Chapter 2

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"Let's see, where am I going now?" Outside the Professor's lab, I examine my map. The gym is first priority. Ice type, huh-

Suddenly I find myself on my back. "Oow! What?"

"Oh, hi Hannah." I see a boy's face above mine. "Sorry about that." He helps me up.

"Yuki, you're getting your first Pokemon today too? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, I don't know how well Patty-" he scratches the back of his head and someone inside the lab screams.

"Are you SURE you don't have any more of that little fire Pokemon?" A voice that annoying can only belong to- A girl with strawberry-blonde hair storms out the door. "I WANTED THE FIRE TYPE!"

My Pokemon jumps out of her Poke-ball and growls. "Well Patricia, welcome to the real world where you don't always get what you want."

"Rrg! You have a Pokemon, and all of the sudden you're the boss of everything?! Hannah, give me that one!"

"Girls, there's a way to settle this." Yuki emerges from the lab as well, holding the stained little grass type and with the water type following him. "Pokemon are here to battle!"

"Those one's aren't good!" Patricia exclaims.

"Well, they're what were provided for us, so I would take one."

Patty glares at the bear in her brother's arms. "You're ugly," she declares.

"Well, lucky for you, Teedy's already mine."

Patricia sighs and kneels to the hyperactive lizard. "I guess it's you." She holds out a Poke-ball and the water type jumps in.

"Alright, go--" She turns to her brother. "What's this thing's name?"

"Ah, I think it's Lizdrop."

"I hate that. I'll call you Lizzie. Go Lizzie!" The cerulean Pokemon slithered onto the 'field' between Patty and me.

"Go Solkit," I command gently. My Pokemon isn't as into this, clearly. She pads a few steps and then stops and just yawns.

"Lizzie, use Bubble Beam!" Lizzie opens her mouth as bubbles gently float out. "Huh?"

"That's not a beam," I comment. My Pokemon seems to take damage from the popping bubbles, so I decide to retaliate. I know my fire-type attack Ember won't do much, so I use Tackle.

Solkit lazily stands but shootds like a rocket at Lizzie. "Leer, and Tackle again!" I shout, receiving a look as if to say, Don't push it.

She did as was told anyway, and looks back at me, tossing the defeated Pokemon aside. "Solkit! Be nice to defeated Pokemon!" I scold.

Patricia is fuming. "Okay, so does this mean you get to keep Solkit?!" she spits at me.

Yuki has my back. "Yes, sister, now let's get your Pokemon to a Center to heal it up, okay?" He doesn't wait for a response but drags Patty away.

"That was good," I tell Solkit, "But you need to be on your toes a little bit more. We'll fix that with a little training." My partner looks at me funny for a minute, but then she shoots me her smiling look again. "I'm glad you feel that way, because I think I know where to go now."~

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