Tired of Waiting

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I am tired of waiting Mrs Ketchum ..i really am
I have waited too long for Ash to come to a conclusion
Now I just wanna let myself free I wanna be that Misty I was before I met him ..."
Misty's words kept repeating in Delia's mind
Misty her son's first best friend and the very first female to step into Ketchum residence after her
Irony she was a friend back then
Though Delia loved her like a daughter not that she didn't like ash's other female friends but Misty a little above them as she was the first and also closest to Delia
Delia couldn't help but bless that girl
She always came over when Ash wasn't around
She didn't want Delia to get sad in his absence
And so she kept visiting her in Pallet frequently
Delia was back to thinking what made Misty take this decision ?
As far as she knew about his son's and her bond
She could remember Ash talking about her so much when he visited Pallet in between his journeys' .Delia had been so happy for his kid ...she had heard and met few of his friends from other regions too ...But Misty was practically settled on his tongue forever it seemed
She also noticed he would never talk much about May, Dawn or Iris so enthusiastically as he did for Misty
By that time she was convinced Misty meant a lot for his thick headed son though she knew he may have never realised that ..So she hoped he would get hold of the reality soon
But before it could happen somehow Ash came to know about Misty's feelings through her diary
And her impulsive son had immediately confronted the girl
She feared for her that Ash might have outright said a No to her as she knew he had nothing in his mind except training and hid dream
But his actions surprised her
Misty's  confession was one of the most honest she had heard and she handled the situation well with Ash
And astonishingly he had told her to give him some time just to figure out where he stood in relation to his feelings for her
Misty obviously had obliged to that
Like Misty even Delia had been waiting for his reply for her "mom instincts" told her Ash's answer would be positive
But time had passed  too much time and he didn't answer her though he did keep meeting her when he came to  Pallet
Delia was optimistic but as time went by Misty felt the opposite
She wasn't tired of waiting but she was afraid of his answer
Delia couldn't blame that young girl ..from whatever Misty shared with her it was quite clear he life was very challenging one
It took courage to live a life she lived
And so this day came that id today when Misty came to visit her and finally poured her heart out to her mom-type woman
What upset Delia wasn't her out burst but Misty's calmness ..Not even a single tear was shred by her
Damn his dense boy ,can't he see how this girl loved him
Can't he grow up and realise its not some game or battle but a matter of maturity ..A matter of heart

Misty's POV

I am finally free
Not that I was bound by some cuffs but my heart feels free now
I don't regret waiting for him I regret letting my feelings out in such a way
I hadn't waited just like that
I had waited that I will confess when he achieved his dream when he becomes the Poke Master
That would have been the most appropriate time for that
I knew midway confession would create problems whether he reciprocated by emotions or not
Of course I am a fool to believe that he would reply me before he achieved his dream
Even if he did there was no chance he would love me back
I should have told me Ash go on what you read is nothing it's a joke
Go go to your training
I feel bad on one side and other part of me feels like a weight has got off me
I told Mrs Ketchum that I am going out and also requested her not to tell Ash that I am leaving Kanto indefinitely
I told her to make some excuse because I knew he would never reply so soon and  also I didn't wanted him to care and check in on me in Cerulean
It would just distract him
I wanted him to concentrate on his career though I loved the time I spent with him when he came on a break in Pallet
I have to accept it and move ahead and let him do the same.
My career has waited long enough to  stalled now
I have to follow my dreams now that I am free from handling gym
I will miss you Mrs Ketchum ,Ash and  Pikachu
See you soon Cerulean
Here I come Hoenn
And I love you Ketchum boy

Ash's POV
I came back from my journey from Kalos today and am back to Pallet now
I wanna meet Mom,Mimey,Misty (3 M's lol 😂)
Tracey and Prof Oak
I wanna see Misty
I felt like seeing her right when i reached home
I wanted to apologise to her for making her wait
It took so much time
I am a dumbass
Yes you are but more than that
It took me being away from her to make me realise what she means to me
Too much just to realise her worth
It killed me from inside to be away from her
I hope I will be able to confess to her the way she did to me Maturely
I wanted to give US a chance
Yes I was hesitant initially as I thought it would hinder me from my dream
But it didn't it made me feel even more stronger trainer  than I was
I asked mom if I can call over Misty on dinner
But I was shocked on hearing my mom's words
She said Misty is not in Kanto but she has left for Hoenn
Mom Also told me she was disapp disappointed by me
Why I wanted to ask
But my heart connected it's reason to Misty
I asked to her
Did Mist leave because of me ?
Did she believed I would never turn up to her ?
Will she not come back again ?
And a thousand more questions
Mom said "You're grown up my boy I am sure you can figure it out by yourself
If it's an eyesight  for an eye
It should be Truth for her feelings "
I partly understood her
"Mom please don't be mad at me but I am leaving again "
What where now Ash ?? She asked sighing heavily
I am sure she must be wondering I am leaving for a journey within a day of coming back
I am leaving for Hoenn " I told her
Are you !!!????
Yes mom ,I am going for HER
My redhead ,my Mist
Ashhhh ,she said loaded with emotions
Go get your girl
Yesss Mommm I saluted her and walked past our gate
I couldn't believe Pikachu was on his all fours to reach the Airport
I was delighted for one I was going to see her and for other pikachu understood me so much


