Games ~ Gold x Reader

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Requested by That1BritishFox
Slowly, I'm running out of ideas, so feel free to tell me if there is a scenario you'd like^^ Enjoy!

Normal Pov

Gold's grandparents have a house where they take care of trainers Pokémon, so he asked you to keep him company while he has to watch over those little creatures.

And here you are, in front of the door, waiting for him to come open up.

"Hey Y/N, come in!" He greets smiling.

You follow him to the living room and as soon as you get there, your legs get hugged by many cute little Pokémon.

After you greeted all of them, you sat on the couch next to Gold.

"So, what do we do?" He asks.

"We could do games, what do you think?" You smile.

"That's a great idea!"


"I didn't mean these kind of games" you sweat drop as he pulled out his Billard stick and went playing with Cyndaquil and Marill.

The other Pokémon were also disappointed, so you started playing tag with them to cheer them up.

You also took out a set of card games and Gold decided to join you.

"Let's add an additional rule" he smirks.

"That would be?"

"The looser has to take off a piece of his clothes!" He grinned.

"No way we're adding something so ridiculous!" You defend, but it's useless.

Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Totodile have gathered around the table to play.

Each of them even put on scarfs and ribbons in case they'd have to take off clothes!

"F-Fine.." you mutter.

"I'll better NOT loose!" You thought before shuffling the cards.


"This is not fair! I thought I'd finally get to see you undress and this happens?!" Gold complained after loosing for the third time in a row.

He already took off his cap and jacket.

"You wanted this rule~" you say, secretly wanting to see his naked upper body.

Gold grabbed the bottom of his shirt, ready to pull it up.

The Pokémon and you gathered in a little circle with sparkling eyes.

There he goes...!

You and the Pokémon sweat drop.

"Haha you didn't think I'd come here unprepared!" Gold laughed, showing his another shirt he put under his t-shirt.

"What a disappointment.." you mumble, only Chikorita heard and nodded.


You, Gold and all the Pokémon played all sorts of games and it already got late.

"I'm beat!" You sigh loudly as you plunge on the sofa.

Gold grinned and sat next to you.

"I put them to bed" He smiles.


"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Now that you say it.. yes actually" you say sweetly.

"Here i brought these" Gold says, showing you packages of Pocky and milk chocolate.

"Ready to play one round?" He smirks.

"S-Sure!" You sit up.

He takes a Pocky out of the package and gives it to you, just like that.

"We're not gonna share?" You unwillingly let out, making him smirk.

"So you want that"

"T-That was not what i meant! You said play a round so i thought you wanted to play the Pocky game.." you mumble a little embarrassed while biting on your Pocky.

He didn't reply on that, he just bit the other half of yours.

You smiled at yourself as your faces inched closer.

You reached the middle and waited for Gold's lips to touch yours with your eyes closed.


You opened them to check and see Gold a few inches away smirking.

"Are you teasing me?! Stop it!" You mumble upset.

"No, I'm just finding out that you have a liking into these kinda games" he laughs slightly.

"Fine then, play by yourself moron" you say with puffed cheeks and swallow the rest of the Pocky stick.

He looked a little surprised of how quick you can get ticked.

You grab the milk chocolate and take little bites.

You have a block of chocolate between your lips as Gold gets your attention.


"Huh?" You turn around to face him but before you could, he started biting on the chocolate block.

You didn't do anything against it, in fact, as soon as you both ate your pieces of chocolate, you continued kissing him.

A long and sweet kiss.

That was until he crawled over you, pinning you on the sofa, not breaking the kiss.

You took off his cap and played with his fluffy hair, while his fingers went up and down your body.

Then he broke the kiss for air and took the chance to look into your (e/c) ones.

Both of you were silent, he then lied down next to you, hugging you.

You bury your head into his chest and gladly close your eyes.

He soon does so too and after a while, Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil who were looking the whole time, pulled some blankets over you two and crawled on the sofa with you two too.


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