Following You? ~ Silver x Reader

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Requested by ashkectum , JuneKetchum , MyBaeNutellaJar and MusicStar03 , Enjoy~! :3


Normal Pov

"Isn't he his son? Why does he have to send me to stalk him?" you complained, Ariana apparently listening as you two walked down the halls of the Team Rocket hideout.

"Just do what you're told to. You're getting paid, no? So what's the problem" the red haired woman said and you soon reached the exit of the hideout. You sighed and nodded, parting ways with the woman.

Giovanni, your boss and leader of Team Rocket, had given you a certain assignment; Apparently, he had a son named Silver, but the male decided to run away from his father. And it was your task to find him and follow him, getting information of him and such. So basically, stalking.

The mission wasn't really a problem, since Giovanni told you he was currently somewhere in Ecruteak City, but it made you wonder why your boss needed someone to tail his own son.

In any case, you used one of the organizations' Pokémon which knew how to use fly and made it fly to Ecruteak City, you on its back. You needed a mere 10 minutes to get there, and after landing, the Pokémon returned to the hideout by itself.

You didn't know where exactly to find this 'Silver', but you had a picture of him and carried it with you in your pocket. You decided to pass by the Pokémon gym, centre and market - not finding the male anywhere.

You were just about to walk by the Bell Tower when you saw a red haired male across the street - who seemed to be heading out of the burned tower. You knew the person you were looking for was supposed to have red hair, so you pulled out the photo of your pocket and checked it.

You put it back in your pocket and walked towards the young male. Once you got closer to him, you recognized him; It was the same person on the photo - you found your target.

Now the only thing to do was to follow him around and gain whatever information you needed.

And so you started; You followed the male with a firm distance. He lead you to a small hotel, in which he entered. You waited five minutes before entering as well.

You went to the lady at the counter and asked; "Is there a room under the name 'Silver'? He is my friend and told me he was staying in one of Ecruteak citiy's hotels" you lied, keeping a smile on your face.

"Yes actually. I can give you the room number since you are their friend" the lady said, checking on her computer. In your opinion, she was way too trusting. Well, you weren't wearing your usual Team Rocket uniform, so maybe that was why she wasn't that suspicious - still.

The lady gave you his room number and you made sure to take a note, since you couldn't go check it out right now, since the male was currently in his room. You also booked a room there next to Silvers' - under a fake name of course.

Silver didn't leave his room anymore today, so you decided to go rest in your own.


A week passed by pretty quickly, and you had no troubles whatsoever. You learned about all of Silvers' daily habits - you were creeped out of yourself because of that - also, that he had Sneasel, Feraligatr and Honchkrow as Pokémon.

At first you didn't care about Silver, you just wanted to get this all over with. But soon you started feeling differently;

You heard a lot of bad things about this red haired trainer at Team Rockets hideout, but everything seemed way different, now that you were observing him. He seemed to love his Pokémon a lot - although he always hid somewhere when he petted them.

Also, he seemed to be very close with another trainer; Gold - apparently his rival. Everything made you wish that you could stop having to stalk him and get to know him personally.

Today, like each day before, Silver left the hotel at 9am, you following him with a firm distance.

Silver walked - he seemed to be heading towards the burned tower again. You kept tailing him, but something seemed a bit different somehow.

Silver walked up the stairs and walked into the damaged building. You reached the stairs, but didn't get inside yet. You sat down and waited for about 15 minutes, but Silver didn't come out.

It seemed suspicious to you, so you got up and entered the rather dark tower. It was pretty dim, but it wasn't hard to see; You've personally never been inside the burned Tower, so this was your first time seeing that massive hole in the floor.

You wanted to go see from a bit closer up what was beneath it, but just after making another step, you felt your wrist getting granbed by something or someone, and you were pulled and pressed against the wall.

The person holding you was none other than the red haired male you were observing all this time - Silver.

"What's your deal?! Why're you following me around?" the male spoke in a rather pissed tone - well, who could blame him.

"F-Following you? I'm not following you, i just came to see the tower!" You tried to defend yourself, stuttering as you avoided looking into his dark blue eyes.

