Chapter 1: Allignment

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Hey guys, it's your friend Elite here back with another fanfic! So I'm sure you all know what Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is! If none of you know me, Mystery Dungeon is my favorite spin off game series, I played the crap out of it and loved every bit of it. I laughed, I smiled, I cried (especially crying) and I played it all again and again! So I hope you can enjoy my work I put in for this fanfiction. And as I always say, enjoy! ;)

*Lightning strike*

"Woah that was close!"

"You- you're okay right?!?!"

*Lightning strike*

"We are almost there! Just a little bit further!"

"Don't give up on me yet!"

*Lightning strike*

"I- I can't! I can't hold on!"

*Lightning strike*


???'s POV:

Darkness was the first thing I remember seeing. Darkness and the void clouded my vision. I then felt a very calm and cool breeze touch my skin. I felt something very smooth touch both my hands and feet.

"Hey! Are you okay there? Come on, wake up! You're really worrying me, say something!" The voice called to me and I slowly opened my eyes and I was looking at sand. So that's what I must've been touching, I thought to myself before looking up. When I did, I saw a creature appear before me. It was a blue creature with one big fin on its head and two orange things on its cheeks. I recognized it was a Mudkip that was in front of me and it must've been a big one too considering we were at eye-to-eye level.

"Oh thanks Arceus that you're awake! I thought you were a deadmon. Sorry for the bad pun but I couldn't resist," I heard a voice say in a chuckle. I didn't know where it came from though so I looked around. I noticed that I was on a beach and the sun was rising so I guessed it was the morning.

"Where did that voice come from?" I asked out loud. "Right over here," I heard the voice say in a very puzzled tone. I looked to its source and it belonged to the Mudkip. "You were face down in water, unconscious. You almost drowned there but I luckily swam by and saw you," it said.

I didn't even hear what it was saying because I was too busy realizing I was talking to a Mudkip. Upon realizing it, I jumped backward a few feet, startled. "WAIT YOU TALKED?! HOW IS A POKÉMON TALKING TO ME???" I asked extremely shocked and hysterically.

The Mudkip then looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "Why is that surprising?" the Mudkip asked. I knew then it was a male because of the tone of its voice. "I mean, you yourself are talking and you're a Pokémon." I got really confused at that comment and replied, "I'm not a Pokémon, I'm a human!" Me? A Pokémon? That's just ridiculous, I thought.

Then the Mudkip moved its head closer, squinting at me. "A human eh? You look too much like a Pikachu for you to be human. Besides, humans are just myths anyways," he said. I got really angry and annoyed at that last comment.

"Listen here you, I don't know how you are talking," I said and pointed at him. "But you better stop messing with me or I---I." I couldn't even finish my statement because I looked down at my arm. My arm was yellow and I had a yellow paw with only three fingers. I then looked my other paw and I saw the same result. I then started to freak out a little bit.

I then started feeling something on my backside that felt really funny. I looked behind me and saw a yellow, zigged-zagged object sticking out of my back. I immediately recognized it as a tail and I got hysterical again and really freaked out.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I yelled before heading down to the water. I looked in the water to see my reflection. I went to it only to find myself looking at a yellow mouse with red cheeks and pointy ears.

"Wha-what the? H-how did I become a Pikachu?" My hands were trembling as I was having lots of emotions at the moment. I was afraid, confused and shocked at the same time and I didn't know what to do.

Then the Mudkip walked up behind and looked up. "You're a weird fellow aren't you?" he asked. "Well I guess we could start with introductions. My name is Alex and I'm from this village, Treasure Town. It's nice to meet you."

So his name is Alex? That's a cool name for a Mudkip, I guess. "Pleased to meet you too Alex, my name is Ryan. I'm from....from... I-I, I don't know," I said. I couldn't say because had no idea where I was from. I actually didn't remember anything about me at all.

"Hmm you don't know huh? Can you remember anything at all?" he asked. I tried racking my brain for any memory whatsoever but no luck. "No I can only remember my that my name is Ryan and that I was once human," I said. "Hmm well that's not exactly good. But if you are serious about being once a human, then I guess I can believe you."

I then looked at him with a puzzled look on my face. "You're believing my story despite how crazy it sounds?" I asked in amazement. "Hey lots of crazy things have been happening around here lately. A Pokémon being once a human for some reason doesn't surprise me in the least," Alex said.

I was feeling relieved and smiled at Alex's reasoning. At least there's someone that believes me. I'm in an unknown world and I've already made a good friend. But from what he said, weird stuff is going on around here as well. "Well thank you so much, glad there's someone I can count on. But what has been going on around here for you to believe my crazy story?" I asked.

