Team Nightslash

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"Who's Team NightSlash?" asked the confused Pikachu.

"They're just the strongest team in the Society. They defeated an entire gang of thieves in only one minute!" said Azumarill. At that moment, a group of dark looking Pokémon burst in through the door.

"What's up! We're back!" yelled a purple shadow-like Pokémon, Gengar (see picture above.) Behind Gengar were the two other members of Team Nightslash. One was a small grey phantom with a skull for a face, Duskull. The other member was a slick looking Pokémon, Weavile. Gengar leaped over to Pikachu and rustled his fur.

"I see you got a new member eh? Serperior is pulling people in left and right," said Gengar. He let out a big hearty laugh. His to team members chuckled as well.

"This is Pikachu. He's a Pikachu," said Azumarill as she presented Pikachu.

"Uh? Hi," said Pikachu.

"This little pipsqueak is the Pikachu that defeated Sableye and Mismagius. That's gotta be a joke," said Weavile.

"Hey. That stuff's true!" yelled Pikachu.

"Sheesh! She was just joking man. Don't get so worked up about it," said Duskull. Pikachu glared at Team Nightslash.

"Anyways. Me and the crew are gonna go back and rest a little bit. See ya in the morning losers!" said Gengar as he waved back and walked out the door. Pikachu grumbled to himself.

"Oh don't worry about them. They're just a team with a controversial attitude. Sure, they may come off a little rude, but you'll learn to like them. They just like to tease the new guy and all. That's what they did to Wynaut when he first joined," said Azumarill.

"Who's Wynaut?" asked Pikachu.

"Oh he came like a week before you. All he really does is sit in a table by the corner of the building all day. Sometimes he'll take a job, but we've never heard him speak before," said Shedinja. Pikachu still couldn't forget about Nightslash that afternoon. Something was odd about them. They definitely weren't the best role models. That's for sure, but what was it that nagged at him so much.

"Hey Azumarill!" Pikachu called, "Why was Nightslash gone for so long?" he asked.

"Well, I don't really know. They pretty secretive. Not in a bad way of course. There just not like Team Volt. They don't care for fans or crowds," answered Azumarill. Pikachu wasn't satisfied. They seem to give a negative vibe.

Pikachu started to think, "Are they evil?" he thought. That night Pikachu stayed up. He couldn't sleep. All he could think about was Nightslash.

The next morning Pikachu decided to follow Nightslash around. He wanted to know more about them. Pikachu hid in the bushes along the path as Team Nightslash delivered stuff during missions.

"So you ready for tomorrow night? This will be our biggest stunt ever. We might even get caught in the process," said Weavile.

"Oh please! We've been doing this for years now. We haven't been caught yet and we won't be caught tonight," said Gengar. Pikachu listened and wrote down everything he heard.

Back at the Society, Pikachu rushed to Serperior. Before he could get in the door to her room, Snivy stopped him.

"What's on the paper?" asked Snivy. She had a stern look on her face.

"Uh? Just something urgent. It's nothing really," said Pikachu. He started sweating out of stress.

"How could it be urgent and not important at the same time," said Snivy.


Snivy snatched Pikachu's notebook from his hands.

"Give me that book," she said. Snivy studied Pikachu's notes.

"Who said this?" asked Snivy.

"Uh? Wynaut!" yelled Pikachu.

"I knew he was up to something bad!" yelled Snivy. She rushed over to interrogate Wynaut. Pikachu hoped that he didn't cause any trouble for Wynaut. He opened the creaky door. Serperior was sitting in her chair as usual.

"What do you Pikachu?" she said.

"Team Nightslash is evil and is going to rob a bank tomorrow night!" he yelled. Serperior laughed.

"That's just silly. Don't worry about what they say," said Serperior.

"Then why did they say it if it wasn't about robbing something?" asked Pikachu.

"I can't really tell you about it. It's very confidential. Just know that it's not bad," said Serperior. Pikachu walked out the door with his notebook. Snivy was still interrogating Wynaut. It's time to get serious. Torkoal had told him that some people just know when something's not right. This was that time. Everyone may think that Nightslash is good, but Pikachu knew that they were up to no good. Pikachu later found out from following Nightslash that they were going to meet at Kangaskhan's Shop tonight. This was his chance to catch them.