"Don't play dumb now. I noticed you were following me a few days ago - you stand out too much" Silver said, squeezing your wrists slightly, making you whimper. Were you really this easy to read?

"So, what's the deal? Who are you anyways?" Silver asked, glaring at you. You were still avoiding his gaze, and you were certainly not planning to tell him anything.

"Nothing, i told you, it's just coincidence, i wasn't following you" You lied, finally making eye contact with the male. He really did have beautiful eyes, which seemed even prettier by up close.

"You know my name and that's suspicious enough. At least tell me who you are" Silver said, leaning a slight bit closer to you, your face heating up. "I saw you at my hotel. You told that woman you were my friend, but i haven't seen you anywhere before. What's up with that?"

This guy was surprisingly sharp.

"What your name is Silver too? I have a friend that has the exact same name" you made up, trying to laugh it off, but it didn't work that well. Actually, that was the most stupid excuse you ever used until now.

"Stop shitting with me. Who are you and what do you want from me?" He asked, he seemed slightly more pissed than before. You were planning on shutting up, but the male placed his knee between your legs, causing you to gasp - your face getting redder than his hair, if that was even possible.

"I'm not gonna tell you anything. My name is Y/N if that satisfies you" you mumbled, looking to the side.

"It doesn't" the male replied and leaned his forehead against the wall next to your head, his breaths hitting your neck, causing you to shiver. "I'm not gonna stop until you don't tell me whatever your deal is. I know for a fact that women are quite the sensitive ones"

"I'm gonna report you for sexually harassing me" you said, glaring at him from the side, blushing. But that wasn't really smart, since he countered with; "And i can report you for stalking me".

He kept on insisting, but you didn't want to tell him anything. You probably weren't even allowed to, since his father personally sent you.

"You're such a pain... just like Ariana" Silver sighed deeply, you were just about to question for Ariana, but that's when the dark blue eyed male smashed his lips against yours, shocking you at first.

He kept his eyes open, glaring at you even now, but when he saw you shutting yours, his softened too, and he decided to just close them. Your lips moved against his clumsily at first, but soon got in sync.

Silver even used his tongue for a short bit, then decided to pull away, placing his hand on your cheek.

"Just tell me why you were following me. Please" he whispered. His sweet voice was echoing in your mind.

"F-Fine, but please let go of me" you said, super embarrassed, covering your mouth with your sleeve. The male did what you requested and stepped away.

You sighed deeply before sliding your back down the wall, hugging your knees as soon as you were in a sitting position. Silver sat down too, or else he would have felt even awkward.

You told the male that you were working for Team Rocket, and that it surprised you when he mentioned Ariana's name. You also told him that his father Giovanni was the one who sent you to observe him - and added that he did that because he was worried for his son. You didn't know if that part was true though.

"So that's how it is. I'm sorry for getting mad at you like that, i should have expected that from my old man" Silver spoke, avoiding your gaze and you could have sworn you saw a blush spreading across his cheeks.

You ended up talking a bit more before parting ways outside the tower.


It was the next day - you were still staying in that hotel. You had gotten used to your 'new' waking up schedule; standing up at 8:30am and getting ready.

You were positive that Silver had surely changed the place he was staying at - you would have too if you would learn about someone stalking you, and that someone living just next door.

You opened the door and stepped out of your room, widening your eyes as you were met by blue ones. Silver. He was still here?

"S-Silver?" you stuttered, blushing lightly.

"Yeah, good morning. Wanna grab some breakfast together?" The male asked, scratching the back of his head nervously, the color of his face matched the one of his hair.

Your lips curled up in a smile, and you relied right away;

"Yes! I would love to~"



My note to you:
A One-week-updating streak... the world really must be ending xD
There will be some 'important' information in the next chapters' Note, make sure to check it out~!^^

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Author-chan's question to you:
Do you have the App 'Amino'?


You already know me; i hate saying no and i usually do each and every request. So please, if i already ask you to save the requesting for another time, don't spam me^^
And please don't write the same request in every chapter, it's a bit confusing for me - i always read all comments and usually reply to all the requests, and even if i don't, i add them to my drafts^^
Thank you for understanding - i don't hate anyone, i love you all actually - so don't worry <3


Thanks 4 Reading!

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