Chapter 4: Snorlax Grow Giant?! The Mystery of Dynamax!

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("Victor, when we grow up and become Pokémon Trainers, I'm gonna need your help catching Mew!")

("You got it! I'll do my very best for you, Go-kun.")

("Th-Thanks...I appreciate it.")

("But since you're not getting any other Pokémon as your first until we catch Mew...I'll be sure to protect you if we get attacked while traveling together!")

("If you're saying that, then I'll protect you too! After all, as my best friend, its only right that I make sure to keep an eye on you.")

("Mmhm~! Right back at ya, Go-kun! I won't let you out of my sight even for a second!")

("I-I didn't mean it like that, Victor...")


Present Day

"After being offered to become special lab assistants, Ash, Victor & Go all become research fellows at Sakuragi Institute. They were intrigued by a phenomenon of Pokémon growing gigantic, which led them to visit the Galar Region. At their first stop in Wyndon, Ash has his backpack stolen by a wild Scorbunny, who was the leader of a trio of Nickit. Battling the Rabbit Pokémon, they manage to get it back, before boarding the train to the Wild Area. The next day..."


On the train, Scorbunny, after waking up in the passenger car, pulled on his ears as he smiled to himself, enthusiastic about seeing Go again. 


It instinctively covers its eyes upon a small ray of sunlight entering through the window. Scorbunny jumps towards it, and looks outside, seeing the verdant terrain that the train was going past.

Hopping down, he skips around and knocks on one of the room doors, advancing inside only to not see Go or his friends in the room, after having slept in it. The small Pokémon checks the other rooms aboard, only finding a Bunnelby in one with carrots, running out in a panic.

"Scor! Scor!"

Checking the last one, he walks in to see their bags within the empty space on the small beds, especially Go's.


That was when he heard voices coming from another room nearby.

"This looks delicious!"

"Thanks for the food!"

"Let's eat now you guys!"



Victor's POV

"After we had slept aboard one of the train's private suites, we woke up the next day and were currently feasting with our Pokémon in the dining car. I had both of mine out since everyone else who was eating had their out as well. It was really nice getting to eat with Char and Eve like this."

Ash, Go-kun, and I were all dining at a table together as our Pokémon were eating their Poké food. Although I was enjoying everything myself, I was sort of...worried about Ash, as he was struggling to eat his piece of bread.





He manages to bite off a bit of it, but still, I don't think that's the sound bread's supposed to make when eating it.

"Ash...are doing okay over there?"


"I'm good," He replied. "But you know, this bread is really hard..."

"Well then, why don't you break it up with your hands before eating it?" Go-kun suggested, before sipping his soup.

"He has a point." 

Go and I was both eating soup, albeit of different flavors, while I did grab me some curry as well.

"Great idea!"

"Ash...*sigh* "Nevermind..." I muttered. "You guys enjoying the food?"



"Hehe, glad to hear that."

"Can you understand them?" Go-kun asked.

"Huh? No, not really." I replied. "I kind of... guess what they're saying. Know what I mean?"

"I can understand that, Victor!" Ash chimed in. "It's just how it is with me and Pikachu! Right, buddy?"

"Pika pika!"

"Exactly! Oh?"

I turned and glanced around when I thought I saw a pair of red and orange ears in the air. But...there wasn't anything there.

"Vic-kun?" Go asked worriedly.

"Sorry. I thought I saw something for a moment."


"Me too..." Ash agreed.

"Maybe we just imagined it."

Trying to put it out of my mind, I focused on enjoying our breakfast as Ash instantly ate all of his meal right off the plate...with his mouth.



"What was that?" 

"You guys should try it, too! It tastes better this way!"

"Does it, huh..."

"There's no way that's true." Go-kun rebutted.

"Really? I thought it sounded like it could be..."

Just as we were talking, I could've sworn I saw the very same red and orange rabbit-like ears again! 

"Could it be..."