That night, Pikachu sneaked out of his room to get to Kangaskhan's Shop. Team Nightslash was there. They were whispering to each other. Pikachu listened in.

"You ready for this. Nobody know's what we're doing so we should be clear. As long as nobody gets in the way, we should pull this off easily," said Duskull. Pikachu followed along as Team Nightslash broke in to the shop. Weavile busted the door down with on kick. They really were the strongest team in the Pokémon Investigation Society.

Pikachu rolled in behind them. He stayed behind a small crate. Gengar started putting all kinds of goods into a brown sack. Pikachu realized that he needed to take action. He rushed over to the police station.

Pikachu jumped up on the desk and started shouting, "You need to come quick! Team Nightslash is robbing Kangaskhan's Shop!" he yelled. Magnezone sounded an alarm. Magnemite troops buzzed in. Magnezone led the way with Pikachu right beside him. A group of six or more Magnemite floated behind them.

Nightslash was just finishing up. They had at least three sack fulls of shop owned goods.

"Ready to go dump this in the river. Nobody will ever know that we were here," said Gengar. They each picked up a large sack and threw it over their backs. Just before they could leave, Pikachu and the police shoved their way into the mess. Magnezone shined a flashlight in Gengar's face.

"Whoa! What's this?" yelled Weavile, who was trying to shield herself from the harsh light.

"Your under arrest for robbing this shop!" boomed Magnezone.

"Listen man! This is all a big misunderstanding!" shouted Gengar. Pikachu crossed his arms.

"The jigs up Nightslash. I know your evil plot!" said Pikachu.

"But this isn't an evil plot! Let us explain!" yelled Duskull.

"No way criminals," said Magnezone. He ordered his troops to attack. The Magnemites swarmed the team. They fought back with great power. The entire group was defeated in seconds. They definitely were the strongest team in the Pokémon Investigation Society.

"I can explain," said Gengar.

"Can you?" taunted Magnezone.

"Yes I can. Kangaskhan was to receive a new batch of oran berries. The only problem was that they were from an off-brand company that couldn't be trusted. Kangaskhan said that she did it to save extra money. If she let the other Pokémon eat the unsafe berries, It could result in very bad sickness and food poisoning. Serperior heard of this and asked Kangaskhan to pitch the berries. She resisted and said no. Serperior told us about it ,and she told us about her plan. We are the stealthiest team in the Society. Serperior told us to rob the store of all it's oran berries. She said to not tell anybody so there wouldn't be any witnesses or evidence that we did it. You sadly found out and ruined the entire plan. I told you kid that we weren't evil. Didn't anybody tell you not to judge a book by it's cover?" said Gengar.

"Wow. You really made me feel guilty about myself," said Pikachu.

"That's good. You have a lot to learn about investigation. Don't get so cocky kid," said Duskull.

"I'm not pressing any charges against you Nightslash," said Magnezone, "You were trying to do the right thing. Sometimes things will get in the way you know," said Magnezone.

"So can we go throw this into the lake before Kangaskhan comes back?" asked Weavile.

"Fine! Also Pikachu, you've got to stop getting yourself in trouble like this. Didn't Serperior tell you to not worry about it?" asked Magnezone. Pikachu thought to himself as he walked back to Shiftry's house.

"Well that was my biggest blunder yet," he thought.

Pikachu walked into work the next morning. Nightslash wasn't here. Good for Pikachu. Snivy was still barking at Wynaut. Pikachu hopped up on a stool next to the request board.

"Hey Azumarill!" he called, "So if Nightslash is the strongest, who's this Zoroark guy that I've heard of and read about?" asked Pikachu. The entire room went silent.

"I guess he has to know eventually. Things could get pretty hectic in a few days," said Torkoal.

"Wait what?"

"Pikachu, Zoroark was kicked out of the Society," said Azumarill.



Only three chapters left in what I'm  calling season one. The next three chapters will definitely be important to the story so keep reading!

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Up Next: Zoroark Master of Illusions

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