Chapter 1- Betrayal

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Third person:
There was once a beautiful demon princess named Reaperela. She has a kingdom the Star kingdom, that in the future will be long forgotten. Reaperela was the perfect image of both her Dads, Anti and Dark. She had Anti's beautiful pale skin (she has not cuts in this or the pentagrams), and brown hair, she had Dark's dark brown eyes that can see into people's soul. Reaperela trusts everyone, for a 15 year old and now she was walking in the forest to explore while watching all the Pokémon. She sat down in a meadow and she was watching her little septic eye, Death play with the other Pokémon. Reaperela's ears twitched and she looks to see that a older man that was in his 70s was there with her. She was wearing a long dress that was green and pink with purple spots. "Oh hi Magic man how have ye been?" Reaperela asked.
"It doesn't matter how I've been, it only matters how you have been because you have been working yourself to death" Magic man said as he sits down next to Reaperela.
"It matters ta me how ye been" Reaperela said she give Magic man the puppy eyes that works on anyone.
"Fine I'm been fine now answer my question" Magic man said with a huff.
"I doing good just really exhausted so I decided ta take a walk ta here so I can relax a wee bit" Reaperela said. "I brought Death with me so she can have some fun outside the castle" Reaperela said.
—-Hours later—
Reaperela and Magic man talked till it got dark and Reaperela had to leave. "I have ta go Magic man I hope ta see ye again probably tomorrow" Reaperela said.
"Ok see you soon" Magic man said.
"Death we need ta go home now" Reaperela called out and Death goes to Reaperela. "Bye" Reaperela said as she walks home.
"Bye" Magic man said with a devious smirk. What Reaperela didn't know was that Magic man had an evil idea as he knows that Reaperela couldn't find someone to love her as she was really busy and that dominants want a sub that is obedient while weak. Reaperela wasn't weak or obedient to someone but only to her Dads.
——Next Day——-
Reaperela was walking to the meadow again and she didn't have Death with her today. She saw Magic man there and she smiles as she walks to him. Reaperela was wearing a purple short dress with pink and green spots that went down to her knees. "Hi Magic man" Reaperela said with a warm smile. Magic man didn't say anything he just smirked deviously he had a spell book in his hands. "Magic Man?" Reaperela asked worried then Magic man started to speak in a different language that was French. Reaperela could under what he was saying as he was putting a spell on her to turn her into a Pokémon.
"This spell will only break when you and your soulmate fall in love, mating with each other to make it official that's when you will turn back to normal" Magic man said at the end. (I was lazy to put it in French) Reaperela couldn't hear that part as she was in pain from transforming into a shiny mega Suicune. (What she turns into is on top) "This is for your own good Reaperela" Magic man said in English as he trapped Reaperela into an ancient pokéball that had a spell on it to keep Reaperela's body looking 15. Reaperela could only see blackness and she couldn't do anything to get out. Magic man took the pokéball and he starts to walk away with it.
——Days later——
Anti and Dark were trying to find Reaperela but they couldn't find their daughter. So they both used their magic to make the whole kingdom have their bodies stop aging as time passed and have the whole kingdom floating in the air till they can find Reaperela. As they knew that Reaperela will one day come home some how. When years went by everyone outside the kingdom forgot about everything from Star kingdom but they only remembered that Princess Reaperela was missing. Reaperela's disappearances had made it into history of all over the lands making other kingdoms protect their airs to the throne.

Hi guys I hope that you all like this first chapter of Pokémon love this was based off a dream I had. So you all know I don't know a lot about Pokémon. So I may get things mixed up or put wrong information or miss some things. But I'm trying my best if I am missing things or something just tell me and I'll fix it in the next chapter. This first chapter of this book only has 859 words. This book I will probably not be able to make 1000 words or more as I do get writer's block sometimes and I am making 2 books at a time so be patient with me. Anyways I hope you like this chapter/book and I will see you all in the next chapter bye~

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