As I was trying to piece it together, I noticed Go-kun tried eating and slurping his food the same way like Ash did, and he actually did it.

"This is great!"

"I know, right?!"

"Let me try too!" I spoke.



Growing irritated with not being noticed, Scorbunny pouted to itself and walked by the three in a fit, heading into the next car in between and picked a blue oran berry from a cart nearby, taking a bite of it.


Still angry, it kicks the berry into the air, hitting one of the waiters' walking past, and knocking the tray he was carrying onto the floor as he fell.


"I am so sorry!"

"Are you alright, sir?"

Witnessing the scene unfold, Scorbunny slinks away before it was found out.



OP: 123 by After the Rain

Hey, is it time, is it time, is it time? Hurry up!

Are you ready to head out?

We don't need a sendoff

To the strange world I want to show you

Even if in fire or in water

Or in the present day we fumble for but can't see

We still don't know what awaits even one second ahead

But every single one of our memories

Are always inside a ball

Jump in on one, two, three!

Someday the future I imagined will be right in my pocket

"Nice to meet you" always marks a beginning

There's no hesitating! (No!) Try! (Try!)

Let's have a fight!

1. After a battle

2. Whether you're laughing or crying

We'll be friends on 3!

On that day, on this day, that's how we've always done it

The world we can't see, with an end we don't know, is waiting right there

Let's go! Even if we trip and skin our knees

Let's go! When it comes to who I want by my side to start walking again

I choose you!


Napping underneath some of the travelers' suitcases, Scorbunny wakes up after seeing that the train came to a stop finally at a station and slowly made its way to the door, not realizing in time that Go and the others had already walked past him, leaving the train.


Before he could respond, the train began to move once again. It hurried over to the window and immediately started to scream out in desperation while trying to gain their attention, but to no avail. 


Scurrying to the nearby opened window on the train, Scorbunny rushes to try and hop out of it, only to find out that the train was already heading through a tunnel, making it difficult to do so.


The small Pokémon slides down in discouragement at this fact.


Victor's POV

After we got off the train with our things, we went straight to the Wild Area's station to find out more about the phenomenon of enormous Pokémon. I had returned Eve to her Pokéball for now and we were just entering the station as Ash spoke up first in excitement.

"All right, let's go find a giant Pokémon!"


"Better get some pointers first."

"Good idea, Go-kun. We're gonna need to know where to look."

We walked right over to the counter and let Go-kun talked to the man there first.

"Excuse me."

"Can I help you?"

"I've heard there are Pokémon that grow giant around here."

"Do you know anything about it?" I asked.

"Grow giant?" He repeated. "Oh, you must mean Dynamax."

"Dynamax?" Ash questioned.

"Is that common here?"

"That's right. You can find it by following the red lights."

The three looked at each other, knowing how close we were to discovering our Dynamax Pokémon. 

"This is gonna be so exciting!"


Back on the train...

A while of abiding for its opportunity to get off, Scorbunny bounced onto the window, and hopped out of the train, rolling down the slope at an alarming rate...

"Scor! Scor! Scor! Scor!"


...Till smacking right into a tree.


He quickly recovered and ran back up the hill. Afterward, Scorbunny rushes onto the railroad tracks and remembered the words that Go told it about its legs being lucky.


Hopping up and down, the small Pokémon stretched his body and got into a running stance.


He starts to run at high speeds, heading straight for the Wild Area.


Wild Area- Galar Region

Victor's POV

"Once we made it to the Wild Area, I was so impressed! It was HUGE!  There was Pokémon everywhere! In the trees, in the grass, and in the sky! Go-kun and I took photos of all of the Pokémon that we came across, adding their data to our Pokédex. So many cute and adorable ones! My favorites were definitely Tympole and Goomy! It was so awesome! Although for some reason, when Ash got carried by a Flygon, it was really cool. But when a Gliscor tried to carry me off to play, Go-kun and Ash chased after us panicking."





"This is so fun, hehe!"

"Although, this is pretty high..."


