7 Minutes in Heaven ~ Red x Reader

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"Blue this is ridiculous!" you complain.

Blue had this crazy idea of playing 7 Minutes in Heaven, so she called you, Green, Red, Daisy, Misty and Brock over to her house. You didn't really want to play but everyone else did, so you basically had to.. and to be honest, maybe it won't be that bad.

"Okay Y/N, since you're the one who is complaining the most, you are going to start" Blue teases. "Everyone else, write a Pokémon Name on your piece of paper and put it in this basket" she explains. The others do as Blue said. "Okay, let me get this straight.. I have to draw one of those little paper things and who ever it belongs to, i have to spend 7 minutes with in a closet?" you say, making sure you got the rules right. Blue nods and you put your hand into the basket. "Dear Arceus, just please don't let me go in with Brock" you think as you search through the basket with your fingers until you pick one piece of paper and pull it out.

You unfold it and reed it aloud; "Pikachu". "..." "That must be Red's!" Blue says clapping her hands together. "R-Red?" you think, a slight blush now marked on your face. You have a Crush on Red since quite a while already and now you've got to spend 7 minutes ALONE in a closet with him?! You both stand up and look at each other. "Come on you guys! You've got 7 minutes" Blue says in a teasing way after she dragged you two to the closet and locked you inside.

There is this awful silence and you don't bother to come up with a conversation since Red isn't the one who talks a lot. You actually don't even remember when it was the last time he spoke. If he ever did. So you just stare at the floor. But it wasn't long until Red grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. "I don't bite" he says low. "D-Did you just t-..?!" "Shh" he cuts you off by putting the index finger of his other hand on your lips. "His voice is so charming! I wish he would speak more!" you think and look into his almost onyx eyes until you snap out of your thoughts when you feel his warm lips on yours. You are surprised that Red would actually do such a thing but you don't waste your chance and kiss him back. He slowly walks forward in this little space you two have and pins you against the wall, holding one of your arms against the wall and not breaking the kiss. You wrap your free hand to the back of his head, deepening the kiss. You could do this for ever. But then as Red's hands were almost snaking under your t-shirt, Blue opens the door like a madman and loudly says; "7 minutes are over!". Both you and Red's eyes widen and you back off quickly. "Uhh my.. Do you need some more time?" Blue smirks making your two faces turn red. Red grabs your hand and you three walk back to the others.

"Okay my turn!" Blue says exited and draws a piece of paper from the basket. "Alakazam.. This must be yours Green!" she squeaks after she read the paper aloud. "Let's get this over with" Green sighs and they both walk to the closet. "We'll finish what we started later" Red whispers in your ear, so that only you would hear. His statement makes you blush 50 shades of pink.


A/N: Thank you guys so much for 1K views! It may is not much for some of you but i really really appreciate it! I will be still accepting requests but i will be doing the new characters first so if you ask me to do as example; Steven Stone x Reader and Kiawe x Reader i will do Steven first. Thanks again to the ones who reed, vote and follow me! :3 XoXo Lu' :3

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