Jack Walker x Reader ~ Birthday Special

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Hey Guys so... Today, the 5th February, is actually my birthday so I decided to do a LONG "Special" chapter^^ Since Jackie is my absolute favourite I'll dedicate this chapter to him ;3 Enjoy!

Normal Pov

You just got to the Ranger HQ this morning and directly went to professor Hasting's office to get your mission, even if today is actually a special day;

It's your birthday.

"Hm so you'll do some patrolling with... Jackie" professor Hastings says, pointing on your longtime blond crush.

"Yes sir" both of you nod in unison.


You and Jackie walk down the corridors.

He didn't say anything about your birthday.. did he forget?

"Hey Y/N, Jackie!" Summer cheers as she drags Keith along with her.

They are both your best friends, despite them being about 2 years younger.

"Where are you going?" She asks, smirking or grinning, you couldn't tell.

"We have some patrolling to do" Jackie replies.

And with that, you four went your different ways, you and Jackie outside the building.

Did.. they all forget about it? Huh doesn't matter right now anyways.

"Earth to Y/N?" Jackie said, waving one hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts.


"Look over there" he pointed on some purple things, which appeared to be wild Muk's and Grimer's.

They were approaching the building while throwing mud everywhere.

"Are we gonna stop them m'lady?" He smirked, you nodding happily.

You loved doing things together with Jackie your way.


"Pfuh i thought they'd never end!" You sighed relieved.

"Yeah me too. Oh look your.. uniform" he said sheepishly pointing on your chest area, blushing.

"W-What?!" You were about to yell at him because of his perverted actions but you noticed that he wasn't simply staring at your chest.

That mud the Muk's were throwing around made your uniform dirty.

"Oh crap it stinks like hell!" You squeak, waving your hands.

"Yeah.." he mumbled smiling.

"I'll go home and change into something else-.." you were interrupted by the blonde.

"NO! You.. You can have some of my clothes from my house!" He countered.

"There is really no need my house is just-.."

"My house is closer! Let's go!" He grabbed your hand and dragged you in his house's direction.

Why is he acting so weird?

In any case, you arrived at his house.

"Let's see i have this one.. and this one could fit you too" he shows you a black sleeveless shirt, similar to the one he's wearing and a dark blue one.

"I'll take that one. Thanks" you say and take the black one.

"But I'll have to go home and shower so we basically came here for nothing" you say, ready to leave.

"N-No! You can eh.. take a shower here at my place.." he grabs your hand.

"W-Wha-?!" You blush at that thought.

"W-We can't waste any more time! We have to get back to our patrol positions as soon as possible" Jackie says and you could have sworn to see his cheeks match the colour of yours.

"And i promise i won't peek!" He says, more like mumbles.

That was actually the thing you doubted the most, but he did have a point with the patrolling.

"I-I guess okay then" you mumble and Jackie gives you a towel, showing you the way to his bathroom.

You entered but didn't lock the door, only closed it.

You also looked through his shampoo's and took one of them.


You finished showering and after you did, Jackie went to take one too.

He really didn't peek... wow.

He came out of the shower only wearing his trousers, his chest naked, only a towel around his neck.

You blushed at the sight of his abs.

Someone knocked on the door, followed by Jackie's "Come in!".

"Ey Jackie I've got our new Manga's- Oh Y/N you're here too~" Sven came in and started waving his hand which held some Manga's but put them behind his back as he saw you.

"Sven!" Jackie whisper-yells at him while you get behind Sven's back, grabbing his magazines.

"Jackie you reed this crap too?" You sigh looking at the indecent cover.

"O-Of course not!" He defended, obviously very nervous.

"Anyways~" Sven says, preventing you to go on with your 'speech' and took his magazines back, putting his other hand around you.

Sven is also your best friend, even if he is a real perv.

He started... sniffing you?

"Sven, what are you doing?" You say, not quite getting him.

He didn't say a word and neared his face to Jackie, also sniffing him.

"You both smell of the same shampoo... Aye! Don't tell me you took a bath together!" Sven teased with his hand in front of his mouth showing like "Oh my Arceus".

"Idiot!" Both you and Jackie yell, hitting him on both sides of his head.

"Ow okay okay!" He tries to defend himself.

"Did you come here for some other reason than sharing your magazines with Jackie?" You sigh.