"Pikachu, use thunderbolt!"

I looked down and saw Pikachu charging up electricity through its entire body and then discharged it towards both of us.




"That was quite shocking!"

With a thrust, the wild Gilscor released me, dropping me as I started to drop down.



"Hm, I'm falling..."

As I was descending from the air, I soon landed on top of Ash and Go-kun as the two crashes onto the ground after cushioning my downfall.

"That. Was. Fun!" I exclaimed. "Let's do that again!" 


"Go-kun? Ash?"

I glanced around and saw that they were groaning below me, as Pikachu and Char run over to us.

"Oops, sorry!" 

I swiftly got off of them, enabling them to stand up and recover from the fall.

"That was...insane..." Ash responded.

"I thought it was pretty fun. It almost reminds me of our voyage with Lugia!"



"Don't worry, everyone. I'm okay!" I reassured. "Now, let's get back to our search!"

"That's the spirit, Victor!"

"I'm glad Ash perked right back up. As for Go-kun..."

As Ash went on a bit further ahead, I turned to Go, feeling a little anxious.

"Are you alright, Go-kun? You weren't hurt, right?"

"N-No...I'm fine."

"Oh, great! I was worried that you might've been hurt. But I'm glad you're alright."

When I said that, Go muttered something under his breath with a faint blush over his face.

"You're really something...."


"Nothing. Heh."


"Come on, you two! We're not gonna find that gigantic Pokémon standing around!"


"We're coming!" Go-kun answered.  "Come on, Vic-kun."



After trekking across the Wild Area for a while, Ash stopped abruptly when we reached some railway tracks, looking as if he was gazing at something.

"What are you looking at?" Go-kun asked.

"Are those the red lights the station worker was talking about?" Ash pointed.

Ash was referring to the red color lights coming from the railroad signal lights. 

"It could but..." I muttered.

"No, it couldn't be..." Go sweatdropped.

"That'd be too easy I guess."

As we were pondering this, a train proceeded to go through us and keep on going ahead. After we made sure that it had completely past, we all leaped over the tracks, one after another.




"Is that..."

I moved my hat slightly to get a better look and saw a Snorlax up ahead, sleeping under a tree nearby. The three of us ran towards it to get a closer look at the Pokémon. Char and Pikachu jumped from our grasp and raced ahead first.


"I see! Is this Dynamax?" Go-kun asked out loud.



Go-kun took out his Smartphone started taking snapshots of it, as it loaded up on the Pokédex.

"Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon, and the evolved form of Munchlax. It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 pounds of food every day. When it is done eating, it goes promptly to sleep.  This Pokémon's stomach is so strong, even eating moldy or rotten food will not affect it. Its average height is 2.1 meters!"

"Cool! That's quite the powerhouse Pokémon." I said.

"All right! Let's get recording!" Go declared.



Succeeding in running away from trains, traveling through harsh grassy territory, and swimming through fast water currents, and dealing with a horde of Wooloo, Scorbunny, all exhausted and messy, finally reached the Wild Area, and stopped upon seeing Go and his friends. 

"Scor-bun! Scor! Scor!"

It promptly sprang up and hops around excitedly, bustling over to meet his future trainer.


Victor's POV

I grabbed my Rotom phone from my pocket and as Go-kun was recording, I pointed it at Snorlax to see if it really was a Dynamax one.

"This Snorlax's 3.2 meters!"

" really all though?"

"That's not much of a difference..." I stated.

"Hey, Vic-kun..."


"I...expected something grander."

"I...did too. What about you, Ash?"

" did I."

"You think so, too?" Go asked, studying the Snorlax carefully.

Meanwhile, Char and Pikachu were both climbing the Sleeping Pokémon as we thought about this being the Dynamax Pokémon as mentioned.

"Maybe Director Sakuragi...wanted to teach us that things aren't always as impressive in real life as stories make them out to be."

"I don't think its all that complicated, Go-kun...But still..."

