Snaps ~ Spark x Reader

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Normal Pov

It seemed to be a perfect morning to go outside or to the beach.

You came for holidays here to Alola with your three friends, also the three leaders of their corresponding clubs (teams).

All you, Candela, Blanche and Spark shared a vacation-motel on Route 8 near the beach.

Blanche was currently making breakfast as you came downstairs, yes your motel had two floors and your as well as Sparks's room was on the top one.

Candela came out of her room as well, stretching herself as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Morning" you said and sat at the table.

"Ah~ Morning!" Candela sighed relieved, "What do we have for breakfast?".

"Fried eggs and toasted bread" Blanche replied simply as she put down three plates on the table, "Where is Spark".

"I think he's still asleep" you answered sheepishly.

"It's better that you wake him up Y/N" Candela said, "He doesn't really enjoy how i do it".

You nodded before getting to the top floor again.

"Spark?" You knocked first, getting no response, so you took the liberty to get inside.

Your cheeks reddened at the sight of this;

Spark lying on his bed, his hair and sleep-shirt all messy and his blankets, part covering his lower body, part hanging down the bed.

He slept soundly and looked so peaceful in that form, you couldn't possibly wake him up.

You closed the door and walked towards Spark's sleeping figure.

You covered him with his blankets properly and softly caressed his spiky blonde hair.

"He won't notice right?" You thought as your glance got stuck at his so soft looking lips, "No i don't think so~"

You neared your face down to his and gave his lips a soft peck, he didn't wake up.

"Eek~" you mentally squealed and got up.

You've had a huge crush on the blonde for quite a while now, Candela and Blanche were the only ones who knew.

You looked over at his commode on which he had a few incubators with a note sticked on them;

"To hatch~"

You smiled and took one of them with you as you left Spark's room and got to yours.

You thought you could go for a jog and later to the beach, so you changed into your (favourite colour) bikini, put some leggings and a sleeveless shirt on.

You put the incubator inside one of your small backpacks, your phone in one of your leggings pockets and left your room.

"I'm out~!" You said before you left the motel and started jogging in direction of the small Æther Foundation building.


After a little while you heard your phone rimg, so you took it out of you pocket.

It was Candela calling;

"What's up Candela?" You said as you picked up the phone.

"Uhm we got a little problem here... Spark kinda got upset and left without saying anything" she said through the speaker, "We're kinda worried".

"What got him so upset?" You asked slightly surprised at Spark's behaviour.

"Remember the breakfast you were supposed to eat? Fried Eggs?" Candela said sheepishly.

"Oh.. i get it.." you replied, told her to go look for him and ended the call.

It was totally like Spark to act that way when it came to eggs..

"But where could he be-" another vibration coming from your phone interrupted your thoughts.

It was Spark!

But it wasn't a call, yet a message, a Snap to be exact.

You opened it and charmed over it;

"So hot~! And cute~!" You squealed.

"Wait.. that means he's at the beach!" With that, you put your phone into your backpack and started jogging in the opposite direction, towards the beach.

It was more like running than jogging, also because you didn't need that much time to get there, and when you did, you were panting.

Surprisingly, there was no one at the beach.

No one except for Spark and a few other Pokémon.

"Spark!" You shouted almost without breath as you ran towards him with the strength you had left.

The blonde who was sitting on his towel while talking to that Alolian Raichu next to him, looked up to you as you were finally in front of him.

"Y/N!" Spark said cutely, stretching out his arms, basically asking for a hug, "Candela and Blanche are so cruel~!"

You smiled before letting yourself fall in his arms, in which he held you on his muscular, bare body.

"Where were you~?" This time, his voice was deep, making him sound so seductive as he whispered in your ear, "Without you, there was no one to comfort me~"

"I went jogging to try to hatch your-.. W-What are y-you doing?!" You said calmly until you felt your lower behind get a few squeezes and your sleeveless shirt get taken off, leaving you in the bikini you had on.

"S-Stop Spark!" Your face flushed red as the blonde started placing Butterfree kisses on your neck while his hands worked on taking off your leggings.

"You do want to comfort me right~?" Spark said innocently as he pulled away to look in your eyes with those puppy eyes of his.

You did want this, and to kiss him too, but it all seemed so all of the sudden.

"I-I do.." you mumbled, your cheeks still red.

"Then come on~!" He cheered childishly, closing his eye and pointing you his lips so, that they were ready to get a soft kiss, like a child would do.

It was a bit embarrassing doing it this way, but you rolled with it and pecked his lips.

"You're so cute, Y/N!" Spark squealed and hugged you very tightly, before standing up, holding you bridal style.

"Now let's go into the water!" He grinned, kissed you again and started running towards the water, "i made some cute friends in the water i want you to meet.



My note to you:
There were more votes for the Free! Book, but many of you wanted the My Little Monster one too, so I'll be doing both! x3 the Free! One first though ^-^

Fanart of the day:

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Arcanine's species name is the "Legendary Pokemon" despite the fact that it's not actually a legendary in any way.

Author-chan's question to you:
Which Pokémon Go Team did you join/ want to join?
I joined Team Valor, although I'd like to change to Instinct >~<

Thanks 4 Reading!

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