuyuki City was a place in the middle of nowhere that was going everywhere.  Ever since the Pokemon Lab had moved in after the Great Fire 10 years ago, it had gone from a small city with little importance to it, to a massive hub of Pokemon Trainer related business, as well as the place where New Trainers went to validate their licenses. 

A Journey as a Trainer was considered a prerequisite for many jobs in the Camelot Region. Only a good trainer could manage a pokemon work force on construction jobs.. only a good trainer could properly direct a Porygon to help them defrag a hard drive at record speed, and only a good Trainer could direct volunteer and armed forces pokemon in military defense. 

And in some cases, you had hyper intelligent pokemon who were actually your boss. Nobody could forget the Billionaire Alakazam who currently lived in a mansion all the way in Alola.  After it's trainer taught it about the Stock market, it only took it a total of 2 weeks to strike it rich in the Renewable Energy Industry and become a top competitor with Kotomine Industries for renewable resource management. And if that weren't enough.. the Alakazam in question was now a trainer with it's own pokemon team. 

Fuyuki was divided into two areas. Miyama Town and Shinto. Miyama was the resedential area divided into Western style old houses and Japanese style housing.. part of what made Fuyuki unique in Camelot.  Camelot was primarily a European Country, but Fuyuki had been settled by Japanese in the early 1700s and eventually it grew into a foreigner's town..  Shinto, the other half of Fuyuki was more recently built in the 1900s, turned from a wasteland into a modern skyscraper filled city by work crews of Machamps and Machokes.  Rumor was that there used to be a Bell Tower of some sort in the area, built by earlier Japanese settlers to worship a phoenix,  but it was never found before building began. 

Mordred ran over the bridge connecting the two sides of Fuyuki, dashing into Shinto. If she was late for the examination and she failed just because of that she wouldn't be able to look her sister in the face again.. she could just imagine it..

"Oh.. you failed because you woke up too late and forgot? I don't know what I expected of you.. such an inferior knight.." 

"AAAGGGGGGHHHH!!" Mordred screamed, beating her head with her fists. "ITS LIKE SHE'S IN MY HEAD!!! I HEAR HER VOICE!"

When she made it to the massive Pokemon Lab skyscraper company building, she was met with crowds of students in their Homurahara Academy uniforms already making their way in.. she had barely made it.. but..

Rin Tohsaka, a beautiful black haired girl who many said rivaled Mordred as the top beauty of the school, glared at Mordred and frowned. "Mo-san... er... Did you come dressed for a test or for gym..?"

Mordred blinked then groaned, She didn't remember to put on her uniform either..

"Shhhhh.." Rin muttered rolling her eyes as she took out a duffel bag stuffed with extra clothes. "Where would you be without me you big klutz?"

"Probably dead in a ditch somewhere.." Mordred grunted as she took the clothes and hastily put on the skirt and blazer over her outfit. "Thanks Tohsaka.."

"Well well... look who finally showed up!" 

Mordred and Rin both simultaneously groaned. 

"Please tell me this isn't-.." Mordred muttered.

"Just.. bear with it.." Rin muttered back. "Ignore him and he won't come any-.. nevermind he's already here.."

Shinji Matou.. a boy who with dark blue hair and a handsome face.. they said he was very popular with the ladies, and he was indeed constantly surrounded by a clique of girls here and there..   Mordred and Rin had known the heir of the Matou Family since childhood..  Shinji had chased after both girls plenty. 

It wasn't surprising. Mordred being the sister of the Champion and King of Camelot, and a candidate for Knighthood as a Gym Leader, and Rin being a member of the astute well known Tohsaka family that dealt in famous and top notch Pokemon Breeding practices. Virtually every guy was after them.

But Shinji pissed off every boy in school for good reason in spite of his popularity with girls.. he was just pretty much an arrogant prick no ways around it.. 

Shinji smirked as Mordred turned around. Shinji had stopped pursuing Rin around 1st year.. but.. he went after Mordred so rabidly that it felt like torture..  she had punched the guy at least 12 times a month.. but for some reason that only made him go after her more fiercely, as if he believed that it was some twisted way Mordred was showing her affection.

"Shinji.." grunted Mordred. "Whadya want?"

"Oh come now.." said Shinji with an irritated smirk. "Is that anyway to talk to the future Champion of Camelot Pendragon-chan.. what with you becoming a knight at some point.. you do realize you will end up working for me right?"

