Promises ~ Sir Aaron x Reader

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Normal Pov

You are a female knight in the town of Rota, in the Kanto Region.

You are the only female knight serving Queen Rin which doesn't possess a Pokémon.

Times of war never end and you just finished training.

Tired, you get to the place where the hot springs are.

On the way there you see Aaron training with his Lucario.

Aaron is also a knight of Queen Rin and his Lucario is the only able to speak human language.

"Aaron!" You wave at him from the distance.

He notices you and walks towards you, accompanied by Lucario.

"Y/N, done with training?" He smiles and you both start walking towards the hot springs.

You nod, also smiling back.

You reached the hot springs and both sat down at the edge, Lucario soon joining.

"Tomorrow's the day huh.." you mumble as you both take off your shoes and dip your feet into the hot water.

"Yeah.." he mutters.

Tomorrow was the day when you and Aaron were supposed to somehow stop the war, actually, only Aaron was assigned to that task but you insisted to go with him.

Because you couldn't afford to lose the person most important to you.

"Lady Y/N, i still do not agree to the fact of you joining the battle fields" Lucario says more or less politely.

"First, stop calling me Lady and second you can't do anything to stop me" you say.

It was slowly starting to be hard keeping your eyes open, because the training tired you out.

"Don't push yourself Y/N. I can see by your aura that you can barely stay awake. Rest for a bit okay?" Aaron says, pulling you close to him, your head resting on his chest.

"Y-Yeah okay.." you mumble, blushing slightly.

It didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

~Next Morning~

"Master, let us not wake her up"

"I know it wouldn't be fair but.. you're right. I don't want her to get hurt. Let's go Lucario"


You wake up in your bed.

You panic as you look out of the window;

It was already late at morning and you could see the two nations clashing in the far distance.

"Oh no! Why didn't he wake me up?!" You get up, dress yourself as fast as you can and hurry out of your room.

"Lady Rin i need a Pidgeot, now your highness!" You shout as you reach the corridor, earning a shocked expression of the Queen.

"Sir Aaron took one, but there should be another one on the balcony. Is there something going on-.."

You didn't let the Queen finish but hurried out to the balcony.

"Let's go Pidgeot!" You shout as you jump off of the balcony, Pidgeot instantly catching you on his back.

The Pokémon flied at full speed, you able to see everyone clashing.. and then you spot Aaron;

In that moment, Aaron was trapping Lucario in his staff.. but why?

His Pidgeot took the stick and flied back in direction of the castle, almost bumping into you.

Your Pidgeot let you down on the floor and you followed Aaron.

He probably knew you were following him but never turned around.

Then some Mightyena's appeared and blocked your way.

You needed a lot of time to get rid of them since you had no Pokémon but you soon reached the Tree of Beginning.

"Please Aaron hang in there.." you thought while running through the corridors of the tree.

But your thoughts were soon interrupted by a very bright light.

"He's.. he's not thinking of doing.. the aura sacrifice is he.?" You think, slowly getting desperate.

An aura sacrifice is when you give your entire aura to a mythical or legendary creature, in this case, a Pokémon.

And when someone has zero aura left, the person dies after about five minutes.

Finally you arrive at the heart of the tree, but unfortunately, too late...

"Aaron NO!" You scream as you see him collapse in front of the crystal.

You run to him and knee down, putting his head on your lap.

"W-Why did you do this? WHY?!" Tears start rolling down your face.

"I-I'm sorry... that you had t-to see me like this..*cough*" he manages to say in pain.

"But this is it.. for m-me. I have no aura left.." he coughs, his eyes slowly closing.


"Wait.. if he gets the smallest bit of aura.. he can survive! I just have to make direct contact with him.. and I'll save him!" You remember and waste no time;

You delicately placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled his face to yours, connecting your lips.

You had to make your tongues touch or else the aura wouldn't be possible to get transferred, so you did.

Bright light emanated from your bodies, but you kept going.

That until you didn't feel half of your aura anymore and gasped for air.

You looked down at Aaron as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank Arceus!" You almost cry of joy and throw yourself onto him.

"W-What happened..Y/N?" He said, slowly getting his strength back.

You sit up and hug him.

"I-I thought that i lost you!"

He was a little in shock but patted your head.

"It's okay now.~"

You pull away from the hug and look into his amazing blue eyes for a moment before placing your lips back on his.

He widened his eyes, not really getting what happened.

But he didn't need much time to melt into it and place his one hand on your waist, the other on the back of your head, deepening the kiss.

You part for air slowly as you slightly open your eyes.

"Promise me that you won't do that ever again" you whisper and bury your face into his neck.

"I promise" he says softly, hugging you tightly.

~Extended Ending wanted by Lucario~

"Master, what was that all about?" Lucario says more upset.

"W-What do you mean?" His master grins sheepishly.

"Did you purposely trap me in your stick so that i wouldn't know about the inappropriate things you have done to Lady Y/N?!"

"N-No of course not! Where do you get that from?"

"I know about everything Master. I also know what you did back there. That is because also now you have Lady Y/N's aura in you" Lucario says slowly getting pissed while Aaron blushes a deep red.

"I only hope for you-.. Master you didn't force Lady Y/N.. did you?" Lucario adds obliviously.

"N-No Lucario stop getting everything the wrong way!"



My note to you:
I was thinking of doing a separate book containing a long Sir Aaron x Reader story but I'm not sure.. what's your opinion on it?

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Quote of the day:
"Poor Bianca has faced the sad truth that not everyone can become stronger."
- N
Need some ice for that burn, Bianca? XD

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Greninja was actually based on the Anime series "Naruto"? Everything including attacks, design and even Ash-Greninja form were based on Naruto and his Ninetails-chakra.

Recommendation from author-chan:
Watch Pokémon the Movie Mew and the tree of beginning^^
+ Tell me your opinion about the book I'm 'planning' to do.

Thanks 4 Reading!

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