Ch. 2 Meeting the Gym Leader

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"Here it is! The Lumar City gym!" The bluenette held up her arms and showed the foursome.

"Whoa..." The foursome had to strain their neck to look at the building that towered over them.

"That's the gym?" Max asks.

Jean nodded. "Yeah," she gestured for them to follow them. "Come on! I'll show you!"

The quintet burst through the front doors of the gym. They all gazed in aw at the sight. The gym leader stood with her back to them. She had purple hair in two ponytails and wore a purple dress and fingerless gloves. Black glasses rested over her purple eyes.

After hearing the doors open, she turned to the group. "Oh hello!" She cried, her British accent made Brock want to rush over. But he was held back by May.

"Hey, Ms. Hami!" Jeanette waved.

Hami'a eyes lit up after she saw Jean. "Ahh! Good afternoon, Ms. Jean! Who are your little friends?"

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!" Ask cried confidently, making a fist infront of him. "I came to challenge you to a battle!"

Hami looked overjoyed. "YES! Finally! A challenger!"

The foursome blinked and an awkward silence filled the room.

A sweat drop fell from Hami's face as she rubbed her neck nervously. "Oh, right. Sorry, I just started today!"

Ash smirked. "Then this should be an easy win!"
As Ash had his gym battle, May decided to do a little sight seeing with Jean. Brock wanted to come along to be with her, but Max forced him to stay back, for the girl's sake. Also, Hami was there.

"Lunar City is so beautiful, Jean!" May cried. "I wish I lived her!"

Jeanette chuckled. "Yeah, it is."

The girls continued to walk until they reach the plaza. May's eyes filled with wonder as she looked through all the shop windows to see what she wanted tho do first.

"I know I nice restaurant near by, we can eat there!" Jean chirped.

May nodded and happily followed.

It wasn't a really fancy restaurant, but by Arceus Jessie would be jealous. As Jean and May sat down, a trio in disguises watched them from a separate table. Jessie had her red/pink hair up in a bun with glasses in her face and James had his in a ponytail, also wearing glasses. They wore more expensive clothing in comparison to their typical Team Rocket uniforms. Meowth was sitting a a booster seat in a baby costume.

They seemed to be starting at one girl in particular. Jeanette.

Feeling eyes upon her, she glanced over to the three, but they immediately looked away. She hummed.

"You okay?" May asked.

Jean jumped and turned to her. "Uh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. It's just, those two look familiar..." She pointed to the table. When May looked, the trio was gone.

"Who?" She blinked.

Jean did the same and her mouth fell open. She shook her head. "Nothing. I guess I was imagining things."

"Alright," May shrugged.

But, Jean then turned to the camera, sort of hopeful. "You saw them too, right?" She asked you.
"Go, Ash!" Max cheered.

"Yeah!" Brock joined in.

Pikachu stood weakly yet confidently in the middle of the gym. He panted. The umbreon that stood in front of him prepped another attack.

"Go, Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Ash cried out. The mouse pokemon gathered up the strength it had left and leaped into the air, his tail glowing white. Umbreon looked frightened, and tried to jump out of the way, but the attack collided with it, and fainted.

"The challenger, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, wins that match!" The announcer cried, holding up his hand towards Ash's side, signaling his victory. Brock and Max clapped and cheered.

Hami smiled and returned her Umbreon. She walked over to Ash, holding a badge. "Here, Ash. You deserve this. May this badge be the key to remembering this victory."

Ash nodded as Brock bolted over and swooned over Hami. "And may you be the key to my heart!" He said, and Max had to drag him off.

Ash sighed, exasperated.

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