Chapter 9: "Zygarud may take me..."

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Ace's POV

Ok........This is NOT what I want to F**king wake up to! Me a F**king wolf!?!?! Like the mother F**ker Dusk! OH, F**K NO!!!!

*clears throat* mind my manners! I'm just frustrated that I'm NOT in my normal body build. Anyways, speaking of Dusk, my need some help him, Or should I say WE need some help from him.

Ace: yo Dusk!

Dusk: *rolls eyes* What do you want Ac—*sees him* WHOA!!!!

Ace: *sigh* yeah yeah! I know! I know! I'm a f**king wolf now!

Dusk: *takes one look at him* hmmm........ dude! You're not a wolf.

Ace: *tilts head* I'm not?

Dusk: No! Dude! You're a Quadruple-mutt!

Ace: What the hell is that?

Dusk: ok A Quadruple-mutt, AKA a Quad-mutt or in other cases a Quadruple-Hybrid or a Quad-Hybri—


Dusk: OK! OK! What I mean is that you are a rare mix breed of four things.


Ace: *rolls eyes and puts his tail out for Zitz to trip up on*

Zitz: *trips up on Ace's tail and falls on his face* ow! ACE!!!!

Ace: *giggles scornfully*

Kiba: *comes* yo Zitz! You oka— *trips up on Ace's tail* WHOA! *falls on Zitz*

Ace: *looks at them with wide eyes* oh shhhhh....*tries to tuck tail back in*

Fang: *comes* Hey, what's going on?

Ace: *tail pops out* (SH*T!!!)

Fang: *steps on Ace's tail*

Ace: *Howls in agony*

Fang: *turns to Ace* WHAT THE— *slips, falls on Ace and crashes into Zitz and Kiba*

Dusk: *closes one eye* ooohhh! (Damn! That looks that hurt!)

Wolf-Ninjas: *groans, dizzy and fainted*

Dusk: 😓 ok! You four REALLY need to take some lessons! 😏✨But you came to the right guy!

This is the very first time Dusk has ever tried to help us, especially me because of our rocky relationship. But anyways, Wolf lessons started after brunch and I am nervous as hell! Like seriously, I just embarrassed myself in front of Dusk by not controlling my tail properly.

Dusk: ok. First things first: you need to learn how to walk and run as a wolf! *looks at the Wolf-ninjas* right now a Big problem.

For once, Dusk was right. I was a HUGE problem. We were tripping up and crashing into each other.

Dusk: and the worst walker in the group is of coarse Ace.

Again he was right. I had been working on two legs my whole life and I CAN'T STAND living the rest of my life walking on all fours.

Dusk: but it's not just that, everyone has what I like the call "K9 problems" like for example: Ace, just like everyone, you have a bad case of "use to walking on twos instead of fours" and your personal K9 problem is "Sudden Alpha Tail Pops"

Ace: What the hell are you talking abo— *Tail pop which hits Fang the in the face*

Fang: *snarls at Ace and tackles him*

Dusk: Fang, you have one of the most common K9 problems!

Fang: *chokes Ace* What?

Dusk: Anger issues.

Fang: WHAT?!?! *lets go of Ace*

Ace: *coughs*


Kiba: Well now I am!

Fang: *snarls at Kiba*

Dusk: Kiba, yours is "Beta cockiness" and "OR"!

Kiba: What's "OR"?

Dusk: "Overhunting Rabbits"

We then saw a large pile of dead rabbits in a badly dug hole.

Kiba: oh.

Dusk: and........Zitz, your K9 problem is— *looks at Zitz with wide eyes*

Ace, Fang and Kiba: What? *looks at Zitz with wide eyes*

Zitz: *licks his you-know-what*

Ace: *dumbfounded in disgust* oh. god.

Kiba: *snickers*

Fang: *begins to vomit*

Zitz: *sees them looking at him and covers himself with his tail* LOOK AWAY!!!!

Ace: *dumbfounded* and what do you call THAT?

