Babysitting ~ Sven x Child! Reader x Jack Walker

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You were a six year old girl who lived with her mother in the Region of Almia.

You grew up with only her for the last two years, since she and your father divorced because of a particular reason.

You may only have six years, but unlike many children that age, you certainly weren't oblivious.

In any case, today was sort of a special day;

Your mother had to go to work all day long, and since she was afraid something would happen to you while she was gone, she hired a Ranger to take care of you for the day.

It wasn't because she was overprotective or anything, but more like she was worried, because lately an evil organization called Team Dim Sun made various assaults all over the region.

"Thank you very much sir!" your mother said thankfully as a tall, quite muscular, raven haired man, who supposedly was this Ranger, entered your house.

You stood in front of where your couch was, and waited until your mum left.

After she did, this man approached you, an other blonde one followed him.

"Hi there kid, what's your name sweetie?" The one wearing the red hat said, bending down to you.

Firstly, you crossed your tiny arms in front of your chest, having puffed cheeks, then glared at this suspicious person.

"Mommy said i shouldn't speak with strangers" you said in a cute childish-arrogant way, gaining a chuckle from the blonde one while the eye brow of the other twitched in 'irritation'.

"I am not a stranger, in fact, your Mommy hired me to babysit you little lady" he said, wanting to ruffle your hair, but before he could, you kicked him between his legs and instinctually ran over to the blonde one squealing;

"He's creepy!".

"Ouch~ What the hell!" the one you kicked said in pain, while the blonde one picked you up.

"Excuse my friend Sven there, but we are here to play with you and protect you. I'm Jack Walker, you can call me Jackie~" he said charmingly, definitely winning your girly heart with the wink he gave you.

"I'm Y/N" you said with sparkling eyes.

"How come she tells you her name while she kicks me in my nuts?! She's gonna get one bossy chick with that attitude" Sven smirked at the last part, positioning himself on your sofa.


Jackie sat down on the carpet with you, playing with toys with you for a while, until he told you he had to use the restroom.

While you waited for the blonde Ranger to come back, you glanced over at his partner who was comfortably sitting on the couch and reeding a magazine or something that kind.

You crawled closer to the couch and read a part of the title of Sven's magazine with the slight reeding skills you had;

"Y-u-r-i", you spelled then turned your head towards Sven, "Hey, Mister weirdo, what's Yuri?".

He glanced over at you as he chuckled, then signaled you to sit next to him, "I doubt you'll understand it, but since a pretty lady like you asked me, i'll try to explain".

You climbed onto the couch and sat on the couch next to Sven as he put away his magazine.

"You see, there are different type of couples. So, unlike your Mommy and Daddy, who are a man and a woman, there are people who are in love with a person the same gender", He started to explain, "When a woman and a woman are in love, you could call that Yuri".

"Ah i know what you mean! My daddy left mommy because of another man, so i understand!" you said childishly grinning as Sven slightly laughed at your response, "How do you call love between boy and boy, mister weirdo?".

"That would be Yaoi" he replied as you snatched his magazine and were about to open it, but in that exact moment, Jackie came back and took it away from you before you could open it;

"Sven what the hell are you teaching her?!" He scolded, throwing the magazine in the corner of the room.

You watched the two of them arguing with each other before you gained their attention;

"Yaoi. That's what you call the relationship between you and Jackie, right mister weirdo?" You grinned, Jackie gasped and Sven had a scared look on his face after Jackie turned around to face him.


Jackie decided to take you to the Ranger HQ for a walk after Sven got away with a minor beating.

On your way there, Jackie grabbed your hand, and as he did, he looked down to you with that charming face, imaginary sparkles surrounding him.

"You are so cool, Jackie~!" you cheered childishly as you grinned.

"Here, let me hold your other hand~" Sven said, reaching for your hand when you snatched it away with puffed cheeks, "No.".

"Man, i knew Jackie was good with the ladies, but come on, i deserve some affection too~!" He whined, as you three soon entered what to you seemed an enormous building, Ranger HQ.

"Okay I have to report our mission status to Judy" Jackie started explaining, "And i'm taking Y/N with me since i can't leave her alone with you".

"Whatever" His friend growled before Jackie leaded you to a room, where you soon found two women sitting at desks across each other, one with soft green hair, the other one had soft crimson, and also wore glasses.

Jackie walked over to them and started talking, and while he did, you watched the two women closely until you decided to point on them, clearing your throat childishly as all three Rangers turned their attention to you.

"Yuri" was all you said, and it was more than enough to make them all three go pale before yelling at Jackie;



After what happened in that room, Sven decided it would be best for them to leave that building for a while, so you all took a walk to the park.

"I'm tired of walking" you whined.

"I can carry you piggyback" Sven grinned, and firstly, you wanted to answer with a cold 'no' like you did a few times before, but there was something you wanted to ask Sven, since you had the feeling he was kinda of an expert in these topics.

"Okay" you replied.

"Wow, that's the first time you allowed me to actually touch you, little lady" Sven chuckled as he picked you up piggyback.

"What is a pervert?" you asked out of the blue, Jackie didn't hear since he was quite ahead of you and the raven haired Ranger.

Sven contained his laughter and just asked; "Where did that come from?"

"Those two in the office called Jackie a pervert, and it didn't seem like a good thing" you replied.

"Well... If i put it simple, a pervert is.. hm.. someone who reeds those magazines i have" he tried to explain the thing as innocently as possible, since he's had enough trouble for today.

"Ah~ But Jackie didn't reed those magazines! I saw that he didn't!" you defended your let's call it crush.

"That's because he's a closet pervert" Sven whispered.

"What does that mean?" you asked, not quite getting much of what Sven said.

"There are the types of pervert who don't mind being seen while reeding, and there are the ones who do it secretly, like Jackie" He explained, "Get it?".

"Kinda" You said, now resting your head on Sven's shoulder.


This long day finally came to an end as the two Rangers accompanied you back to your house, where your mother was waiting for you inside.

"I had lots of fun~! Thank you!" You cheered after tackling Sven into a hug.

He smiled at your cute action and ruffled your hair.

As you pulled away grinning, you turned around to Jackie, your cheeks tinted a soft pink.

"Thank you too" You said shyly, placing a kiss on the blonde's cheek.

He also was moved by your cuteness, and so ruffled your hair before saying goodbye to you and your mother.

"So, honey, how was your day?" Your mother asked after you two entered your house.

"It was really fun. I also learned a lot of things!" You cheered.

"What did you learn?".



My note to you:
Place #918 on Fanfics, thank you so very much! :3

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Quote of the day:
"Hey, i just met you, and this is crazy! But let's have a battle."
- Trainer on Route 30

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that all official Koffing art shows it smiling. However, all official Weezing art depicts it frowning.

Author-chan's question to you:
Who is your favourite Ranger? I have two, Jackie and Sven ^-^

Thanks 4 Reading!

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