As I said this, I thought for a moment that I saw another Pokémon behind Go-kun...

"Pika Pika-chu!"


"It really isn't moving at all..."

"We should observe it for a bit longer, I guess..." Go suggested.

"Let's take a closer look."



"Okay, I definitely recognize that Pokémon cry for sure."

I turned around, only to not see anything out of the ordinary.

"I could've sworn I thought I sensed someone behind me..."

Disregarding my thoughts, I refocused on the Snorlax and felt around its stomach with Go, until Ash called out to us.

"Go, Victor."


"Maybe Snorlax is waiting for that to fail?"

Ash directed our attention to a Sitrus Berry hanging above in a tree.

"No way." Go-kun rebutted. "It'd just grab that if it wanted to eat it, yeah?"

"It might but Snorlax isn't known for moving much..." I argued.

"You think so?"


Out of nowhere, a small rock went flying towards Ash's head, hitting him hard as his hat came off. For a moment, I definitely heard a scream but I didn't have time to wonder about that as the small pebble knocked the Sitrus Berry out of the tree, making Snorlax actually bounce upward for it.



Go-kun and I were both incredibly surprised by what occurred as the Snorlax made a powerful sound upon landing on the ground, nearly shaking off Pikachu and Char.

"Haha! You were right, Ash!" Go praised.

"Indeed! Nice job!"


Ash stood up, still rubbing the large bump on his head, practically still fresh.

"Who threw that rock?"

As if answering Ash's question, popping up behind Go-kun was the culprit, making us naturally all turn around to look at them.


"The adorable Scorbunny!"


"Scor! Scor!"

Scorbunny runs towards us and went straight for Go-kun, hugging his pants leg.

"Aww, so cute..."

"The one from yesterday?'s not brown!"

"It must've washed off the mud," I told. "That would explain its white fur!"

"You look better this way!" Go complimented. "Were you following us?"

The charming little guy nodded his head, answering our question.

"I think it wants to come with you!"

"I think so too, Go-kun! It followed us all the way here, after all!"

Go-kun looked at me for a second before returning his gaze to Scorbunny.

"You really...?"

Scorbunny blushed embarrassedly as his ear pointed down, showing that it did want to become Go-kun's Pokémon.

"The way its blushing is so cute! It's like looking at a Pokémon Go-kun!"

However, Go's next response was something that shook me greatly.

"I'm sorry."


"I decided that the first Pokémon I catch..."


"...will be Mew."

"B-But, Go-kun..."

"It's true that after Koharu, Go-kun and I all witnessed Mew ourselves firsthand when we were young, seeing its nature and the abilities it had that I could understand why Go-kun wanted to catch the Mystical Pokémon as his first Pokémon, but still..."

"I made up my mind way back then."


"This is too sad to watch..."

Seeing the disappointed look on the poor guy's face was almost too much to bear.

"If you really did follow me, then I'm honored. But...I'm sorry."


*Sniff* *Sniff* "How sad..."


While watching this unfortunate scene unfold, we glanced about when small bits of red light gathered around Snorlax.



"What's this?" Ash questioned.

"So pretty!" 

"Red lights!"

"Don't tell me..."

"It's Dynamax!" I cried. "We're finally gonna see it!"

Shortly in an instant, a burst of red light started poured out of Snorlax's chest, the sky had turned dark red as well as the clouds.


"You guys, what is this?!" Go-kun asked.

"Heck I know!" I replied.  "But it's beautiful!"

"Run!" Ash screamed, before beginning to run away, with Pikachu right behind him.

"So amazing..." I muttered.

"Char-man! Char-man!"

"Scorbunny! Follow me!" Go demanded.

"Scor! Scor!"

"Vic-kun we gotta move!"

"Huh...? Oh yeah! Sorry, I got distracted!"

I immediately started to run as fast I could, with Char rushing after me too as Scorbunny followed Go. All of us ran for our lives, as we tried to avoid getting squished by the growing Snorlax.

