Easter Special ~ Clemont x Reader

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Requested by TheEspurrDen , Enjoy! :3


Normal Pov

"C'mon Clemont~!" It was the blonde girl, Bonnie, who whined to his older brother.

"I already told you that I have to take care of the Gym!" He protested.

"But it's gonna be easter in two days!" She said, and that was when you joined their conversation;

"Bonnie is right, you should take a break and enjoy easter with us" you insisted as well, "Besides, you can make Clembot stay at the gym".

It was already hard enough to refuse to his little sister, but when it came to you, Clemont just couldn't say no.

"Okay fine i give up" he surrendered, holding up his arms sheepishly.

"Yay!" Bonnie cheered before giving you a high-five and hugging her older brother.

"Y/N already made a perfect To-Do list, so don't worry big brother!" She added, grinning widely.

"Yeah! Today we still have time to procure ourselves the eggs, colours and everything needed to paint while tomorrow we decorate the house and paint the eggs", you explained proudly of your and Bonnies work, "And finally, the day after, we get to celebrate easter!".

And so, after you explained everything, you, Clemont and Bonnie went in the city to get everything you needed.

"I can get the colours together with Dedenne, you and Y/N should go take the eggs!" Bonnie said cheerfully as you three arrived at a crossroad.

"But Bonnie!" Being the overprotective brother he was, Clemont didn't give in so easily if it weren't for you;

"Come on Clemont! The stores and daycare will close soon!" You said before grabbing his hand and dragging him in the opposite direction of which Bonnie went.

"W-Wait! Not so fast Y/N!" Clemont panted slightly while he tried to keep up with your pace.

You didn't let go of his hand the whole way, what caused him to walk around with a red face.

But you kinda had to when you both arrived at the Pokémon daycare.

"Good evening, Miss!" You greeted politely, the old lady at the counter greeting you back.

"Do you still have eggs for the Easter event?" You asked.

"Yes, yes we certainly do", The lady walked you to a special designed shelf on which there were the eggs positioned, "Would you like the surprise ones or choose?"

"Which would you like, Clemont?" You asked as you turned around to face the blonde.

"It doesn't matter to me, but i think Bonnie might prefer the surprise-ones" he said, adjusting his glasses.

You found it really cute how caring he was for his little sister, even if she would be annoying sometimes.

"We'll have a box of surprise-eggs" you said to the old lady which soon gave you what you had requested.

"Thank you, come again soon!" The woman said after you left the daycare.

"You sure that isn't heavy? I can carry it you know" you said, glancing over at the blonde.

"I-It's alright" he stuttered slightly flustered; All of this felt a little bit like a date.

"Y/N, big brother~!" Bonnie cheered from the crossroad which you soon reached as well.

"You're here already?" You asked slightly surprised.

"Yes~ sorry to ruin your alone time with big brother~" she teased, smirking as she poked in his brothers stomach with her elbow.


~Next day~

All three of you were at your house in the kitchen, sitting at the big table.

You and Clemont had let out Buneary and Bunnelby of their Pokéballs.

"I got some postcards the other day. We can make some and send them to Serena, Ash, Alain and Mairin" Bonnie said as she pulled out some postcards and colours.

"Good idea" both you and Clemont said in unison, blushing at it.

"You know Y/N", Bonnie started as she drew a Buneary on one card, "I think you of all girls i asked are the perfect wife for my brother!".

"B-Bonnie how many times did i tell you to stop with that?!" Clemont flushed red, you blushed as well.

"Heheh~ Y/N didn't say no~ That means your gonna be my big sister in law" Bonnie giggled, you simply smiled.

"That apart, I have the perfect thing to decorate the eggs!" Clemont said, adjusting his glasses as they shimmered, "The future is now thanks to science!~"

"Oh no.." Bonnie made an awkward face as her brother showed you his new invention.

"I call it; Proto type Egg-painter mashine!" Clemont said proudly.

"The name is horrible, like always" Bonnie sighed, sweat dropping.

Clemont started to colour the eggs with the machine, one by one, quickly though.

"Wow it didn't explode yet!" You saidin awe.

But you talked to early; the invention exploded, causing smoke to emanate and dirty all of your faces.

You six, including Dedenne, Bunnelby and Buneary, let out a cough.

"You're so silly~" you smiled at the blonde male as you took off his glasses to clean his face a bit.

Clemont stood quiet and blushed, Bonnie shipping it in the corner with Dedenne.


After quite a long while, you managed to finish colouring and decorating the eggs.

You had also brought the letters to the Pelipper-post-office in time.

Also, Clemont and Bonnie would sleep over at your house tonight.

"I brought her to bed, she's asleep now" Clemont said as he came back from your room in which Bonnie was now indeed sleeping.

"Okay then, let's hide the eggs" You said and you two got to work.

You hid the coloured eggs in every good spot you two could think of before you went to sleep.

Both Clemont and You fell asleep on the couch.

~Next morning~

"Wake up you two~! It's easter let's get to the games!" You were waked up by the blonde sister as she shook you.

"Alright, alright we're awake" you yawned and sat up, "Happy Easter".

"Yeah happy easter, Bonnie and Y/N" Clemont smiled brightly, "You'll better start finding the eggs before they hatch".

"You're right!" She cheered and ran around the house to find the eggs.

You and Clemont giggled before you turned around to face him.

"Thanks for being part of this, Clemont" you smiled sweetly, causing the blonde to blush, "It was fun!"

After having said that, you cupped his cheeks and closed your eyes as you placed your lips on his.

A sweet, kind kiss which left the blonde stunned as he blushed worse than a tomato.

"Now let's go help Bonnie, shall we?" You smiled as you pulled away and took his hand while dragging him after Bonnie.

"Happy Easter~!"



My note to you:
Happy Easter everyone! :3
+ I was extremely lazy lately and didn't update at all, sorry! >~< But now I have more time, so I'll try to update every 2 days until 100 Chapters ^-^

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Some of Slowbro's Pokedex entries state that if the Shellder is removed, it reverts to Slowpoke? In other words, it de-evolves.

Author-chan's question to you:
Which is your favourite Electric-Type Pokémon?
Mine are Luxio, Ampharos and its Mega-evolution :3

Thanks 4 Reading!

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