What they do when they have free time or bored

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- Goes to the Pokemon Center to help Nurse Joy heal pokemon (possibly flirt with her)
- Studies in becoming a pokemon breeder
- Learns more way in making pokemon food
- Flirts with Officer Jenny (might get arrested for that)
- Probably flirt with other girls he comes across
- Teach his siblings on what it takes to be a pokemon trainer


- Swimming with her water pokemon
- Practicing for her next performance
- Look for new water pokemon
- Chat with Erika when she has the time
- If she is with Brock whenever they walk together but constantly has to pull on his ear when he flirts with other woman
- Fishing


- Hangs out near any place with food
- Hangs out with Sabrina
- Chats with Koga (Despite the fact Koga threatens him if he messes with him)
- Checks on Janine (according to Koga despite having Sabrina and Lt.Surge watching over his daughter)


- Gardening
- Gathering fragrance to make perfume
- Sleep
- Hangs out with Misty or Jasmine


- Learn new ninja tricks
- Pranks people
- Meditates
- Tests out the security whenever she has the time to do so (She is a freelancer in testing out if the security is okay from any robbers)
- Visits her father
- Hangs out with Lt.Surge or Sabrina whenever they come by to check on her
- Talk to Falkner (to annoy him about how much her dad is stronger)
- Cooking (for herself or her father)

- Hangs around the beach side of Olivine or any other place
- Same as Lt.Surge about watching over Koga's daughter (Koga trust more in Sabrina even if she is strict than Lt.Surge could ever be)
- By any chance she would be with Morty or Will (Since they all have powers of seeing the future)

Green (Must I bother including him?)
- Train his pokemon
- Hang out with Red, Daisy or Professor Oak
- Makes sure Blue is doing ok

- Bird Watching
- Flying around with his bird pokemon
- Talks to Janine (same as for him both only talk about their dads)
- Hangs out with Morty or Bugsy
- Visits the Bellsprout Tower
- Does his 2nd job as a Police Officer

- Hangs out in the Ilex forest
- With Kurt to see how he was doing
- Bug catching
- Studying
- Hangs out with Falkner or Morty sometimes Whitney

- Shopping and would drag anyone to go with her (She would mostly drag Janine than the other girls because she once mentioned to her that her style resembles her father too much)
- Visit her Uncle's Ranch
- Going for a walk
- Watching T.V
- Visit D.J Mary at the Radio station
- Tease Falkner about Janine (She one time mentions to Jasmine she will be the Cupid)
- Hangs out with Bugsy if she wants to walk in the Ilex Forest (One time she got lost in the Ilex forest that from now on Bugsy has to watch over her)
- Would go visit Morty or Jasmine


- Help people who seek his powers to help them
- Visit the Burnt Tower
- Would talk to Eusine if he was around
- Visit the Kimono Girls
- Hang out with Falkner or Bugsy sometimes Whitney when she comes by (not that he minds)
- Would meet up with Sabrina who understand him (Mostly Will would barely do him any better)


- Training with his Pokemon
- Meditate under the waterfalls
- Stays home with his wife
- Be at the Fighting Dojo
- Would visit Bruno for any training advice
- Secretly chat with Walker (aka Falkner's father who basically disappeared even tho he ditched his gym without letting Falkner know he was okay)


- Visit the Light House to make sure Amphy is doing good
- Eat at a restaurant stuffing her mouth with food
- Hang out with Erika sometimes Whitney whenever Whitney wants to


- Would make pokemon ice sculptures
- Whenever his childhood friends try to reconnect he would have the feeling of getting back with them


- Train at the Dragon's Den
- Help other Dragon trainers
- Visit Lance (probably battling him)
- Watching over newly hatched dragon pokemon
- Visit her grand parents


- Training
- Eating sweets (Despite the fact it effects his healthy eating schedule)
- Giving Chuck advice
- Chat with Koga


- Would hang out with Sabrina and sometimes Morty to tick him off
- Chat with Karen
- Mess with Koga (Despite Koga will somehow poison him if he were to tick him off)


- Chat with Will
- Criticize some people
- Hang out in Kanto
- Walk in the nighttime
- Look for entertainment
(She is a lot like Whitney but smarter)


- Reading scrolls
- Visit or hang out with his daughter
- Chat with Lt.Surge and Sabrina (Since he isn't in Kanto much he wants them to make sure his daughter is doing ok)


- Visit Clair
- Visit the Dragon's Den
- Chat with anyone he would like to speak with
- Do his job as a G-Men (If I recall Lance was a G-Men in the anime as a 2nd job)

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