"This is so exciting! Although this would be more fun if we were about to be crushed by a gigantic Pokémon."

After gaining enough distance, we thought we were all safe when Go-kun realized that Scorbunny was grabbing onto the signal light post. Thankfully, he managed to avoid getting smashed at it eventually had stopped growing.


"Was that..." Go-kun started. "what the station worker mentioned? Dynamax?"

"This is a mountain!" Ash exclaimed. "I mean, its massive, and there's even a tree up there!"

"This is awesome!" I added. "And it even has flowers!"

"This is bad!"

Go's sudden yell made us all gaze towards the railway tracks.


"It's ON the tracks!" I shouted. "Literally!"

"A train will pass by here in eight minutes!" Go said, looking at his phone.


"Then we gotta move it! Quickly!"

With the knowledge of our time limit before the train's arrival, all three of us and our Pokémon directly tried to push the large sleeping Snorlax with all the strength we could muster.

"Hey! Wake up, Snorlax!"

"Wake up, big guy!" 

"Stand back, Go, Victor!"

Doing as instructed, we both stepped back as Ash said.

"Pikachu! 100,000 Volts!"


Pikachu released a large discharge of electricity, only for it to be completely ineffective on the massive Pokémon. I think even Pikachu was just as shocked as us.

"No use!"

"I'll try too!" I spoke. "Char, use Flamethrower!"


Char releases a red-orange stream of fire from its mouth at the Dynamax Snorlax. Nonetheless, just like Pikachu's 100,000 Volts, it didn't even scratch him!

"Are you for real?!?"


"You tried, Char, don't worry."

Before I could react though, Snorlax suddenly moved its right arm and aimed at me without me barely noticing it.



Go-kun quickly grabbed me and we both went tumbling down the hillside a little, just in time and managing to dodge Snorlax's Hyper Beam, which made a large explosion nearby.

"Are you guys alright?!" Ash demanded.


"We're good..."

"That was close, though..." I muttered. "Thanks for the save, Go-kun!"

"No problem."

When we looked at each other, I realized that Go-kun was sorta on top of me and it made me feel self-conscious a little. 

"W-Why do I feel embarrassed...?"


I pulled out of my mind upon seeing that the Snorlax was still moving its arms, despite being asleep still.

"Is it moving in its sleep?" Go-kun asked.

"Whatever the case, we have to move it, and fast!" Ash declared.


Getting back up, we attempted once again to try and push the Sleeping Snorlax, trying to shout at it and pleading for it to wake up.

"Wake up, Snorlax! Please, wake up!"

"Char-man! Char-man!"

"Just wake up!"

"Pika pika!"


Although after all our shouting, it was moving a budge!

"Ash! Vic-kun! Look!"

Go-kun pointed to the tree on top of the Dynamax Pokémon, where we saw that there was a massive Sitrus Berry dangling from one of the branches.

"If we drop that berry..."

"It might move in order to eat it!" I finished.

"Got it! I'll give it a try!"

"We'll help too! Let's move, Char!"

"Counting on you guys!"





With our partners hopping onto us, Ash and I began to swiftly scale up Snorlax, with Go-kun right behind us. As we were trekking up the mountainous Pokémon, I glanced back to see if Go-kun was doing okay, since he wasn't used to all of this climbing stuff, as seen when we were chasing the Ivysaur horde.

"Go-kun, you got this?" 

"N-Not...a problem...!"

Even with those words, I knew that to be a lie. But...I trust Go-kun.

"Time to keep going up!" 


After a long while of ascending up the massive and huge Snorlax, we eventually made it to the top of the tree on the big guy and Ash and I approached the branch with the berry on it.

"It's huge!" Ash asserted.

"Does Dynamax make even Berries enormous?!" 

Moving forward a bit, I gazed down the tree to see Go-kun just making it past the flowers, pulling a leaf off his head.


"This is insane..."

"This is pretty fun in my opinion." 

As I conversed with Ash, Go-kun called out to both of us.