"Ah yes" he started.

You really hoped that at least Sven remembered your birthday.

"The preparations are done" he says, nodding at Jackie.

He nodded back and put his normal Ranger uniform back on.

"You wanted to go home Y/N right? So let's go" Jackie says, taking your hand and dragging you away from Sven.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" You say while you three walk towards your house.

"Soon you'll get it"

You arrived in front of your house.

"C'mon open up" Sven smirks.

You open the door slowly and suspiciously look into the dark room.

"SURPRISE!" All of the sudden the lights turn on and everyone inside cheers.


Everyone was there;

Summer, Ben, Keith, Judy, Wendy, even Professor Hastings is here!

"Guys!" Your smile went to grin, a huge grin.

"I thought you all forgot!"

"Of course not princess~" Sven pulled you to him.

"No we didn't forget" Jackie added, pulling you to him while glaring at Sven who was laughing at his jealousy.

"Phuh if you knew what we went through for preparing this" Wendy sighs.

"Yeah it was almost impossible to sweet talk Jackie to play as if he forgot your birthday" Judy adds.

"Yup he had the job of keeping you busy and away from your house" Ben says.

"Also, i was the one who sent the Muk's" Summer says proudly.

"Aww this is so sweet of you guys!" You say.

"What are you standing there for? The party is waiting!" Summer, Judy and Wendy cheer, pulling you inside while Keith turned the music on.

"So~ I heard you and Jackie showered together" Summer teased smirking.

The three girls at Ranger HQ and Sven are the only ones who know about your feelings towards the blonde.

"N-No we didn't! When did Sven have the time to tell that anyway?!" You mutter the last part.

"Oh~ I heard my~ name~" Sven comes from behind.

And there he goes, he's already drunk.

"Have one~ too Y/N" he says drunk, trying to give you a glass of sake.

"Thanks but no thanks" you manage to sneak away from him and the whole crew, bumping into Jackie during the process.

"Oh hey, sorry it's quite crowded in here" you say, taking the opportunity to snuggle in his chest.

"No problem. Hey uhm-.." he was about to say something more but got interrupted;

"It's time for your presents Y/N~!" Wendy grins, showing you the little pile on the table over there.


You opened all your presents except for Jackie's.

He said that he'd give you your present when the time is right.

The music was still on, no one except for Sven got drunk, it was pretty loud.

Also, Sven was teasing you the whole time.

You were currently trying to escape from him when someone grabbed you by your arm and pulled you out of the window.

You landed on something pretty soft.

Correction; Someone.

"Oh it's you" you look at the blonde on who you're sitting on.

You both then sit with your backs against the wall.

"Sven's bothering you again?" Finally says.

"Well you can't really call it bothering he's simply drunk" you say, defending your drunk best friend.

"Mh" was all he replied before pulling you to him, your back against his chest.

You blush lightly as he rests his head on your shoulder, breathing against your neck.

"There is something that has been bugging me lately" he starts.

"Y-Yes tell me"

"Well you know.. Sven told me something.. i was wondering if it was true" he mumbles.

"He didn't dare, did he?" You thought.

"What did he say to you?" You ask ready to kick Sven's ass after this.

Instead of answering right away, Jackie placed his fingers holding your chin, making you look into his eyes.

"Do you like me?" He whispered seductively.

Your face went from light pink to deep red.

"I-I-I" you couldn't shuffle the words for this, so Jackie just closed the distance between your lips and his.

Your eyes widened in shock.

Before you could kiss back, he pulled away.

"I'm guessing you do, of else you would have pushed me away~" he smirked, gently pinning you on the grass.

"Y-You're guessing r-right" you mumbled clear enough for him to understand you.

He smirked before pressing his lips back against yours, this time more aggressively.

Also this time, you didn't hold back.

Your one hand was on the back of his head, messing up his hair while the other one had a grip on his jacket.

He pulled away again, but soon went planting kisses on your neck.

Then his lips wandered to your mouth again, both your tongues meeting.

He would sometimes pull away to look into your eyes, showing you his hunger thirsty ones.

After a long while of repeating these processes, you pulled away for the last time.

"Oh man how you turn me on~" he purred, sitting up with you on his lap.

You smirked in response.

"Hehe~ i saw what you did there~" Sven pops up from the window, hanging down half dead of how much he drank.


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