"My sis can whoop your ass with her eyes closed." Mordred grunted, waving a hand casually.  "And didn't the last time you challenge Arturia to a battle end up with you having your Sister's Ponyta kicking you in the face? You couldn't even get the pokemon you borrowed to like you.."

Indeed that had been an embarrassing moment for Shinji. He had challenged Arturia to a battle before she left, declaring it ridiculous that somebody from a bloodline as insignificant as the Pendragon Family to become a champion, much less Master of Zacian. 

When their maid Medusa had refused to lend Shinji her Galarian Rapidash, he got Sakura, his sister, to lend him her Ponyta instead. The fairy horse ended up so fed up with Shinji's outrageous commands that instead of attacking Lugia, it kicked Shinji straight in the face with a ferocious Double Kick move which ended up hospitalizing him for days. 

Of course, while hilarious, it also had some bad consequences, such as Shinji treating Sakura worse than ever.. sometimes Mordred could see bruises on her arms whenever she visited the Emiya house where Sakura visited Shirou often. 

Mordred had beaten up Shinji plenty of times for that.. but still his attitude towards her remained the same.. lewd and arrogance heavy..

Shinji gritted his teeth and scowled at Mordred for bringing up the memory of one of his most embarrassing moments. "Scoff all you want Mordred.. but when I become King I will be able to choose a wife from amongst anyone I wish.. and  you will have no choice but to be mine then.. and then you'll see you lucked out when you caught my eye.."

"I feel luckier already." Mordred grunted, turning away. 

"OI! Pendragon.. don't turn your back on-." growled Shinji moving in to grab Mordred's shoulder.

Rin stepped in between Shinji and Mordred. "Hmmm..? Matou-kun, are you sure you want to get beat up by a girl in front of all your fans? I'm sure Mo-chan here would be glad to show everyone her amazing headlocks.."

Shinji froze and glared at Rin. "Just you wait Tohsaka.. when I pass the Trainer's License exam today and get my pokemon, you'll all learn not to take the Matou name lightly.."

"Bring it chump!" Mordred snarled before another voice cut in.

"Tohsaka.. Pendragon.. I hope you two aren't causing trouble.." 

Mordred sighed. Another annoying presence, but a preferable one over Shinji at least. 

Issei Ryuudou was the President of the Student Council, notable by his dark colored hair, glasses, and mature and studious demeanor.  He didn't like women much, and he always had an unexplained enmity towards Rin.  But he had always been alright with Mordred probably because Mordred acted more like a tomboy than anything so he knew what to expect.  

Issei was the heir to the Ryuudou Temple that sat on a large mountain in the Miyami town area, and he was practically aiming to be a monk after he finished his journey as a Trainer, so before long Mordred was sure he'd probably shave his head. 

Issei walked over, looking at Shinji with a distasteful expression. "Matou, what are you doing? they called the Second Number of Tickets already, you need to go in.."

"Tsk.. you'll see Pendragon.. before long.." Shinji let out a huff and walked towards the building.

"I'll be going too.." Rin said, waving at Mordred. "They already called my number too.. "

As Rin left, Issei handed Mordred a slip of paper with a number printed on it. "Here, I figured you'd sleep in or something, so I already got your Number for you.. when they call the first number, you line up in the order of the second number and they lead you to the examination area.. "

"Eh.. thanks." Mordred said nervously as she took the ticket.

"What's the matter? You're not as loud and pissed off as you usually are.. usually I'd only make it around after you already broke Shinji's nose for the umpteenth time." said Issei. 

"Meh.." Mordred grunted. "Look.. I have a lot riding on this exam.. "

"Well yes.. you're expected to become a Knight of the King after your journey is complete... it is a huge honor, even if it is obtained through familial means.. your sister wouldn't pick you if she didn't see the potential you had as a Gym Leader.." said Issei with a shrug. "Got a starter in mind yet?"

"Fire, Water or Grass.. eh.. Fire's always been pretty wild and cool to me.. " said Mordred. "But somehow Litwick doesn't strike me as my kind of fire type.. I mean.. come on.. a candle? Who are you going with?"

"I don't intend to pick a pokemon from the lab.. my older brother's already decided to let me have his Venusaur. It's a good fit, since me and Venusaur have played together since I was 2.."

"Wait.. Venusaur? The big lug that's always squatting in the middle of the prayer room and snoring his ass off?" said Mordred with a snort. "You'd be better off with a brick if you're using that old geezer.."

