Chapter 3: Meeting Magearna

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(This takes place after Ash and Volcanion got Magearna away from Azoth)

Ash held onto a robotic Pokémon that was called Magearna as Volcanion took them under a bridge. Ash lets go of Magearna as it hugs Volcanion. Volcanion was relieved before saying, "For you, I would walk through fire and water." Just then, Pikachu regroups with Ash as it nuzzles him. Ash looks at Volcanion and asks, "So they call you Volcanion, don't they?" Volcanion only grunts while Magearna looks at Ash. Ash looks at Magearna and says, "Magearna, you really are a one-of-a-kind Pokemon." Pikachu agrees with Ash while Magearna chatters a bit.

"My name's Ash, And this is my pal Pikachu." Ash said before Pikachu introduced itself. Magearna simply bows before holding it arm out, offering Ash a handshake. Before Ash could shake its hand, Volcanion pushed Ash away with its hose thingy. "Don't touch it!" Volcanion yelled as it gets ready to blast Ash with water. It didn't let out water, just smoke. Ash was confused until Volcanion went to a river of water and puts both of its hose thingies in the water.

"What are you doing?" Ash asked Volcanion, who answered, annoyed, "I can't blast anything without water." "You can't?" Ash says while watching it before he heard a Pokemon chattering. I looked up to see Spencer and Sophia looking down at him. "Ash!" Zinnia's voice yelled behind Ash. He turned around and saw Zinnia running over and stopped in front of him as she looked breathless.

Spencer and Sophia floated down next to Zinnia as she finished breathing and says, "Where did you gone off to? I had to follow you and Volcanion everywhere, but you guys disappeared midway." Ash rubs the back of his neck nervously as he chuckled a bit before answering, "Sorry about that, Zinnia. I guess Volcanion was trying to save its friend." Zinnia looked at Ash with confusion until she sees Magearna behind behind him. Ash smiled a bit before saying, "Magearna, this is my new friend, Zinna. Zinnia, this is Magearna."

Magearna was silent as it sees Zinnia. Zinnia watched it as she sat on her knees in front of it and says, "Well, hello there Magearna. It's nice to meet you." Zinnia let out a soft smile, causing Magearna to have an instant flashback of its past. It remembers seeing a baby girl with black hair that resembles the same soft smile Zinnia gave. After a moment of silence, Magearna walked over to Zinnia, holding its arms up and embraced Zinnia into a sudden hug, closing its eyes. Zinnia gasped a bit from the sudden hug and Ash was confused from its behavior. Volcanion finished refilling as it saw Magearna hugging Zinnia before going over and pushed Zinnia away from Magearna.

"Magearna, don't go hugging random people out of nowhere. You hardly even know these two." Volcanion told Magearna as it explained to Volcanion about something, who declined that fact and says, "You're talking nonsense Magearna. Rita is gone." Both Ash and Zinnia were confused from that name. "Rita?" Both of them muttered to themselves before Ash says to Volcanion, "Don't worry. If those guys show up again, we'll chase them away."

Zinnia nodded, but Volcanion said rudely, "I don't need help from humans." Pikachu tried to talk some sense into it, but Volcanion snapped, "Stay out of this, electric nuisance." That made Pikachu mad as it yells at Volcanion. Volcanion grew more annoyed and spoke to Pikachu, "Listen up. I'll tell you just one. I will NEVER trust humans. And Pokémon like you that cozy up to humans, I don't trust them either!" Pikachu was clearly mad as electricity runs in its cheeks.

Volcanion took notice and says, "What, Pipsqueak? Want to fight?" It held up its hose-like arms at Pikachu before Zinnia says, "Hey, no unauthorized Pokémon battle in public." Suddenly, they got interrupted when Clemont, Bonnie and Serena found them.

*few minutes later*

"Just meeting the mythical Pokemon Volcanion would've been amazing. But to actually meet Nicola's greatest creation of all time? I'm honored!" Clemont said, amazed to see Magearna. Magearna bows to him as it held it's robotic arm, which suddenly opens up to reveal pink flowers. Very amused, Clemont held its hands and says, "Thank you, Magearna. You're a Pokemon treasure." Volcanion got irritated and yells, "Don't touch it!"

It held its hose to Clemont, spraying water, but Ash managed to push Clemont away and got hit instead. Soon, Serena and Bonnie came back with bags in their arms. They were surprised to see Magearna before Serena gives Ash a bag and says, "Since your clothes are a mess, how about you try these?" Ash examines that his clothes were indeed a mess.

After a few minutes, Ash tried on the clothes Serena bought him as he asks Zinnia and Magearna, "This feels nice. Hey Zinnia and Magearna, what do you two think?" Zinnia grins while giving him a thumbs up while Magearna claps its metallic hands with happiness. "Stop it, Magearna." Volcanion said as it turns its head back. "Don't get involved with these humans." Magearna went over to Volcanion and confronts it. Volcanion dismissed that and says, "I refuse."

Magearna does it again. "Leave me alone!" Volcanion yelled. Magearna isn't gonna have that, so it held up its hand. The slot of its hand opened up and out of nowhere, pink flowers popped out of its hand at Volcanion's face. Volcanion let out a big sneeze and smoke came out. It shook its head and says, "Hey, I told you to quit it, didn't I? Ok fine, I'll do my best."

Magearna looks back at the humans, motioning them to come along as it walks, but Magearna suddenly slips on the edge and fell into the water. Ash, Serena, Bonnie and Zinnia were shocked and went to Magearna to help it out. After Ash and Clemont pulled Magearna out of the water, the girls dries it off. "Jeez, you're dripping wet." Zinnia said as she dries off Magearna. "Well, that's a relief. Though you gotta admit, Magearna's heavy."

Clemont said, making Magearna embarrassed. Everyone took notice as Bonnie says, "Magearna?" Serena spoke second, "It looks embarrassed." Clemont has no idea why Magearna was embarrassed and asks, "Because it fell?" Zinnia went to Clemont and whispers, "I don't think Magearna likes being called heavy." Clemont lets out a nervous chuckle and says, "You're kidding." Volcanion agrees with Zinnia and says, "Of course it doesn't like being called that." Clemont was shocked and apologized to Magearna. Bonnie pats Magearna by the shoulder and says, "Clemont means well, but he just doesn't understand some things."

Volcanion turns around and says to Magearna, "We should go. The sun is setting." Magearna approached to Volcanion and chatters to it. "No." Volcanion responded, only for Magearna to pout and hits Volcanion's arm. Volcanion grew angry and yells, "I said, no!" Steam came out from its body as the others watch before it says, "I won't bring humans along." Magearna wasn't having no for an answer, so it walks back to the group and offers Zinnia a hand.

Zinnia was confused and says, "You want me to follow you?" Magearna chatters a bit before Zinnia grabs its hand. Magearna walks forward with Zinnia as they both walk past Volcanion, who was confused and says, "Hey, where you going? Come back!" Magearna kept waking until it tripped and fell forward, dragging Zinnia to the ground as well. "Not again." Bonnie said as Volcanion went to Magearna, which caused a chain reaction to Ash as the band around his waist was pulled to the band on Volcanion's arm. As soon as he got up, they notice a group of people watching from another side.

Volcanion grumbled before it grabs Magearna, placing it on its back and says to the others, "We need to get away right now. Get moving, or I'll leave you behind." It then make a smoke cloud, covering them as they all sneak away from unwanted attention.

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