My Team

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Here's my team that you'll be roleplaying with.

Team Name: Team SLAM (Short for Sylvia Lèo Akio Magic)
Teammates: Lèo, Akio and Magic
Name: Sylvia
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Eevee
Personality: Friendly, kind, protective of friends, sometimes moody
Moves: Quick attack, bite, shadow ball, protect
Likes: Sweets, sleeping in, adventures, her friends, helping others
Dislikes: Enemy Pokèmon, pain, bugs
Relationship Status: Single though shows slight attraction towards Lèo
Backstory: She woke up in a forest with no memories except for her name. She was found by Lèo and was healed by Magic and Akio. She joins them at the guild and becomes a guild member. She wears a diamond and amethyst encrusted silver collar.

Team Name: Team SLAM
Teammates: Sylvia, Akio and Magic
Name: Lèo
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Shinx
Personality: Cheerful, adventurous, sometimes reckless, friendly, caring
Moves: Swift, thunder fang, thunderbolt, quick attack
Likes: Adventures, his friends, making new friends, food, training
Dislikes: Meanies, enemy Pokémon, his friends getting hurt
Relationship Status: Single but shows slight attraction towards Sylvia
Backstory: Not much is known about his early life except for the fact that he and Akio grew up together and had a dream of becoming a guild member. He found Sylvia injured in the forest and later on, they joined the guild. He wears a necklace around his neck

Team Name: Team SLAM
Teammates: Sylvia, Lèo and Magic
Name: Akio
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Minccino
Personality: Rude, emotionless most of the time, harsh, clean freak
Moves: Double slap, echoed voice, swift, iron tail
Likes: Cleaning, his bandana, his friends, his little siblings
Dislikes: Messes, idiots, anyone harming his friends or family, strangers
Relationship Status: Single
Backstory: He grew up with Lèo. Something bad happened to him which caused him to act like how he is today. He wears a red bandana that was given to him by his late uncle Blanco

Team Name: Team SLAM
Teammates: Sylvia, Lèo and Akio
Name: Magic
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Espurr
Personality: Kind, helpful, intelligent, sweet, firm if necessary, shy at times
Moves: Psybeam, scratch, confusion, attract
Likes: Reading, learning new things, being with her friends, hugs
Dislikes: Bullies, her friends getting hurt, being alone
Relationship Status: Single though shows attraction towards Akio
Backstory: Very little is known about her but she is very good friends with Akio, Lèo and Sylvia. After Sylvia healed and decided to go join the guild, she went with her which caused Akio to go as well. She wears a purplish-blue bow.

I will add in a few characters such as the guild master and a few others but I don't think they need a form.

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