Chapter 2

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The next day, the boy woke up in Nurse Joy's room. He is shocked to find her spooning him. He wants to scream but also doesn't want to wake her up. He starts to move which wakes her up slightly.

Nurse Joy: Five more minutes.

The boy had to think of a way to escape. He knew what to do.

Boy: There's a pokemon in need of assistance!

Nurse Joy snaps awake and runs out of the room.

Nurse Joy: I'm coming! You'll be okay!

The boy laughed and quickly gathered his things and ran out of the poke center. Before he leaves he plants a kiss on Nurse Joy's cheek.

Boy: See you around, cutie!

Nurse Joy blushes as the boy leaves. The boy heads outside and sees another boy dressed in a signature blue shirt and wearing a signature red hat.

Boy: No way! It can't be!

The boy follows the boy in the red hat who stops in front of a laboratory.

Red Hat: Hey! You getting your starter pokemon too?

Boy: I already have mine.

Red Hat: Cool! What did you get?

Boy: I like to surprise people.

Ash: Anyway, my name is Ash Ketchum! It's my dream to be a pokemon master!

Boy: Really now? You're the famous Ash Ketchum?

Ash: Famous?

Boy: Nevermind.

Ash: What's your name?

Maestro: Just call me Maestro.

Ash: Cool. Hey, what are those wristbands that you have? They look cool.

Maestro: Another secret of mine.

Ash: Aww. Well, tell me some other time! Oh that's right! I'm late!

Maestro and Ash head inside and are met my Professor Oak.

Ash: Professor, are there any pokemon left?

Oak: I'm sorry but I just have my last pokemon to this girl right here.

Ash: Aww man.

Maestro looks at the girl and instantly recognizes her.

Girl: Why are you staring at me for?

Maestro: No reason. You just look like someone I know.

Girl: Is that a bad thing?

Maestro: No. It isn't. She is a beautiful girl!

The girl blushes and holds out her hand.

Leaf: My name is Leaf.

Maestro smiled. His suspicions were correct.

Maestro: Pleased to meet you, Leaf. What pokemon did you get?

Leaf: I chose Bulbasuar!

Maestro: Nice choice. I don't think I have a grass type on my team.

Leaf: You have a whole team?

Maestro: Yeah.

Leaf: That's so cool!

Meanwhile, Ash is given a Pikachu as a starter.

Ash: Look at that! My very own Pokemon!

Maestro smiles to see the famous duo unite.

Maestro: Good for you, Ash.

Professor Oak looks at Maestro.

Oak: I'm sorry but that's the last pokemon I have left.

Maestro: Don't worry. I already have a full team.

Oak: What?

Maestro: Professor, is it possible I can speak to you alone?

Oak: Very well. Just give me a second.

Professor Oak hands Leaf and Ash a Pokedex and some pokeballs. The two leave.

Leaf: See you! I hope to see you again. What's your name?

Maestro: It's Maestro!

Leaf: Well, Maestro! I'll see you!

Leaf leaves. Professor Oak walks over to Maestro.

Oak: How can I help you?

Maestro: I'm not from here.

Oak: I had a feeling when you said you had a full team. Who are you?

Maestro: I'm from a universe where I am Pokemon champion of three different regions and have captured all pokemon as well.

Oak: That's impossible.

Maestro: Is it?

Maestro hands Professor Oak his Pokedex. Professor Oak is shocked to see Pokemon that he didn't know existed.

Oak: Amazing! I guess you are telling the truth.

Professor Oak goes to the team section but it's locked.

Maestro: Sorry but I don't let anyone see my team. I've had this team for years. I've picked up a couple though.

Oak: Well if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to.

Professor Oak notices the wristbands.

Oak: What are those?

Maestro: Sorry. Another secret.

Oak: Why all the secrets?

Maestro: I have my reasons.

Oak: You said that you're from another time. I have a question.

Maestro: Go ahead.

Oak: Does Mega Evolution exist?

Maestro ponders whether to answer or not.

Maestro: It does. One of these wristbands holds four key stones. Four out of my six Pokemon hold a stone called a Mega stone. Only the bond that I have with my Pokemon is able to activate it.

Oak: May I see it?

Maestro: Very well. But only you.

The two walk outside. Maestro pulls out a Pokeball.

Maestro: Charizard, I choose you!

Charizard appears and roars. Professor Oak is shocked. This boy has a fully evolved pokemon. Not only one but six.

Maestro: Hey buddy! How you doing?

Charizard grabs Maestro and throws him into the air and then catches him.

Maestro: Okay, bud. This man wants to see our Mega Evolution.

Charizard looks away in annoyance.

Maestro: Hey! It's only one time! I know that it's a secret and we only use it in battle but come on!

Charizard sighs and then nods.

Maestro: Alright! Let's do this! Mega Evolution, go!

Charizard evolves into Mega Charizard X. Professor Oak has a huge smile on his face!

Oak: It is possible! I have a friend in another region who is studying this! I'll let him know.

Maestro: You did a good job, Charizard. Now return!

Charizard reenters the pokeball.

Maestro: Well, Professor, this is all that I'm sharing with you. You take care of yourself.

Oak: You too.

Maestro leaves the lab. He walks outside and sees Leaf standing there.

Leaf: There you are! Took you long enough!

Maestro: What are you still doing here? I thought you left!

Leaf: I was going to but I decided that going alone would be lonely so I wanted to ask you if I could join you! I also saw that Mega Evolution!

Maestro: You can't tell anyone!

Leaf: I promise but I have a question. Can my Bulbasuar mega evolve?

Maestro: It can once it evolves more. I have the Mega stone to use it and a key stone. When it's ready I'll give it to you.

Leaf: Thanks. Now come on! Let's start our adventure!

Maestro and Leaf walk together down the road.

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