"Well you see-," he started. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" we heard someone scream. "What was that?" I asked very concerned. "I don't know but it sounds like they need help," Alex replied. "We should go and help them out," Alex said before he ran off. I sat there for a few seconds before running after Alex. I may be new to this world but as long as I'm here, I could at least try and help, I thought as I ran.

10 minutes earlier---------

???'s POV:

Alright now, don't be nervous. You can do this, I thought as I walked up these long stairs. I've always wanted to be in a guild to help people and go on adventures. Now that the time was upon me, I was getting cold feet.

I then pulled out my little treasure a had around my neck and put it in my paw. It wasn't a very ideal treasure since it was just a rock with a weird pattern on it. But ever since I had it, I felt a sense of confidence whenever I held it. I guess it was somewhat of a good luck charm.

I suddenly got motivated again started marching up the stairs again. Come one now! Don't give up before you even try! You want to do this now stop being a Scaredy-Skitty and go for it. I then started running up the stairs.

Once I got to the top, I saw a big pink tent with the look of a Wigglytuff. Well, there it is, the Wigglytuff Guild. If I want to be an explorer, I need to get approval from Guildmaster Wigglytuff himself.

I walked up further and noticed something in front of the door. It was a hole with a big grate over it. I walked up to it and there was an engraving in the ground in front of it. PLEASE STAND ON THE GRATE it said.

I took my front two paws and put them on the wooden grate and then did the same with my back two paws. I then stood there and waited for what was next. I was really getting nervous now on what was going on.

I then heard a voice come from under the grate. "Footprint detected! Footprint detected!" I heard it shout. "Whose footprint? Whose footprint?" I heard another voice ask. "The footprint is Eevee's! The footprint is Eevee's!" I heard the first voice reply.

Startled beyond belief I quickly got off the grate. I had regretted my decision and started to tear up. I was just too cowardly to make this decision. I then decided to start running away from the guild. I ran and ran, not even paying attention to where.

After running for a while, I found myself laying down on a beach. I was also crying a lot too. "Why can't I seem to do anything right at all? I-I always wimp out of everything I try and do."

I then got sun in my eyes and got myself up. I looked out to the horizon and watched the sunlight hit the shores of the beach. Then I looked up and saw bubbles flying in the air. "Oh, the Krabbys must be out again," I said to myself. The light started reflecting off the bubbles, causing them to shimmer with light and form a rainbow-like pattern on their reflective surfaces.

All of that, created one of the prettiest sights I've ever seen and I became very calm. "I always like coming down here when I'm sad. It's really peaceful watching all of this take place before my eyes," I said. I didn't have a lot of friends so whenever I felt sad or alone, I would come down to this beach and watch the bubbles with the sunrise. Or if it was at night, I'd watch the sunset but either way it always made me feel calm.

I then looked down at my treasure and started to feel depressed. I don't know why but for some reason, I also bug out with these things. And this rock here won't help so maybe it's something else.

"Hello there little one. What brings a wimp like you out here?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw three other Pokémon come toward me. One was a big purple sphere with a skull and crossbones on its chest. The other was small, blue and purple, had two small blue wings and a big mouth with four fangs but no eyes. The third was navy blue with big white claws and four red feathers.

I tucked my treasure quickly away and stood my guard with them. "I always come down here," I replied. "Who are you guys exactly?" I asked as they both got closer. They then stopped and they stared at me.

"What we are doesn't matter, chump. We just want that stone you have," the small one said. I then backed up at his words and got more defensive. "What do you want my treasure for?" I asked. "We don't need to explain our motives to you," said the blue one. "Boys! Rush her!" shouted the purple one.

Then before I could react, I was pinned down to the ground by the two blue ones and couldn't move. They moved so fast, I had no idea they were coming until it was too late.

"Hey boys I found it!" said one of them. I couldn't tell who though since my face was planted into the ground. "Good one there Sneasel! You finish off the little weakling and we'll meet at the rendezvous," one of them said.

I then was getting held up by the back of my nape and pushed up against a nearby rock. I looked at the Sneasel as he sharpened his white claws and smirked at me. "Don't try to make much noise," he said. "The last thing I want is my ears to be deaf."

Well, I guess this was it. I had no idea this was the way I would go out. I was always too scared to even think about how I would go out but here it was. I knew it seemed hopeless but I was a lot weaker than them so I couldn't fight back. As a last resort, I looked up to the sky and screamed for help.

To be continued...

Well guys that was Chapter one of Explorers of Nature! Who is this mysterious Eevee and what will happen to it? Find out in the next chapter! I hope I did good with this because I will finish this story as well. Anyways, see you guys in either ITSOTAM, FA or EoN! ;)

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