Rules, Forms, Backstory!

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Welcome to the beautiful world of Poké High! A place of pokémon and their emotions! Be yourself!

I want to say, this is more of a group roleplay, since I don't have a lot of time on my hands since I kinda. . . . Only have weekends with time to be on. So please understand I cannot roleplay with absolutely everyone. Ask me, or whoever else responds, which chapter we are currently roleplaying in and I (or they) will tell you. Thank you.

Just follow these rules:

● No inappropriate content to character! You may have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I don't mind gay/lesbian people. Its you, be you. But anything too awful is not allowed.

● No bullying people for stuff like being gay/lesbian, name choice, or anything like that. Backstory may have bullying and of course if this is school, there is going to be bullying. But bully their character, if so, not them.

● Don't control anyone else's character! But you may kill. If it is another person's oc ask them first. I don't care how. Pm or right in the roleplay. Example: ((Person's Name/Nickname) can I kill (Person's Oc)?)

● Four characters to a person unless I say otherwise.

Any rule-breaking will result in punishment.

I'm gonna give you the form. But if you don't do it EXACTLY as it is written I will come to you and personally kick you out. If you write "I don't understand this" (and no shame. I do that sometimes too. No one's perfect) I will explain. But try not to stress out. If you wanna put your character's age, type, or anything else. . . . Why do you think I put Extra Facts? I'm not as much as an idiot as I can seem sometimes, ok? Be warned. And if you happen to make this mistake, I will give you a second chance (a = one. Not two. Not three. One.) Please understand I had to do this and if you are angry at me. . . . Not everyone can like me. I can deal with it. And so can you.

Extra facts:

My character(s):

Name: Stalia
Pokémon: Eevee
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Stalia had moved many times, but finds school better than her loud, crazy family at home. She loves to read and write, and is loyal to her friends and family (even if they are crazy hooligans, she still loves them). Do not make her angry. She is shy, but when she opens up to someone, she jokes around and is kind. Mostly. . . .
Extra facts: (I just realized that it is all above) shiny. She has a big family.
Appearance: Beautiful silver color with heart-shaped birthmark on her left foreleg. Twinkling light blue eyes that are usually focused on a book.

Name: Ashley
Pokémon: Fennikin (is that how you spell it?)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Ashley had once burned her own house down. From then on, she had tried to learn ice and/or water attacks to prevent that. Her family had lived on the streets, homeless, until someone had noticed them. They lived in a forest, so they had not been found before then. The house was built and much better then before. She never even stayed close to fire, much less created it, from then on.
Extra facts: Has actually, somehow, learned some water move. She keeps this secret, unknowing it had somehow leaked out. Friends with Stalia.
Appearance: Normal Fennikin with a blue bandana around her right ear.

Name: Sheilo
Pokémon: Oshawott
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: What can I say? He had a normal life. Had. This place is going to change his life. I think . . ?
Extra facts: I have no ideas. He has no friends yet. He's the normal new kid.
Appearance: He looks like a Oshawott. . . .

(I hardly use Sheilo XD)

They are freshman. Here. . . .

Name: Thron
Pokémon: Leafeon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Loyal and trustworthy, Thron was always a goody-two-shoes and a teachers pet. He is smart and loves his friends and family. He was always a role model and teacher's assistant at school.
Extra facts: He is Stalia's bigger brother. He is the principal's assistant and always bosses people around, making everything perfect and making all students stay in line. Rebels beware the glasses of this nerdy Leafeon. He is very scary when he is angry (like his sister) and never gives up. He has a big family.


Yeah, I made a picture. Here is Thron.)

He is not a freshman, of course.

Uuhhhhhhhh. . . .

Here's a form for the school bully!!

Name: Kaiol
Pokémon: Raichu
Gender: Male
Sexuality: No one will ever know. . . . STRAIGHT!
Backstory: He was bullied when he was younger, and for that, he hates everyone who didn't help him. Oh, and he looovvees freshmen. Sarcasm.
Extra facts: He's the bully of Pokéi High. Duh
Appearance: He has a scar cutting into his tail. He is a normal Raichu, other than that.

You can make your appearance a little different than the original pokémon. You don't have to. Have fun with it.

Now, the school stuff! Backstory time!

You hear the mail arrive, and rush to get it. In the pile, a letter is addressed to you. You open the letter to a sheet of paper. The writing was in black ink and official looking. It was a acceptance letter:

Dear Mr./Mrs. (Your OC's name)

We are pleased to accept you to Pokéi High School, otherwise known as Poké High. You will sleep in the dorm of your gender, eat in the cafeteria, learn in the classrooms, and walk our halls. If you except, that is.

Hoping to see you amongst our students,

Franklin Harl
Principal of Pokéi High School

You couldn't wait. Though it meant school, it also meant friends, and some of your most favorite things. It was two days until you joined them.


When you arrived, it was a dream come true. A banner lifted your spirits, higher then it was hung.

Welcome to Pokéi High School, freshmen!

This is bad because I wrote it at night. Sorry. But anyway. . . .

Thanks for taking your time to read this!

Ok! I hope to see you in school!
Bye for now!

♡☆Your Classmate, Skyla☆♡

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