I found out Misty was staying a Lily cove city's poke centre as I arrived at lilycove and immediately enquired for Misty
I was fortunate enough that it didn't demanded too much of search as I was already impatient to do that
I saw Misty with Togekiss and Azurill coming down to the counter
I quickly hid behind a pillar so that I could surprise her
As per the plan Pikachu took the first step running towards Mist and jumping in her arms
My yellow mouse really adored her
Pikachupi ......!! Pikachu ?? What are you doing here
She asked nuzzling him
Of course she missed him too
I was so jealous of pikachu right now as he was SO close to her and in her arms
I then came out to reveal myself as pikachu was telling Misty I am here too

Misty's POV
I was so surprised and elated to see my pikapal here
He told me Pikapi chu pika pikachu which meant HE was here with pikachu
Ash Ketchum why ?
I  just came here 3 days back convincing myself I am not gonna meet you soon
And here you are trying to steal my breath away?!!
It's wrong don't I have my own space
Am i not entitled to be on my osn?
I hadn't realised that he had come so close while I was still trying to breathe properly
Ashhhh !!  Was all I managed to whisper
Forgetting MY pain I hugged him because Love me or not I am gonna love you forever even as BFF

Ash's POV
It felt so good hugging her ,being close to her after this long time
This encouraged me to make a move
A move to win her
As she was breaking away from her
Arceus knows how and when I caught her wrist and pulled it up
My shoulder
This made her close the lil gap in us
Pikapi chu Pikachu pi pikachupi
I could hear Pikachu cheering me on
How did he know what I was aiming for? Of course he isn't dumb like you Ketchum
Focus on the task at hand

Misty's POV

Ash what are you ....
My sentence reverted back to mg throat as Ash didn't allow them to come out
He was kissing me
Yes he was
I am gonna faint right here
Hiss kiss was so gentle as if worshipping my lips
He was so perfect
When did he learn that ??
His tongue swiftly caressing mine Taking me to another world
Finally that heavenly KISS ended
I felt I am gonna fall .my knees wobbling
But before that ,Ash caught me up and pulled me in another hug
Did i hear that ? Or am I still sleeping oh then it's a dream
Sigh my dream
But wait it wasn't a dream
It was a real thing
My crush confessed And i couldn't even reply him
I maybe stupid but I just cannot believe This
Mist, say something please .
..I heard him pleading
Please Mist you can even yell at me
I am SO stupid ,dense,naive dumbo
It took me so long to reveal my feelings for you Please hit me if you want to "

Ash's POV

I requested her to say something but it was as if talking to a deaf
Her void reaction scaring me to death
Suddenly I hear a melodious music ,her laughter
Though in  other situation I would have loved it but this occasion made me afraid
That was until I looked up to those gorgeous eyes
Azurill and Pikachu dancing cutely made me fully understand the loveliness of this situation
I couldn't hold back and started laughing too
Hugging her back in the process
After the laughter went down I noticed Nurse Joy giving us odd looks
But I cared less
I looked back to Mist and muttered smiling
"Just say it girl"

Misty's POV
"Just say it girl" I heard Ash pleading by his eyes too
What ??he said disbelievingly
Yes I um just came here and I am loving this place already
Mist !!!!!!!!
What ? I said rolling my eyes
Please ......." I heard him honestly demanding an answer
You expect me to let it go easy ,? I  asked raising my brows
He pouted and Pikachu came up to me
I love you.          

I said kissing his forehead
Mistyyyyyyyy !! 😢 I heard him desperate
I love you ASH KETCHUM ❤
I whispered but I guess it was loud enough for him as he pulled me up Pikachu still on my shoulder and twirled me letting poor Mouse fall down but Pika balanced himself
ASH ,DOWN RIGHT NOW ,I commanded him in a bossy tone
No Mist ,not yet ,not now ,not forever
He put me down and captured my lips again
Why in Hoenn ? He asked once breaking the kiss
I am here to be trained by Prima
She sent me a letter that she would like to train in response to my letter
I told him
And you will be going back right ?
You came to confess only I said sadness evident in my voice
No I won't! Next pokemon league will be taking place here itself he chirped happily
Whaa!! It took me some time to digest what he said
Never mind........ he said and pulled me again for our 4th kiss today
I could hear my 2 cuties dancing like mad
But there was this guy who was kissing me and I was lost

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