Rude Savior ~ Falkner x Reader

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Normal Pov

You and your best friend Lyra are on a journey to collect all 8 gym badges of the Johnto Region. You two already have 3 of them. You skipped the Violet City gym because there was some work going on and now you turned back.

"I can't believe i lost!" Lyra says after loosing against Falkners Pidgeot. "Hmpf you have to train harder if you want to beat me" The blue haired says coldly, almost sounding rude. "Hey what the hell of encouragement is that?!" You bark out since you assisted the battle. "There's no need to act all Know-it-all better than everyone!" You continue. "Y/N calm down" Lyra says waving her hands nervously. "What exactly is your problem anyway" Falkner replies coldly. "Okay that's it! I challenge you to a battle!" You hiss. "I don't have time for you.." he states. "Well you can't decline any challenger" you growl. "Oh man what a pain you are" he face palms.

~After the battle~

"Ha there you get it! I won" you say victorious. "Hmpf" he mutters and hands you the gym badge. "And now you're acting cold because i beat you?!" You bark. "Goodbye" he says emotionless, waving and leaving.

"What a rude gym leader" Lyra states as you two walk towards the Pokémon Center. "I know. I'll wait for you outside" you say watching her enter the building.

"Gotcha brat!" You hear from behind as someone gets a hold of you. "Hey what the-.. Ariana!" You yell as you turn around and see the red haired woman and her Arbok wrapped around you. "Now, Now stay still and shut up" she says as she puts you on an Aerodactyl. You don't remember her having that Pokémon so she probably stole it from somewhere. She gets on it too and it starts to fly away, direction sprout tower. "Giovanni will be proud of me after he finishes you off!" Ariana smirks evil.

Giovanni hated you. Well he hates everyone but you specifically. And that's because you blew three of his hideouts up. So if he gets you, you doubt that he'll show mercy.

"Okay this could end badly if i don't do something quick!" You say internally. You first scan Arbok and then watch down. You guys are very high now. You doubt you'll survive the fall but it's better to die here then because of Giovanni. "This is going to be disgusting.." you mutter and bite Arbok hard. "Chaaa-Charbok!" It squeaks and let's go of you, making you fall from Aerodactyl. "Crap!" You say while falling. "Goodbye world" you think and shut your eyes close.

"Pidgeooot!" A Pokémon squeaks and you feel being caught by it or something else. "Huh?" You manage to say and open your eyes finding yourself in the arms of the rude Gym leader Falkner on top of his bird Pokémon Pidgeot. You stare at him surprised. "Man that was close" he states. "Why did you save me? I mean i could have done it on my own" you say stubborn as you two reach the ground. "Yeah sure." He replies coldly. "But i guess thanks.. Rude guy" you say and give him a peck on his cheek, to show him your gratitude. He blushes, which you don't see. You then turn around and start walking away but he grabs your wrist. "Where do you think you're going? You have to repay me" he says.. husky?! "I said Thank you so what do you want mor-.. mpff" you say looking up at him as you get cut off by a pair of lips. You automatically wrap your arms around his neck and melt into the kiss, closing your eyes. "Now it's fine" he mutters after he pulls back. You could feel a slight blush on your face. "See you at the gym since your friend is going to want a rematch" he smirks and flies off on his Pidgeot. "Pff who does he think he is, kissing me just like that" you think with arms crossed. "But i have to admit, he's quite good at it and pretty handsome too" you think smirking.


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