"Heh.. that 'old geezer' just hasn't had a good reason to get moving yet, but trust me he can be pretty terrifying in a fight.." said Issei. "He's the watchdog of Ryuudou Temple's front gate for a reason."

Mordred sighed. "I guess I should maybe pick Poliwag then.. "

"Hmm? Why that?" asked Issei. 

"Poliwrath.. the final evolved form's a fighting type right? I can dig a pokemon that can throw a good whallop." said Mordred. 

"Well you'll be able to make your final decision when you pass the test.. you're confident in your chances right?" said Issei. "used all the study guides I've been sending you on your Rotom Phone?"

Mordred paused then looked away slightly. "Well.. yes.. I perused them.. a bit.."

Issei frowned. "Mordred.. don't tell me you haven't studied at all... "

"Look I haven't had time.. Gawain's been an honest wreck with Father always out in one country or the other, and Mama's always shopping so he's pretty overwhelmed..  and Shirou's mom has needed some extra hands lately.."

"As much as I think anybody should appreciate being able to assist Ms. Irisveil Emiya, that isn't an excuse to neglect the studies of perhaps the most massive decision in your life.." said Issei. "If you fail this test you'll have to wait an entire 3 more years before you're allowed to take the Test again.. Or you'll end up with lower scores, get your license, but still not be able to get your first Pokemon.."

Mordred grunted. She knew that pokemon supplies were limited. The Starters in Camelot were part of a rich tradition that went back centuries to the knights of old.  Poliwag, Litwick and Budew all required a magical stone of sorts to be able to evolve into their final most powerful forms. 

Unlike the traditional starters of other regions like Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle from Kanto, that could evolve simply by continuing to get stronger and maturing into adults, the starters of Camelot were continuously stuck in their mid evolved forms till the journey participants reached Camelot Castle about midway through their quest, where a ceremony was held granting trainers the stones they needed to get their first pokemon to their strongest stage.

According to rituals, it was a way of letting everyone in Camelot know about the value of accepting help from others, and that even pokemon needed a helping hand now and then despite being a superior being to humans physically and sometimes mentally.

That was what Trainers were for after all.. 

If Mordred didn't get a pokemon capable of participating in such a big deal ritual televised around the world, she could imagine how embarrassing it would be to her Father Uther. Not that he wasn't already disappointed constantly. He always gave Arturia far more attention and ignored Mordred completely ever since they were kids.. Mordred was pretty sure he would scold her regardless of whether she passed or didn't... however if she wasn't there for the ritual.. ohh.. she could picture his cold face and the words. "Well I expected nothing more than that anyways.."

There was a shout from the front as men in labcoats began gesturing in the general direction of the group Mordred was standing in.

"Looks like it's our turn." said Issei. "Keep your wits about you Mordred.. it would be a pity for us not to leave Fuyuki for Celadon City together.. "

Upon lining up and going into the building, they were immediately led into a large room with a clock, a test proctor and sheets of scan trons, test booklets, and a diagram of a pokeball next to the booklet. 

The Proctor had a Beheeyem with him.. a strange looking pokemon that looked like it was made out of runes and stones with a small stubby body that levitated in the air, and a large head that made it look almost like an alien. 

It's hands each had 3 different colored flashing lights that seemed to bleep on a bit after it scanned students a bit.. 

"Beheeyem is here to telepathically monitor you.." said the proctor. "If he catches any of you cheating he will use telekinesis to throw you out of the room, is that fact perfectly clear?"

They then went to work filling out test questions.

The booklets smelled of new paper, and the room sounded of complete silence and the occasional blowing sounds of air conditioning.. precisely what a Standardized Test should feel like.. not that 'should' meant 'comforting' or anything that stupid. 

Mordred was sweating profusely as she looked at the first question:

"A.In your own words, discuss the 5 steps to caring for a grass type pokemon in the Monster Egg Group.

B. Describe the basic ingredients used in the food for the following pokemon: Appletun, Cradily, Parasect, Tropius. "

Mordred just stared at the question as she tried to remember what Rin had told her about giving Grass Pokemon a specialized feed imbued with a form of fertilizer...

Nearby, Mordred looked up to see Issei in the seat next to her fervently filling out the scantron, probably going through all the questions easily. 

Mordred frowned. Issei probably would be in the top percentage of scorers.. If she could sneak a peek..

