Perfect Date ~ Sawyer x Reader

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Requested by Sanstheskeletonlover , Enjoy! :3


Normal Pov

"Y/N-Senpai, i need your help!" Sawyer said rather motivated. He had come over to your place because of something he wanted to discuss, "Actually, i need your advise on something!"

"Okay, sure, tell me already" You chuckled. You and Sawyer were pretty close. He would come ask you advises on Pokémon battles and such, but today...

"You see, there's a girl i like.." He started, scratching the back of his back, blushing slightly, "And i'd like to take her on a perfect date! I need your advise on some things for that!"

"Ohh a girl? Who is it?" You hummed teasingly, smirking as you bumped your elbow against his chest. Even though it kinda hurt you hearing that, you couldn't l down the person who most looked up to you.

"I-It's a secret!" The boy defended nervously, then cleared his throat. "I'd like your advise, you know, where girls like to go or what they'd like to do.. those things!"

"Hmm okay, prepare to take notes" you hummed, chuckling. And knowing him, he would literally take notes. That's what he did, actually.

"So.. if you ask me.. i would like to be taken on a walk maybe? Holding hands and stuff and maybe go grab some cotton candy? Because ice cream is kinda cliché", you started, glancing at how the boy scribbled letters in his notebook. "Oh and i'd really like to check out that new PokéZoo they inaugurated just a few weeks ago".

"And after that.. maybe go see the sunset together somewhere pretty or watch a movie.. simple things like that" you continued, listing some of the things that came to mind.

"That's a great help, thank you Senpai!" Sawyer flashed you a cheerful smile after he had finished scribbling in his notebook.

You smiled in return; "I'm glad i was of help"

You and Sawyer spent the rest of the day watching. They were showing a Pokémon Battle tournament on TV, both of you enjoyed watching it, and eventually talking about the elite trainers you recognized such as Steven Stone, Lance, Alder and others.


After waking up the next day, you checked your phone and saw a message Sawyer had sent;

'Heya Y/N-Senpai! Thx again for your help yesterday^^ I was wondering if.. you'd like to hang out with me today? I bought two tickets for the PokéZoo, so you'll better not say no!'

You smiled at the text and typed;

'Sure! But i'll only come if you tell me who that girl is, you know, the one you like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

'Senpai, don't make those faces! >3< Fine, Fine I'll tell you, but at the end of the day~ 。◕‿◕。'

And like that, you accepted Sawyers' offer and decided to get ready. You couldn't help but suspect that Sawyer was taking you out on his test-date. Not that you minded much, since you thought he was pretty cute, although it did hurt knowing that he liked someone else.

After a while, you heard your doorbell ring and rushed to the door, only to get greeted by the green haired male after you opened the door. "You look great, Senpai!"

"It's just casual clothes" you said, trying to hide your red cheeks. He then grinned and took your hand, "Let's go then!"


Sawyer held your hand the entire way to the Pokémon Zoo. He showed the man at the reception counter both his and your tickets and he let you in. Just around from the corner, there was a girl selling all sorts of candies at a not so small stand, which had a "Don't feed to the Pokémon" attached on it.

"Hey, wanna see if they sell cotton candy?" Sawyer asked grinning, giving your hand a light squeeze. Being the oblivious type of person, you thought it was only coincidence that they sold cotton candy at that stand. Little did you know that everything was perfectly planned...

After Sawyer had payed your cotton candy, you resumed with your walk. There were all sorts of Pokémon exposed in the cages - which actually looked like real habitats - and there was even a place where people could pet certain Pokémon species, like as example Teddiursa's, Deerling's and many others.

But before you would visit that area, you wanted to see the bird-like Pokémon first. And on your way there, you decided to share a bit of your cotton candy with the green haired male you were holding hands with.

Your face got very red the moment his lips made contact with your fingers, but you were eventually able to share it off after a while. A rather long while.

And after a few hours of walking around and checking everything out, you had explored every inch of the Zoo together with Sawyer. You shared funny conversations, bought more snacks and went see the shows the Zoo had to offer. The sky was slowly getting more pink-ish and clouds were covering the Sun as you and the green haired boy exited the Zoo.

"There's a place i'd like to show you before i walk you home" he smiled, and you could have sworn to have seen a blush on his face. And of course you agreed. The boy still held your hand and led you down a path.

There was a Ferry waiting for the last people to get onto it at the shore near the path you two were walking on. Sawyer grinned and walked down to the shore with you, soon walking over the small bridge connecting it with the ferry.

There were other, apparently, couples sitting at the bench-like seats, from where you could look over the surface of the river. Sawyer pointed at one free seat, as if he was asking for your approval and then sat down, you next to him. The man, who was probably the one conducting the ferry, pulled the small bridge away, and the ferry soon started moving.

There was a nice, fresh breeze making your hair dance with it as you looked down at the water. There were Finneon's jumping out and back into the water occasionally, and Sawyer smiled while looking at you while you were focused on the fish-like Pokémon.

The ferry wasn't very fast, so after about 15 minutes it stopped at where you assumed was a small station. "Let's go, Y/N-Senpai~!" Sawyer cheered, grabbed your hand again and rushed over the small bridge as soon as it was laid down, connecting the ferry with the shore again.

"It wasn't the ferry you wanted to show me?" You asked slightly confused while the boy dragged you up on a rather high hill. You asked because you already found the small 'ride' on that ferry amazing.. was there smelting even greater?

"You're so cute~ I told you that it was a place i wanted to show you" Sawyer giggled, and even if 'cute' was just a word, it was enough to make you blush. And finally, both of you reached the top of the hill, a beautiful sight awaiting you there;

There were huge cherry blossom trees spread on the meadow. Pink petals were either covering the green grass or being carried by the wind. Not to mention that the sky had now gotten a orange-pinkish color, purple-grey clouds decorating it while the sun seemed to be more red than yellow.

"I-It's beautiful" you couldn't help but stare at the scenery in awe.

"I thought you might like to come see the sunset with me" Sawyer admitted, scratching the back of his head before sitting down, leaning his hands on the grass. he patted the spot next to him and you soon sat down next to him, watching the sunset like that.

That's when something struck you; He said he liked another girl right? So you were just his test for his planned-out date?

While thoughts like that kept filling your head, you didn't notice that you were staring into space with a rather gloomy face. (Lol it rhymed xD)

"Are you okay?" His gentle voice soon snapped you back to reality and you turned your head towards the green haired boy with a somewhat hurt expression.

"Why did you bring me here? You shouldn't use other people to try out your strategies and whatever" you blurted out, soon glaring at the ground, "You know, i kinda have feelings..."

"To try out? Use people? Senpai what are you talking about?" Sawyer nervously chuckled, then got more serous and cupped your chin, making yo look him in the eyes. "You're so oblivious, aren't you?"

"You're the girl i like, Senpai. And that won't change" he suddenly whispered before connecting his lips with yours. At first you were shocked and froze immediately, your face burning up.

Then, your lips slowly started moving in sync with Sawyers' until the kiss got very passionate and even deep.

"I love you Y/N. And i'd like you to love me too".



My note to you:
I re-wrote my first Grimsley x Reader Oneshot | Fears | now it's better xD
+ This one was a fluffy Oneshot thing based on a Zoo i like to visit in Croatia^^ You should go too, in case you'll ever be in croatia x3

It's small and all, but i really enjoy going to it^^ (lol i go every year xD)

'Fanart' of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Bayleef is the tallest of any of the second-stage starter evolutions until Generation 4?

Author-chan's question to you:
Which is your favourite Mega-evolution?
Mine are Mega-Altaria and Mega-Banette :3

Thanks 4 Reading!

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