"You guys, drop the berry right here!"


"Got it! Pikachu hit it with an Iron Tail!"


"Char, use Scratch on it too!"


Following our instructions, Pikachu and Char both utilized their individual attacks and aimed for the stem holding the fruit, only chipping it a bit.

"No good, huh? Go! How much time left?"

"Four more minutes!"

"Then let's try again, Ash! Char, once more! Use Scratch multiple times!"

"Pikachu, you too! Use a flurry of Iron Tails!"

The two of us hopped onto the Sitrus Berry, trying to shake it slightly as our Pokémon continued to slash and chip away at the bark, bit by bit.

"Pika! Pika!"

"Char-man! Char-man!"

"Just a little more...!" 

"Nice job, you guys!" 

"One more!" I said. "We're nearly there!"



With a final slash, we ultimately succeeded in cutting the berry from the branch!



"You did it!"

"I knew you guys could!" 

"Go-kun, it's heading your way!" I expressed.

The massive berry rolled down the hill, heading down.

"Good, keep it up! Go!" Go-kun cheered.

However, as we celebrated, it soon stopped after getting stuck in the bush of leaves.

"Oh no!"

"This isn't good!"

Dashing over to the berry, Go-kun attempted to push it farther down and towards Snorlax's mouth but wasn't working, no matter how much effort he put forth.

"Come on, Go-kun! You can do it!"

"Move! Please, move!"

"Scor! Scor!"

As Go continued to try and move the SItrus Berry, the bell to the light signals began to ring, telling us that we were out of time, as we stared beyond the tracks to hear the train coming, and getting closer too!

"Is it hopeless?"

" can't be..."



Getting down from the slope near the flowers, after walking down, I rejoined Go-kun, finding Scorbunny here as well too.



 "I think it wants to help, Go-kun!"


As if answering, Scorbunny starts trying to push the berry, using both its ears and arms.

"All right! We're gonna move it, for sure!"

"You can do it, you two!" 

I looked and peeked from on top Snorlax to see that the train was almost here!

"Come on...!"

Just as I turned back to Go-kun and Scorbunny, I was amazed at what I saw next. Scorbunny was emitting fire from both its feet as its entire body was also starting to radiate a red shine.


"Scorbunny, Double Kick!" Go instructed.

Scorbunny stopped and looked to Go-kun.

"Hit it with Double Kick!"


Scorbunny gazed at Go-kun joyfully.

"Aw, it looks so happy! isn't the time for that type of stuff!"

"Please listen to Go-kun, Scorbunny!"


The small Rabbit Pokémon turned to face me and nodded.

"Do iiiit!"

With Go-kun's one last voiced demand, Scorbunny leaped backward and aimed straight for the Sitrus berry, and he kicked the fruit with each of its feet once, resulting in being able to get the berry down just in time!

"All right!"

Ash came over just as Go-kun and I jumped up and down in happiness. However, we weren't expecting it to jump so high as the giant Snorlax knocked us all into the air. 


As Snorlax went for the fruit, we all realized that Scorbunny was still on it as it went inside his mouth.


"Oh dear...!"

With a loud thump, everything in the surrounding area shook tremendously as Snorlax crashed back down to the ground, missing the track fortunately as it came to a stop.   

"Phew...glad that's--"

Before I could finish though, we started to fall back down as well.



We fell and plunged into the bushes, pulling our heads out as Go-kun stared down at Snorlax worriedly as he was concerned about Scorbunny being eaten.


"I really hope that Snorlax doesn't like eating small cute bunnies..."

As I thought this, Go-kun ran towards Snorlax's head and started to shout at it to spit him out. Ash & Pikachu were both still recuperating from that fall, not that I could blame them. 

"Hey! You can't eat Scorbunny!" Go yelled.

Suddenly, the very same burst of red light began to pour out of the Sleeping Pokémon again, but this time, he started to shrink down in magnitude, reverting back to a normal-sized Snorlax. Since we were still on it, we fell right off as it wasn't Dynamaxed anymore, landing in the grass.



