Manga Roleplay ~ Sven x Reader

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Requested by myself xD I just love this pervert ;3 Enjoy!^^

Normal Pov

"Look it's Sven~!" A girl squeaked as you and Sven walked by a group of young Rangers in the Ranger HQ building.

"Wow you actually do have fans" you say to your partner, more like you are surprised.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Sven smirks.

"Well not exactly. But i bet those girls would run miles if they knew what a pervert you really are" you state.

"I am not a pervert. I am just a mature man" Sven counters.

"Lamest excuse ever"

"In any case, i ordered some new Manga's wanna come pick them up at the store?" He says, pretty much changing the subject.

"Why don't you go with Jackie? He reads that kinda stuff too doesn't he?"

"He's on a mission"

"Well okay i can come" you say, not really interested.


As you promised to Sven, you came with him to the Manga store.

While Sven was paying and blabbering with the old man at the counter, you were standing there annoyed, looking at all those Manga's until something caught your eye;

It was a Manga book titled: "Miraculous Tales of Riolu Man" which was imported from the Unova Region.

You looked at it.

For some odd reason you wanted to buy it...

"Earth to Y/N" Sven snapped you out of your thoughts.

"What were you looking at?"

"Nothing important~ Let's go!" You say quick and walk ahead, leaving the store.

He caught up to you after about five minutes.

"What took you?" You ask.

"Nothing important~" he mimics what you said earlier, a smirk on his face.

"If you say so.."

"Let's hang out at my place 'kay?" He smiled.

"Sure. I got nothing else to do anyways" you say trying to sound neutral but internally dying of spending time with your perverted crush.

~Timeskip - At his house~

"So what do we do?" You ask as you plunge into his sofa.

You saw the pervy smirk on his face and anticipated him;

"No, I'm not gonna play Seven Minutes in Heaven, nor do the strip-rock-paper-scissors tournament. Any other suggestions?" you roll your eyes.

"Man, you're so good at reading my mind~" he sighed and pulled out something from his shopping bag.

"But let's read Manga's today" he says, handing you the Manga you saw at the store earlier, the one you liked.

"Y-You.. how did you know?" You say surprised but happy at the same time as you take it.

"It was pretty obvious, you looked like me when a new Make-Out Paradise comes out" Sven chuckles.

"R-Really?" You blushed a little in embarrassment.

He nodded.

Who knew that Sven had a sweet side?

"Thanks~" you smiled, reaching for the book when he lifted it in the air, where you couldn't reach it since he's taller than you.


"Nah nah~ This isn't for free y'know. I want something in exchange~" he smirked.

"Yeah what?" You waved around your hand, trying to reach it.

"We're gonna role-play a scene of my Manga.. this here~" he chuckled pervertedly, opening his Manga on page 69 which was showing a scene where the female character was in a bikini, honey all over her body and the male character was ready to lick it off of her.

"YOU DISGUSTING PERVERT!" You push him away with all your strength, blushing madly

Screw his "sweet side" it was all a trick.

"Chill Y/N, i was just joking~!" He laughed at your reaction.

"Your face was saying something else!" You yell, blushing like a mess.

"So it is me you don't like. I get it, you would rather do it with Jackie, wouldn't you?" Sven said in a low, sad sounding voice.

"What?" You said surprised as you calm down

"Sorry Y/N. I'll leave you alone from now on" he said still low as he started to walk away.

"Wait that's not true!" You grab him by his wrist, making him turn around to face you.

Did you hurt him or something..?

"It's okay Y/N, really" he muttered.

"Shut up! I said that i wouldn't do it with Jackie! I would rather do it with you-.." you stopped as you realised what you said, Sven smirking.

"I-I meant.. uh- YOU IDIOT! YOU MADE ME SAY THAT ON PURPOSE!!" You yell and hit his chest like a little girl.

He laughed and... hugged you?

You stopped moving as you felt his warmth.

"You know, i don't mind doing it now~" he whispered seductively.

"You wish, jerk!" You say trying to get away, but obviously he was way stronger than you.

"Let me go!" You say girly as he lifts you up.

"Nah" he grins, dragging you to the sofa.

He sat down and placed you on his lap.

"Will you let me go if we.. like.. role-play one scene.. but not the honey one!" You say sweetly, blushing lightly.

"Sounds good to me" he grinned.

Of course it does... *sigh*

"Is there like a scene where the female kicks the males ass?" You ask as you both look through his naughty book.

He sighed.

"Okay this is gonna take forever! I'll just make up one" you say and close the book.


An idea popped up in your mind, since Sven tricked you before, you're gonna trick him now.

You climbed on top of him, he a little surprised at your sudden act.

Sven is into those kinda things and once you found his Manga open on his desk so this should do...

"I'm going to mark you all over tonight~" you purr seductively, for a change, and start running down your finger from his chin to his neck.

"Your neck~..."

"Your chest~..."

"Your abs~..."

Your finger slid down until it reached his abs, then you placed your hand softly on his cheek, your thumb playing with his bottom lip.

"Everywhere will be a mark, so that everyone knows you're mine~" you continued with your little game, your alluring eyes locked with his shocked ones.

But after seeing his super red face, you couldn't hold your laughter in any longer.

"So, how was that?" You laughed after you sat up, still on his lap.

"Y-You really tricked me back there" he admitted, still blushing.

"But now it's my turn~" he purred and flipped you, so that he was on top of you.

You instantly recovered from your laughter and looked into his eyes, your ones alluring again.

"But unlike you, i won't hold back~" and with that said, he connected your lips with his, sucking gently on them.

After you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped your leg up to his back, you continued with a passionate french kiss.

"Are you still on about marking me~?" He whispered seductively as he pulled away slightly.

You smirked in response before sucking on his neck.

A long while passed...

You two are lying on the sofa, you in his arms.

"Okay so can we do the Honey scene now?" Sven broke the silence.

"Hey wait, what about MY Manga?" You suddenly remembered.



My note to you:
So, I'm probably gonna do lots of Sven x Reader Oneshots in the future because this pervert deserves lots of love ^-^
+ I have lots of Requests to take care of and school is really stressing, so i don't have much time to write but I'll update as much as i can! ^-^

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Quote of the day:
"Strong Pokémon, Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truely skilled Trainers should try to win with their favourites."
- Karen

Fact of the day:
Mew and Cryogonal are the only Pokémon which are both genderless and can learn attract. However, this move fails every time since it can't be used by or against genderless Pokémon.

Author-chan's question to you:
What's your favourite Pokémon?
If you ask me, mine is Altaria ^-^

Thanks 4 Reading!

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