We all have that one secret group chat

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I hope you guys get the references for these names, cause I reached for these. Also, I dub this the Unova Gym Leaders Arc, cause shits going down. Also, references to the previous chapters along with the games.


dent - Cilan

pod - Chili

corn - Cress

spook scary sailors - Lana

edgelord - Gladion

bluebell- Gary (HA, he's back)

bonbon - Bonnie

barrybbenson - Barry

missy - Misty

food fight

dent: im very sure this is a good idea

pod: then hows that research at the library going

dent: not so well...

corn: neither is mine at anville city

pod: this is the worst idea ever

its not gonna get us anywhere

corn: chilis right

dent: but we have to try!

pod: how did us trying against against that shadow triad go?! 

fucking horrible! 

if doing this won't get us anywhere then we might as well just fucking give us! arecus!

corn: chili...

pod: im sorry guys

this is just frustrating

dent: chilis right is we keep acting like this we wont get anywhere

we need to do something

pod: finally you said it!

dent: we need to restart everything

pod: right! were triplets we think teh same we should be able to do this

corn: well i have an idea on where we can start first

you are EXPOSED

spooky scary sailors: mallpw low-key freaky

missy: who would'va thought

not me

edgelord: wdym

spooky scary sailors: aromatherapy 

she likes it when the move is used on her

freaky deaky my guy

edgelord: we gotta tell kiawe

he should know what he's getting into

spooky scary sailor: he ain't get ting into anything

edgelord: nah the two are dating

spooky scary sailor: and how do you know that?

edgelord: how do you not?

they text like more than you two do

ain't that hard to figure out

spooky scary sailor: you do know that the two of them have to kinda work with each other because the place kiawe lives often supplies some of the ingredients to the cafe where mallow works?

along with the trials, me and kiawe work together to help mallow with her trial. were still getting used to doing trial since its so new

edgelord: i mean you ain't wrong but still

bluebell: gramps has no idea whats he doing

bonbon: who'za gramps?

barrybbenson: real question who are you?

bluebell: gramps is professor oak my grandpa who is currently trying to figure out why he can't register the galar dex into my pokedex and won't allow me to help him when i know how to fix it

and me? im Gary oak a professor of kanto

missy: part time* professor of kanto

bluebell: nope! not anymore I've been promoted to OFFICAL pokemon professor

edgelord: oh W O W we got a smartass in here

bluebell: well i wouldn't call myself that but sure, whatever you say

bonbon: well aside from the resident edgelors dukeing it out in here i heard ash was gonna visit the Unova region during the time serana was gonna make her showcase there

me and clemont were thinking on going with her but i wanted to know when ash is gonna go there to see if we can meet up!

missy: probably not, knowing him he's gonna be there for only a week and he'd most likely forget that he had to meet up with someone if you did manage to get the dates to match

when are you even going there?

bonbon: in a week?

gou away: lmao nah we going next month and a half

barrybbenson: and who are you again?

gou away: someone traveling with ash

missy: i honestly wouldn't recommend going there

bonbon: why not??

missy: some team's gone ramped and stuff they're called the shadow triad or smth like that idk

spooky scary sailor: and how do you know this? dont you live in kanto or something like that

missy: we gym leaders keep in contact with other gym leaders to see how they go about things

going on a date with another gym leader? we'll know about it, rumors? we know thats why your expOSED!

ok that was cringey

edgelord: how do you get your information?

bonbon: telling you would just ruin the entire point of this of this chat

no one knows where you get the information you just have it and use it to expose them

without their knowledge

so shut up

bluebell: nvm gramps figured it out

smell ya later

bluebell is offline

missy: ew

Old Time's

water queen: A man was paralyzed after eating 413 chicken nuggets

brock n roll: .


all pika peachy: so the limit is 412

water queen: ash dont

all pika peachy: ASH DO!!

all pika peachy is offline

water queen: he's gonna get himself killed one day

brock n roll: yep

are you really surprised at that?

water queen: nope not at all

im surprised he even made it this far tbh

i feel a little sorry for whoever has to put with them now

brock n roll: why a little?

water queen: cuz

therein for one hell of an adventure when it comes to him. 

brock n roll: true 

not sure if i should be sorry for them or not

water queen: we shouldnt

he's their problem not ours 

-line break-

Cress was just going about his day to deliver these three files to the Pokemon Lab until he met a familiar, older woman on his way. He knew her from his early years of childhood, how she taught him and his brothers how to cook, and about Pokemon battles. You could have imagined he surprise when at his young age he figured out that she was a gym leader and when she volunteered- along with one of her other freinds- to help them when the three of them became one.

With the tilt of his head Cress gave the older woman a sorrowful smile. "I see we have the same idea, do we not?" She nodded letting out an exasperated sigh afterward. She glaced oncemore at the file in her hand shaking her head and holding it up to her chest. "So many memories but sadly it doesn't have the same spark as it did too, what about you?"

"Me and my brothers decided this would be the best decision as much as we all might be against it slightly in the end," The older woman curtly nodded. "Well I'm just glad you all decided it together instead of just one or two of you. It's better if we all agree on it together, right? Like me and my hubby did," 

"Yeah," The blue haired boy spoke, "I'm glad you two came to an agreement like we did, it's hard when it comes to choices like these, it's a full commitment thankfully it's not gonna be that full of a commitment for us, we'll come back eventually." She quirked an eyebrow in response, head titled in slight confusion. Placing a hand on her hip, she spoke: "You mean that you'll eventually come back to even after leaving in the first place? Seems a little strange if you ask me,"

Cress light chuckled, it was, he thought. Rubbing the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't holding the three files. "We have our reasons, our's are a little more personal so I'd rathernot discuss them without the permission of my brothers, it'd be unfair to not get their opinion on it. I'm sure you can understand," The older woman gave him an understanding nod. "Understandable, I can understand after everything that happened these few years, I wouldn't be surprised a few others made the same decisions as us because of it,"

He let out a sigh, "I at least hope when we come back not everything will change, y'know? It'd be such an awful thing to come back to, as much as change can be good it can be terrifying at the same time." She nodded as they continued on their way to the Pokemon lab. A long stretch of silence spreaded between the two as they walked along the route, the only thing filling the silence was the sound of the Patrat and Lillipup running around in the grass filling the silence between them. 

Once they reached the lab, they walked inside only to be greeted by an assistant with blonde hair, emerald eyes and red glasses. She smiled at the two, clutching a document close to her chest. "Hiya, the names Bianca! What are you two doing here?"

"We're here to return these documents," The assistant tilted her head, taking the files from both of the gym leaders. She shuffled the files while mumbling under her breath a confused expression flickering across her face as she looked up at the two. "Don't get me wrong, I can understand Lenora giving me one file but why are you giving me three Cressy?"

"Me and my brother each have to file out individual forms instead of a single one as annoying as that might be, we have too." Bianca nodded and held the files against her hip. "Understandable, I'll get these to Professor as soon as possible, see you later," She waves the two of them off and they walked home, a long stretching silence between the two of them. What would happen next was unknown, how people react wouldn't most likely be good but they could only hold onto the hope that things would turn out well.

Next Chapter: iris is stressed and the gym leader arc continues

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