I turned to Snorlax and promptly noticed that two of the very same red and orange rabbit ears were poking out from its mouth.


Upon calling his name, it spits him out after eating the Sitrus berry, and Go-kun moved around in a circle quickly, catching Scorbunny just in time, with him completely covered in saliva.

"Gross, but still cute."


"Thank goodness!" 

Go-kun gently sat him down after seeing he was alright. Scorbunny shakes its body swiftly, and in turn, get rid of all the saliva coating it.

"Hehe." I grinned.

"Scorbunny, you did it!"  


Go-kun guided to where the train was. The train operator noticed the damaged rails just in time and stopped the train and once Snorlax was off the tracks, he had begun to repair them.

"Look! Your Double Kick saved everyone!"


"Thank you!" 

"This is so adorable watching! I almost wanna record this moment and that smile!"

Scorbunny's eyes started tearing up slightly as he blushed and grinned happily.

*Sniff* "So adorable!"

Although, Scorbunny's happy face soon turned into sad expression as he turned away from us, walking away.


"He must still remember what Go-kun said earlier..." 


Muttering to myself, I marched ahead and stood behind Go, placing my hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.

"I think you should catch him, Go-kun. Make him your first."


Go-kun narrowed his eyes turned back to Scorbunny, staring at the small Pokémon as it was walking away sadly, not looking back at us.

"I just know that they would make a great team!"

It was in that exact moment that Go-kun spoke out forwardly.


Hearing him, Scorbunny stopped, shifting his look to Go.

"You can do it, Go-kun. Just be honest with how you feel."

"You were really cool!"


"I've decided. The first Pokémon I catch will be you!"

Following that, Go-kun then took out a small Pokéball from his pocket, enlarging it to normal size one.

"That okay with you?"

As soon he said that Scorbunny's face practically lit up with a bright smile and blush hearing Go-kun's words.

"Better catch you with a curve ball, yeah?"

"You can do it, Go-kun!"

"Char-man! Char-man!"


"Poké Ball, go!"

Go throws the Pokéball with his left hand, aiming directly for Scorbunny as it flew...only to actually fly past him!


"W-What the?!" 


"Um...that did not just happen. Did it?"

With two solid blows, Scorbunny kicks the Pokéball up into the air, and presses his head against the button, going inside the Ball in a blinding light. The Pokéball falls down onto the ground, shaking a few times before a click sound came afterward, signaling that Go-kun had officially caught Scorbunny!

"Did it work?"

 "Of course it did!" I reassured him.

 "Don't worry! You got it!" Ash joined in, walking up to us.


"Don't worry, Go-kun!" I replied. "But in other news, you got your first Pokémon!"

After catching Scorbunny, we looked at our Pokédex to see that it was officially added to both of ours.

"Scorbunny's data has been added to the Pokédex!" 

After seeing that, it finally hit Go-kun that he had officially caught his first Pokémon as his eyes sparkled with excitement the same way mine did when I got Char. He was still shouting in joy and staring at Scorbunny's Pokéball. It was like seeing a child happy after receiving a new toy. That made it difficult for me to resist taking a quick shot of a starstruck Go, as a way to remember this day.

"Definitely saving this one for my Rotom phone."

"You did it, Go!"

"I'm so happy fo you!"

"Mmhm! I caught my first Pokémon!" Go-kun bellowed. 'Scorbunny, go!"

Go-kun brought out Scorbunny immediately, and he couldn't be happier.


"I look forward to working with you!"


Scorbunny jumps up and high fives Go-kun with its foot.

"They look so happy..." I said.

"They'll make a great team."

"Pika pika."

"Oh yeah, this would be a great chance for Eve to meet Scorbunny!" I said, realizing this. "Come on out, Eve!"

I threw her Pokéball into the air and it popped right open as Eve came out of it, but as soon as she did, she instinctively hid behind my legs.