No.. first of all Beheeyem would easily catch her, she could feel his presence sitting quietly in her mind, waiting for even one student to do something they shouldn't.. he wouldn't punish anybody for having thoughts of cheating until they actually performed the act. 

And secondly... Mordred's dream was one that required honesty and to have the greatest integrity... to cheat would be a violation of Mordred's core values regarding that dream..

"Screw it.. I'll do my best the whole way through.. nobody can stop me.. this is my destiny!" Whispered Mordred as she began scribbling on the paper.

Next was the practical exam.. 

For this one, each student was called one by one to an examiner's office where they were provided with 3 pokemon by the examiner to test with. 

The examiners were all Gym Leaders, aka the Knights of the Round Table.. so it was safe to say Mordred knew them, which would make any fail all the more embarrassing..

Just her luck, Mordred encountered the strictest and perhaps most merciless out of all of them.. 

"Ah.. yes.. Mordred, come in." said Agravain. A man with a well featured face, somewhat medium length black hair dressed in a full formal military uniform with gold buttons, a few medals pinned on his chest and regal white gloves looked up from his desk and clipboard. 

They said Agravain was known as Agravain the Woundless.. mainly because whenever he and his pokemon went out to battle, they came back without even an injury to speak of.. 

Agravain's partner, a massive bird pokemon that had a body made of black armored plating and feathers, and red gleaming eyes which made it look like a dark knight of sorts.. Corviknight, was roosting silently behind Agravain... one of the largest of the bird-like pokemon.. big enough and strong enough to carry the entire passenger capacity of a the best hot air balloon, and yet fly with far greater speed on that carry weight..  They were highly regarded in Camelot and Galar. 

In front of the desk  were the three starter pokemon of Camelot

Poliwag was a small tadpole like pokemon that stood on two legs, with a blue body, a white round belly with a swirl pattern, and a fin-like tail..  it blinked curiously at Mordred with it's round eyes. 

Budew, looked like a walking green flower bud with tiny legs and a sleepy face, it nuzzled around the floor, as if searching for seeds to eat.. 

finally was Litwick. Litwick looked like a stubby candle with two little arms and a cute smiling face with yellow eyes.. a purple flame burned on it's wick..  in spite of it's cute appearance Mordred knew that it leeched off the life force of other humans and pokemon.. so it was always debated in popular media whether such a pokemon was proper to give to teenagers just starting out..  though Mordred knew only the top percentile scores were allowed to select Litwick in the first place. 

"Yo Aggy, what's shaking?" asked Mordred.

"Please do not call me that with such familiarity.." said Agravain, sounding absolutely lacking of empathy as usual. "This is a test, and I am your tester. You are to treat this as such.."

Mordred frowned. "Okay fine.. so... what do I do?"

"These three pokemon have already been well trained, and have been lent to us by a respectable trainer. So do not worry about the Litwick at least trying to suck out your life force.." said Agravain. "Display to me the proper manner by which to feed them.. command them.. and play with them...  the proper feed has been provided on the drawer next to my desk.. you have an hour.. go.."

This was the easier part, Mordred thought. The wooloo on the Tohsaka family farm, and all the other farm pokemon were in need of constant care, so she had plenty of practice caring for them. And there were quite a few budew that lived with the torchics in the chicken coop. 

However, not every species was the same, at a few points she struggled to get the picky Litwick to even attempt to chowdown on the Ghost Type Curry Mix she made.

"Come on! It's like.. your favorite! Give it a chow down!" Mordred said in exasperation as she tried to persuade the pokemon for the 20th time to eat.

"Lit-.. " Litwick looked away, folding her stubby little arms haughtily. 

"OH SO IT'S LIKE THAT EH!?" Mordred roared, cracking her knuckles. "EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD OR NO DESSERT!"

"Lit.. WICK!" Litwick fired a giant Flamethrower attack from the wick on it's head, the giant geyser of fire engulfing Mordred and causing her to fall over, letting out a smoke ring from her mouth as she twitched covered in soot and burns.. 

"I think we're done here.." said Agravain as Budew and Poliwag looked over Mordred worriedly. "I'm afraid I wouldn't recommend that pokemon at the very least for your first..  Nurse BB will get you a burn heal, you'll be up in no time.. "

After a quick trip to the Pokemon Center, Mordred waited in the lobby of the building with all the other remaining people who had finished their tests, waiting for their scores to be given.. 

