The ships have set sail...for real (AmourShipping)

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"Toot toot! The battalion of ships has reached land! At the very front is the Pokeship! It's the biggest of the fleet, with plenty of boarding space! There are some defenses, too, as it is one of the most popular ships in the company, Pokemon Fandom.

"Closely following behind is the Amourship, which is also very popular. The Amourship focuses on its artillery, with lots of warfare and weapons to take out other enemy ships. The Pokemon Fandom company considers it first-rate in battles."

Serena Yvonne sits by the pool, holding two plastic boats in her hand. She seems very into what she's doing.

"One day, a crew member of the Amourship spots a possible threat coming from the Pokeship. The crew member had overheard the co-captains talking about knocking out the Amourship so their ship could become more popular and stronger. The crew member tries to warn the captain, but she doesn't listen.

"Another piece of evidence is then spotted a day later by the cook. A note written down with the details of the Pokeship's master plans is found, but the captain still doesn't believe it.

"The third day, the Amourship captain notices something suspicious. The Pokeship is turned around facing the Amourship and its guns are out. The captain suddenly realizes that the evidence was correct, but she was too late. The warfare then begins, bullets rapidly shooting the Amourship.

"The captain makes the decision to realitate, and the battle really starts there. The shooting goes on for hours, and it keeps getting stronger, and stronger, and stronger!"

By that time, Serena was full out hitting the ships against each other, splashing water everywhere, including on her. She was having too much fun to notice, though.

"The captains of the rivaling ships are arguing with each other, screaming over the sounds of machine guns. 'Pokeshipping is the best!' 'No! Amourshipping rules!' Over and over again.

"Finally, the Amourshipping captain decides she has had enough.
'I'm sick of this!' She screams. 'Amourshipping is more canon that Pokeshipping is and ever will be!'

"She.pushes the Big Red Button, and the giant cannon, nicknamed Canon, bursts out of the top of the ship and PULVERIZES THE POKESHIP IN ONE GINORMOUS HUMONGOUS BLAAAST-AHHH! *sploosh*"

In the process of the Ultimate Blast, Serena accidentally reached out too far, teetered on the edge of the pool, then tipped over, making a huge splash.

"Aah! My hair!" she whines as her perfect hair turns instantly green by the chlorinated water. (Well, not that extreme, but you know what I mean.)

"Serena? What are you doing?" Serena looks up from ringing out her hair to find Ash standing on the deck, staring at her curiously.

"Uh...ringing out my hair! I playi-uhm...Nothing!" she fake-giggles, mortified. "Wait, did you see that whole thing? The ship thing?"

"Uh-yeah, I kinda did," Ash sweatdrops.

" can forget about that, I was just, uh, bored,"

"No, it's fine, I actually thought it was kinda cute,"


"Here, let me pull you up,"

Serena blushed and grabbed his hand. "Heh, thanks,"

Whew! I wrote this all in one go, and now I can barely keep my eyes open! It doesn't seem like much, but it really is considering I typed with one hand on a mobile keyboard. *YAWN* Can I go to sleep now?

No, seriously, I just yawned. :)

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