"It's okay, Eve! Look, we have a new friend in our group!"

Eve walked around and then cried out happily when she saw Scorbunny, her shy nature around strangers being replaced by a bright and enthusiastic one.

"E-vee? Vee! Vee!"

She scurried over to Scorbunny, who jumped off of Go's arm, and ran towards Eve.


"Scor! Scor!"


Eve starts to rub her cheek and nuzzle it against Scorbunny's as it blushed while returning the affection.

"It looks like they're getting along already!" I said. "Isn't it great, Go-kun?"



"Following our venture through Galar, we returned back to Kanto and in Vermillion City since we were able to learn a bit about the mysteries of Dynamax. Scorbunny, as Go-kun's first Pokémon, seemed really thrilled and excited about coming back home with us. The whole time during the flight back, Go practically played with him the whole time. It was almost too cute to watch in a way. I left Eve out of her Ball so that she could play with the other Pokémon, and she seemed to have been getting along with Scorbunny pretty well. Soon after we were off the plane, we eventually made it back to the Institute and told Professor Sakuragi everything that happened with the Dynamax Snorlax."

"Really? Snorlax's Dynamax?"

"It was as big as a mountain!" Ash yelled.

"It was huge!" I added.

"And it still managed to jump at that size!" Go-kun exclaimed.

"Sounds like quite the experience!"

"Yam-per! Yam-per!"

We all turned around to see Yamper running towards us, and immediately starts barking at Go, looking behind him.

"Oh yeah, he doesn't know about our new pal."

"What's wrong, Yamper?" Professor asked.

Stepping from behind Go, Scorbunny confronted Yamper, glaring at the pup, before he started bouncing around the place.

"Aww, a Puppy Pokémon chasing a Rabbit Pokémon. How charming!"


"It's a long story..."

Jumping down from Ash's shoulder, Pikachu greeted his friend back, and the two electric types started to nuzzle their cheeks together, sharing sparks of electricity.



I noticed eventually that Scorbunny started to look slightly jealous of the two as it began to pout.


"Vee! Vee!"

"Huh? Eve?"

Eve hopped right off from the top of my head, and ran over to Scorbunny, comforting him as she brushed her cheek against Scorbunny's lightly.

"E-vee! Vee!"

"Scor! Scor..."


"Aww, how cute! It seems like Eve really likes him!" 

Seeming flushed, Scorbunny moved toward his trainer, and tugged Go-kun's pants leg, wanting some attention from him too. 

"Go, is that..." 

"Let me introduce you!" Go-kun started. "This is my first-ever Pokémon; Scorbunny!"

Scorbunny hops onto Go-kun's arm as he introduces him.



"Come on, Eve, I'll give you some attention too,"  I said, picking her up while Char cling to my back near my shoulder.


"I can't wait to see the kind of team Go-kun and Scorbunny make together. I just know that it'll be great! Our adventure in the Galar Region was so much fun, I almost couldn't wait for what was coming next. But most of all, I'm really happy that Go-kun caught his first Pokémon! Now he's an official qualified Pokémon Trainer! Things are definitely going to get more interesting and lively around here."


Preview for Chapter 5:

Ash: "Now onto the next Adventure!"

Victor & Go: "Go!"

Go: 'I'm starting to want to catch loads of Pokémon and fill up my Pokédex!"

Victor: "Me too! Let's go meet lots of cool and spectacular Pokémon! We'll catch em all!"

Ash: "Well then, wanna go catch some right now you two?"

Victor: "Look! There's a Pidgey! And a Metapod!"

Go: "All right! Go, Poké Ball!"

Ash: "Huh? Right away?"

Victor: "Hey look at that! Some Beedrills! They wanna play too!"

Go & Ash: "RUN!!"

Victor: "I found a Shroomish! Lucky!"

Go: "A Scyther! Its using Wind Gust!"

Ash: "Next time, on Pokémon!"

Go: "We Got Loads of Pokémon!"

All: "The Road to Mew!"

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