Kiss Camera ~ Brawly x Reader

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"C'mon Y/N, please! I'm asking you on a date here~!" Brawly insisted.

"A-A date?" You asked slightly surprised.

Brawly was asking you to come with him to watch the Region's basketball tournament in which the best players were participating, but he said nothing of it being a date!

"Prettyplease~!" Brawly closed eye smiled at you, taking both your hands in his, causing you to blush.

"O-Okay okay I'm coming!".

~End of Flashback~

And so here you are, in a basketball arena with your friend, more like crush, Brawly.

Also, you came alone with him, since he called this a "date".

"I got us drinks, and the information paper" Brawly said as he walked up to you.

"Also, out places are E1 and E2" he explained, pointing down to a row of seats, "i got us the ones in the middle rows".

"Okay", You two walked down to the corresponding row.

"I'll sit on E2, so you'll see better" Brawly grinned and signalled you to sit down beside him.

"Thanks Brawly" you smiled and sat down, Brawly too.

Two basketball teams showed up on the field, ones were wearing blue, the others red sport shirts.

"There they are", Brawly said excited, "For which team are you cheering, Y/N?".

"Hm.. i think I'll cheer for the blue ones, Team Wartortle" you answered, glancing at the players, "What about you?".

"I'll cheer for them too~!" He grinned, causing you to blush slightly.

His way of being so direct and honest were one of the many things you found cute about him.

Two girls came down to the same row of seats on which you were sitting, walked past you and sat next to Brawly.

And it just happened that you overheard their whispering;

"He's so hot~"

"Yeah! See his muscles~?" They were blushing while staring at Brawly who didn't twig any of it since he was too focused on the teams warmup.

The girls were staring at his muscles, since he was wearing a sleeveless dark grey-orange shirt, they were quite visible.

You tried not to be irritated by it and just ignored their fangirling.

That was when the game started.

It was quite fun watching the teams play as well as cheering for them with Brawly.

And soon it was the first break, where the players were allowed to drink, and the mentor announced things.

"Now let's see where we can find a lovey-dovey couple~" He spoke into the microphone.

After he did, all spectators attention were on the huge screen on one of the hall walls, where now a spot of the arena was visible.

You could have sworn to see Ruby and Sapphire on the screen, them being surrounded by random other people you didn't know.

"Hey wait, isn't that Ruby? And Sapphire!" Brawly said surprised, pointing at the screen.

"Right? I thought the same!" You chuckle.

"Okay boys and girls, let us see the Bacio~" the mentor said through the microphone, on which the spectators started to get all noisy.

Ruby obviously didn't waste any time so he basically attacked Sapphire with kisses.

"That guy sure is something else" you sighed and could've probably imagined Sapphire fainting from embarrassment.

You and Brawly joked and laughed about it until he said he's be using the restroom and left shortly.

"Let's hope the Kiss Camera lands here next, so we get to make out with the hot guy!" One of the girls who sat next to Brawly whisper-yelled to her friend, you casually hearing it again.

"Oh no you don't", Then another area of the arena was visible on the screen, showing...

Steven Stone and Wallace?!

The camera was mostly pointing on a girl and a boy who sat in the row below the champion, but Wallace seemed to have other intentions with Steven;

Indeed, the spectators, mostly the females, started squealing like crazy fangirls as they saw the perfection of Yaoi in front of their eyes.

But all you did was laugh, (and maybe mentally fangirled a bit).

Then, Brawly finally came back from the restroom and sat next to you as the game started again.

"Did i miss something?" Brawly panted.

"Well, not really. Only that Wallace and Steven basically made out" you laughed, him joining in.


Now it was the last break before the last game of today.

"Let's spot another youthful couple my ladies and gentlemen..!" The mentor spoke again and soon he and his helpers would point on random spectators with their camera.

And how random can it get, the camera landing exactly on you, so that you and the few people around your area were showed on screen.

You stared at the screen wide-eyed, so did Brawly for a moment.

"Yes! That's our chance~!"

"I don't think so..".

"Hey excuse me.." One of those bratty girls tapped on Brawly's shoulder, almost causing him to turn around to them, just when you placed your hands on his shoulders and forcefully made him turn around before surprising him with a kiss on the lips.

He was quite shocked by your actions, but he still managed to place his hands on the back of your head and on your back.

It was supposed to be a quick kiss because of all the people staring at the screen, but well, Arceus decided to let it last just a bit longer...



My note to you:
Honestly i didn't remember how that guy who does all the announcements is called, so i just used mentor xD
+ It's kinda hard finding cool Pokémon Quotes, so I'll be skipping them just as you know^^

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Drapion is the only Pokemon owned by Aaron of Sinnoh's Elite Four that is not Bug-type (the type he specializes in)?

Author-chan's question to you:
Which is your favourite fighting-type Pokémon? Mine has to be Infernape or Lucario, Heracross & Mega Lopunny :3

Thanks 4 Reading!

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