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Ash slowly floated onto her bed, exhausted, and eventually fell asleep. Alain and Serena slept on mattresses far from each other. In another room, a shadowed figure lit a matchstick...

The next morning, Ash woke up and flew down from her bed, being quiet as not to wake the other two in the room up. She tip toed down the halls, up and down stairs and through large doors until she finally met the entrance. 

She took a deep breath and let the wistful energy release from her hands, creeping onto the grass and growing lustrous plant?s. She was relaxed and at ease until she sensed something. She turned around and stared at the building before her, noticing something odd about one of the upper levels. 

She took to the sky, getting closer an closer to it. It was smoke. 

Freaking out, monsoon shimmered from her palms as she released it towards the smoke, hoping not to cause more damage and put out the fire. As soon as the water hit the damage, it stretched out all around the building, making it evaporate into shiny dust. Within seconds, the entire building was gone. Her friends floated in the dust, looking confused and baffled.

"Ashaelyx, what's all this?", Professor Sycamore screeched. Ash face-palmed as she realized her error. Waving her hands frantically, she excused her mistake.

"Sorry, sorry! I forgot that this replica will only last if no damage comes to it! There was smoke coming from the top, and I couldn't just let it disappear with you all in there, because you would've burned! So, I threw water at it instead"

Diantha sighed warmly. After all, the girl had only introduced her true self to them a few days ago. It was natural for her to get frantic about things like this.

"It's okay. But where will we stay?", she asked.

"I think our only choice is to go to the real Hall of Origins, but the thing is, it's not just one hall. It's kinda like a garden in the sky. There's several mountains and structures, not just that one building. I'll go there first and see if my dad agrees."

Ash flew towards the clouds, leaving her friends in the floating aura of pixie dust.

-Time Skip-

Ash walked on the surface of the sky, looking around for Arceus. He was nowhere to be seen. The atmosphere was a void that looked like space, with galaxies and planets in the background. The surface she walked on looked like glass, resembling the colors of a galaxy. She took a deep breath and let out a call. It sounded like a baby's cry, but it echoed through the space. Arceus appeared before her, smiling.

"My child", he graced before picking her up and holding her close to his face, since he was a lot bigger than her.

"I'm glad to see you too, Father. But this is not the time for heartwarming reunions. My friends are trapped in a void of dust, I have left them there for quite some time. You see, they know about me. I created an artificial impression for us to take shelter in, but something ignited a flame overnight, so I was forced to destroy it peacefully. Can I bring them here?"

Arceus put her down, laughing with joy.

"Of course! I have been watching you for years, waiting for you to reveal yourself. As long as they will cause no trouble, you are permitted to welcome whomever you please"

Meanwhile, with the others, they were getting quite fed up with floating in thin air, even if it seemed cool at first. Suddenly, all they could see was white. 

When their vision cleared out again, they were in a golden hall with pillars surrounding the sides. The front of the hall was open. No doors, no walls, nothing. There was a stand in the middle, and behind it was another open space with no walls or doors. Beyond the building they sat in, there were mountains, clouds and bridges. Bodies of water fell gracefully from the floating islands, which had flowers and trees planted on them. The whole thing looked like a painted picture of paradise. Pokemon could be seen in every corner. Zekrom and Reshiram flew to the hall, landing right in front of Ash. Reshiram kneeled down so she could pat him on the head. He cooed at the feeling.

It took a while for the others to stand up and take in the view of the place they were in. They couldn't even speak, and movements were limited.

"This is my real home. I've been here many times before, it feels even more comfortable to me than my home on your planet. That stand over there is where I was made.", Ash explained before walking over to the edge of the building and flying off of it, soaring past Reshiram and Zekrom as they attempted to catch up. Arceus took the opportunity to introduce himself.

"I am Arceus, Ash's Father. I know this is a lot to take in, so I will give you time. Before that, I'd like to give you something to think about"

They all turned around to see what he had to say.

"Who was the intruder that lit the fire?"

Hope you guys liked it! I'm sorry I forgot to wish you guys a Merry Christmas, but I hope you had a good Christmas and a good 2018. Looking forward to 2019!!!


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