Mordred first knew something was deeply wrong when more and more people were called up.. and even after a few hours and half the test takers had gone home with their own pokemon, she was still sitting and waiting.. 

The hours steadily ticked on as finally it was completely black outside the windows and Mordred was the only one left..  that could only mean one thing..

"I'm afraid you're in the bottom percentile of scorers.. there were no failures this time around.. which means you still passed.." said Agravain after Mordred was called back into his office.  "But.. I'm afraid while you have barely passed enough to receive your trainer's license.. we cannot feel comfortable with granting you one of our pokemon.. you are free to catch one in the wild of course and attempt to train it.. but we cannot help you with that.. you can attempt to take the test again in 3 years for a better score.."

Mordred stared aghast. It didn't matter that she passed. A pokemon was required to help a person catch a wild pokemon in the first place, to attempt catching one on your own as a human would probably be suicide if the wild pokemon was especially violent or irritated.  Nobody did that anymore... not after all the deaths two decades ago..  This was the equivalent to a failure no doubt about it.

"A pity... I expected more from the sister of my king.. but.. " said Agravain. "Perhaps your brother or father can lend you-.."

"Gawain needs his pokemon to look after the gym.." Mordred muttered dejectedly. "And my dad wouldn't lend me anything even if I gave him my soul.. maybe Mrs. Irisveil would lend me her Frosmoth.. but.. it's sickly, I can't just.. urgh.."

Lending out pokemon wasn't something you could just do willy nilly.. it was like with Shinji. Pokemon had their own preferences.. Mordred doubted any pokemon that had already bonded with a human would easily follow any other human being even if it was somebody their master distinctly trusted..  that's how it was.. Pokemon were beings with their own dislikes, likes, and wishes after all.. and in many cases they were picky about humans they chose.

"Very well.. I wish you luck 3 years from now.." said Agravain.."Send my regards to your sister for me.."

Mordred walked out of the office. She felt hollow. The tears wanted to come out but they wouldn't... 

"Oh excuse me.. whooah!.." Mordred barely paid attention as she looked up to see white haired handsome man in a lab coat passing by, hastily shuffling some fallen papers into his suitcase that had just dropped.

"Here.. let me help.." Mordred muttered helping the man stuff the papers back into his case. 

"Oh.. one of the examinees..?" asked the man with a smile. "I'm Professor Merlin.. I'm sure you've heard of me.."

"Yeah my sis talks about you... old geezer.." Mordred muttered.

Merlin smiled slightly. "Say.. would you happen to be coming out of the examinations without a pokemon?"

"I scored low." Mordred grunted, not wanting to talk about it for a second longer. "Seeya old man.."

Merlin held out a hand. "Oh! Wait a minute.. it just so happens.. I have a spare pokemon here that might be suitable for you.."

Mordred's eyes widened and she looked back at Merlin. "R.. Really!?"

Merlin smiled as he took out a pokeball. "But.. I must warn you.. this pokemon is a rescue... it was abused heavily by it's parents for being the runt of the litter.. and we found it starving..  in fact it's safe to say there's a chance that without intensive care it might not survive the month.."

Mordred stared. What self respecting professor would give a pokemon like that to her and not a professional care giver!? But.. something inside her told her to keep going with the flow on this one..

"Let's see the little guy." said Mordred tentatively. 

Merlin opened the pokeball and a bright light flashed out of it to reveal what looked like a small green lizard..  It looked like it had a pinecone shape for a tail and it's diamond shaped belly was covered in red armored scales. 

It breathed hard as it sat on it's butt.. unable to stand, it's eyes blinking with tiredness... there were a large amount of burns and various injuries on it's sickly body.. 

It looked like it was dying to be honest.. 

"This is Larvitar.." said Merlin. "If you are thinking of taking him under your wing I must give you fair warning,  whether he dies or not, he is your responsibility, you can't return him or trade him in for another.. the moment you take his pokeball from my hand, he's your burden to bear.."

Mordred paused a little as she stared down at the little Larvitar that wheezed a little.. it looked at Mordred fearfully, as if expecting her to hit it.. 

Mordred felt something inside her at that moment.. was it.. empathy from coming out of a similar circumstance?

"I'll take it.." Mordred concluded, taking the pokeball.."

Merlin smiled and nodded. "Very well.. I will be watching you with close interest.. Mordred Pendragon.."

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