Dusk: *dumbfounded* It's not worth telling you. It's personal.


After training for the whole day, we got used to walking on four legs and I just learned that I was a Dingo Wolf-Dog with a hint of Human DNA while Zitz is a Dingo-Dog and Kiba and Fang are both Dingo-wolves (well, Kiba was mostly wolf but who cares) But One thing good about this day is that Me and Dusk got even more closer then before. And yes we still have our everyday fights but not a lot anymore.

But there was one thing that was one my mind a lot:



......and Spark......

Where are they and what the hell are they up to?

Anyways, I was just practising my wolf steps until I smelled something strange. Dusk had told me that wolf-dogs have twice the amount of smell power then the wolf and dog alone, so I think it was just a carcass near by or something. But this smell was.....familiar.

I followed the smell anyways, fearing for what is going to happen. But as soon I arrived to my destination.......I entered HELL!!!

Ace: *Yelps as he gets hit by something....or someone*

Before I knew it, I felt a large weight on my stomach as a red, green and white figure used high-jump kick on me. I was stunned for a sec, but when I quickly regained consciousness, I saw Hawkeye over me, his usual warm Hazel-Amber eyed gaze were now gone, only replaced with a cold-hearted, Blood-Red eyed glare filled with hatred.

Ace: H-Hawkeye? What are you doing? Why did you, Spark and Shade dis—

Hawkeye: *uses karate chop*

Ace: *gets hit and he falls to the ground as blood spat out of his mouth*

Hawkeye: aww! Look at this. A poor, small, runty, lone wolf who lost his way. *giggles evilly* or should I say.......Poor, Small, Runty, Lone Greninja who lost his WHOLE TEAM!!!*laughs evilly* how cute and sad! But don't worry, this suffering will soon enough!

Ace: *trembles but slowly gets up and begins to bare his teeth in anger as he opens his now glowing electric blue cat-like eyes* Zygarud may take me *unshifts his claws* but you'll NEVER WIN!!!!!!

Hawkeye: what the hell is that supposed to mea—

Ace: *lunges at Hawkeye and bite him in the shoulder*


As I sunk my teeth deeper into his flesh and tasted blood, I suddenly snapped out of whatever trance I was in as I released Hawk from my clamped jaws, blood was everywhere and Hawkeye was just laying there lifelessly as I stood over him with blood on my lips.

Ace: H-H-Hawk? I......I......I'm sorry! I...I...I didn't know what happened to me and—

???: ACE!!!

I turned around and saw Dusk, Flame, Gabe, Kiba and Fang running towards me.

Dusk: Dude! What happened?

Ace: I..Idk. It's just Hawk came out of nowhere and might of knocked me out, because when I woke up I was over him, biting into his shoulder and.......

I paused as tears stream down my cheeks.

Ace: ........I-I think I k-k-killed him!

Gabriel: you—you WHAT?!?!

Flame: GABE!!!!!

Ace: I didn't—I didn't mean to! I swear!

Gabriel: How am I supposed to believe you now?!?! YOU HAVE HAWKEYE'S BLOOD ALL OVER YOUR OWN DAMN MOUTH!

Flame: GABRIEL!!!! CALM DOWN!!!!!

Hawkeye: *coughs* It's—It's not Ace's fault Gabriel!

Ace: HAWK!!!!


Flame: *knocks Gabriel out*

Ace: *runs to Hawkeye* oh Hawk! I am so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight and I—

Hawkeye: No Ace! I'm sorry.....for not standing up for you! I was a total jerk to and I—*flinches*

Ace: shhh....don't talk! I'll try to find something to stop the bleeding. Where's Spark and Shade?

Hawkeye: Idk. Lysander only sent me to kill you and—

When Hawk mentioned that name, my blood ran cold.

Ace: L-Lysander?! You mean the bad guy that we defeated six years ago?

Hawkeye just sigh for him open his mouth to say:

Hawkeye: y-yes!

To be continued......

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