Contest 1 Eeveelutions

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The moon shown brightly in the night sky the stars glittered over the forest.

A shiny Eevee was wandering around in the forest. "Silver!" A voice shouted the Eevee turned to see a Jolteon rushing towards him "I found you!" The Jolteon continued "where are the others Jolt?" Silver asked looking up at Jolt.

Jolt shook his head "I'm not sure" he replied looking around. "What if the hunters took them?" Silver asked "You kidding? They wouldn't go down without a fight!" Jolt exclamed.

Suddenly a jet of water shot up into the sky "That must be Vapor!" Silver exclamed "Let's check it out" Jolt said running in the direction where they saw the water.

Jolt and Silver eventually made it to a clearing where they saw a Vaporeon and a Flareon battling a Charizard and a Greninja. The Flareon jumped into the air it opened it's mouth and flames appeared on it's fangs it fell towards the Charizard but it used Fire Blast and hit the Flareon dead on. Vaporeon used this opportunity to use Aqua Ring. The rings of water hit the Charizard causing smoke to appear. Greninja rushed in and hit the Vaporeon with a white blade. Flareon was able to stand back up but barely due to the fall.

The Charizard flew up into the air and back down with incredible speed and punched the ground using Blast Burn. The ground cracked and flames shot out and hit directly on Vaporeon and Flareon. Once the smoke cleared the two eeveelutions had fainted. The Pokemon Hunter threw a net to capture the Pokemon but a swift attack cut the net into pieces. Silver and Jolt ran in front of the two fainted Pokemon to protect them from anymore harm.

Jolt sent a thunderbolt into the sky making it light up for a moment. Silver rushed towards the Charizard in a blur Silver's teeth glowed white as he jumped and bit the Charizard's shoulder. The Charizard roared and threw Silver into a tree. Meanwhile Jolt sent a Thunderbolt at the Greninja but it countered with a water shuriken that overpowered the Thunderbolt and hit Jolt sending him flying and crashing into the ground.

Silver recovered from smacking into the tree just in time to dodge a flamethrower. Silver jumped into the air and created golden stars around him, he fired them at both Charizard and Greninja which hit both in a cloud of dust.

Just then a Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon appeared and ran to stand next to their friends. Moments later a Espeon came to join them.

The dust cleared to find that the Charizard and Greninja still standing but badly injured. Suddenly the Pokemon Hunter sent out the rest of his Pokemon which consisted of Salamence, Tyranitar, Lycanrock (midday form), and a Ninetails (Alola form).

"This guy just won't give up!" Jolt exclamed "You said it Jolt" the Leafeon said getting ready to battle along with the others. "Leaf, Glace I have an idea" Jolt turned to face Leafeon and Glaceon. "Glace use Icy Wind and Leaf use Magical Leaf to make a combo move" Jolt explained quickly "Let's Go!" They all exclamed.

Leaf and Glace jumped into the air releasing an Icy Leaf combo. The leaves turned to ice with the cold wind blowing them directly at Charizard but it countered with a flamethrower which burned it all to a crisp.

Salamence was charging up a yellow light in its mouth then afterward releasing a powerful Hyper Beam straight at Jolt who had no time to react and got hit directly. "Jolt!" Leaf cried then a green blade formed on her head and she charged at the Salamence who blocked the Leaf Blade with its claws. Then Leaf quickly used Giga drain to gain a bit of Salamence's health.

Glace used Blizzard on Charizard who fainted from the icy attack. Then Glace saw that Sylveon got hit with a Hyper Beam from Tyranitar. Glace rushed over to her injured friend "You okay Syl?" She asked. Syl stood up "yup" she replied then the two went to fight the Tyranitar together.

Espeon used Psychic to throw Greninja against a tree who fainted on impact. But Espeon got hit by Ice Shard. She stumbled and looked up to see the Alolan Ninetales rushing towards her with Ice Fang. Espeon quickly used psybeam to send the Ninetails flying threw the air and crashing into the Lycanrock who was fighting Silver.

Silver jumped out of the way as the Ninetails crashed into the Lycanrock he was fighting. Espeon quickly ran over to help fight the two Pokemon from Alola. Then Espeon got hit with a Hyper Beam from behind Silver looked to see the Tyranitar coming closer to them. Espeon stood on shaky legs and used Future Sight which seemed to do nothing.

Silver used Swift sending all the golden stars towards Lycanrock, Ninetails, and Tyranitar. Lycanrock recovered the quickest and used Rock Throw the small rocks hit Silver dead on but he still stood his ground. Espeon used Psychic to throw the Ninetails onto the ground. The Tyranitar finally caught up and was about to use Hyper Beam but suddenly purple portals appeared above him and shot lots of small rocks at the Tyranitar which stopped the Hyper Beam. "Ha! Don't underestimate my Future Sight!" Espeon cheered.

Silver used Double Edge on the Ninetails who fainted. The Lycanrock came from behind and used bite on Silver. He cried out in pain and Espeon used Psychic to throw it off. The Lycanrock fainted from the impact of crashing into the ground. Espeon used Future Sight before getting blasted by a Hyper Beam. Silver turned to see that she fainted he gulped and looked on at the Tyranitar preparing to fight the already weekend dinosaur.

Leaf used Leaf Blade and the Salamence countered with Dragon Claw they clashed against each other. Leaf got tired of this and used Giga drain to gain some more of Salamence's health. Salamence's long green Dragon Claw attack hit the grass type and sent it flying and crashing into the ground which left it fainted.

Silver used Swift and hit the tired Tyranitar dead on. It stumbled a bit then fell over fainted. Silver sighed then saw Salamence flying at an incredible speed towards him "Oh no.." Silver muttered. Then out of nowhere two purple portals appeared above Salamence's head and shot small rocks at it.

But it recovered and flew high up into the sky and back down again hitting Silver with it's Fly attack. Then Silver saw out of the corner of his eye the Pokemon Hunter taking his fainted friends in a net towards his truck. "Oh no you don't!" He muttered running after the Pokemon Hunter.

The Salamence flew in front of him and fired a Hyper Beam. Silver started to glow a bright white color and fired dark rings at the Hyper Beam which caused an explosion. The white light around Silver died down but Silver was different. He was black with blue rings and he had a long tail and ears. He had evolved into an Umbreon.

He shot another Dark Pulse at the Salamence making it faint and crash into the ground. Silver ran towards the Pokemon Hunter and used Swift to cut the net releasing his friends. The Hunter turned around and growled. Silver had a white light surround him as he charged at the Pokemon Hunter. Silver's Take Down attack hit the Pokemon Hunter and sent him flying off into the sky. Silver stumbled and fell fainted next to his friends.

The sun rose up over the Treetops and shine brightly in the blue sky. "Hey who are you?" A voice asked. Silver opened his eyes to see all of the eeveelutions looking at him with curious expressions. Silver stood up off of the ground and looked at them all "Don't you recognize me? It's Silver!" He chimed he looked at himself "Wow! I evolved!" Silver continued jumping with joy. The others laughed "Yep that's Silver alright!" Glace laughed "At least something good came out of all this!" The Flareon said "You said it Flare!" Jolt exclamed.

Once they all finished laughing they headed back into the forest to train harder in case any more Pokemon Hunters came back.

                  ✨The End✨

This is a submission to jirachi8's contest!

I will also tag the judges

Thank you! ✌

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