Ash x Candice

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Probably one of my top 3 ships. Also a fun one to write so enjoy.


There's two kinds of people.

People who watch white flakes falling from the sky and growl in disgust. Grumbling and complaining until it all melts away.

Others see snow and grab their snow gear. Jumping at the opportunity to touch every speck of snow with their gloves, skis, and faces if they're a little too excited.

As a snowstorm howls down on Snowpoint City, we will thankfully be watching two that belong to the latter group. They may even warm your heart.

"It's like you get superpowers in the snow," Ash frowns, brushing a face full of snow away. He tries to shake the cold crystals out of his messy raven hair as well.

"It's called being from Snowpoint City you southern boy," Candice winks while throwing a snowball up and down in her bare hands.

Her long black braided strands of hair swing in the wind while she waits for the boy to get up. Her teal and white array of clothing fits her pale and lean figure nicely in the wind. Snow sticking to her hair.

"I want a rematch," Ash holds out a sloppily made snowball in front of him.

Candice throws hers before he can see it coming, hitting him back down in the snow from the force. "Sure," The girl chirps and finds a wide tree to hide behind. "First one to get hit has to... hmm. What about first one to get hit pays for lunch?"

"Lunch," Ash looks up like she's crazy. "Does that mean we'd have to pay for our friends as well?"

Candice peeks around the tree to smile. "Not if we go alone~"

Ash stares at her confused before shrugging and crouching begins another tree. Making snowballs as fast as possible.

Candice pouts and makes some of the most densely packed ones she has mustered, hoping they will knock some sense into his thick head. She cautiously leans around the tree to spot the boy.

After seeing nothing Candice walks out, trying to peer behind every brown tower of bark. All in between her getting a free meal from Ash.

Suddenly one of her long braids flick back against her cheek. She looks towards the direction the gust of wind came from and is almost frozen in place. A white wall of snow rolls over the hill. Painting it's path with snow and ice.

"Ash!" Candice looks around quickly.

He was already one step ahead of her though.

Ash wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her the the direction away from the incoming tsunami of snow. Her legs catch up and Ash's grip on her weakens.

Luckily they weren't too far away from the city and were soon running through the frozen and deserted streets of Snowpoint. They take a turn down the Main Street with her house at the end.

The snowstorm closes in on their right.

Their legs burning with every step.

The harsh wind freezing their skin.

But a warm feeling travelling from Ash's arm to Candice's back.

They jump up the steps as the wall of snow hits them. The two waste no time stumbling inside, accidentally tripping each other.

A loose foot kicks the door close and the pair are left tangled with one another on the floor. Both sigh in relief before realizing their close proximity and quickly pushing away.

Ash shivers as he removes his bow white jacket and snow pants. Candice does the same, peeling snow from the top of her now visible skirt.

The girl sighs and looks at the boy who she's wanted to hold for so long. Candice looks at their like of clothing and makes a small ball of snow from the remnants.

Ash looks over and Candice whips the snowball into his chest. He looks at her in surprise as she crawls over to him.

"I win," She winks.

"I don't think the restaurants will be open for awhile," Ash says cluelessly.

Candice reaches out and grabs his shirt precisely where she aimed the snowball. "Guess I'll get another prize," She smile and pulls him into her.


I think Eevee-lover99 is the only one to make art for this ship so here are the two she has expertly drawn...

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