Trickster Cat ~ Grimsley x Reader

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Requested by Trashykaya , Enjoy! :3


Normal Pov

"Hey Y/N, ever heard of the 'Trickster Cat'?"

"No, what is it?"

You were currently at Grimsley's house, simply hanging out. The two of you are pretty close, there's a small rivalry between the two of you too, since he trains dark-type Pokémon and you train ghost-types.

You two would usually meet up for battles or friendly challenges, but today was different; Grimsley had invited you to come over to watch something scary, a movie perhaps.

"There is a story, actually a legend, about it. I read it in a book", Grimsley explained, pointing on what you assumed was the book he was talking about, "Wanna hear it?"

"Since when do you read books?" You commented, currently crawling in a comfortable position on the sofa, Grimsley was sitting next to you.

"Shauntal suggested me to read it" Grimsley hummed, "But that's not the point! Do you want to hear it or not? Spoiler alert, it's sorta creepy~"

"Yeah sure, go on" you sighed a bit unmotivated, but were ready to listen anyways.

"So, the Trickster cats were a breed of Liepard and a mysterious, psychic-type Pokémon. It's not like ordinary Liepards, since it gained mysterious psychic powers and additional intelligence right after hatching from the egg. Nor hatching into a Purrloin, but directly into a Liepard", Grimsley started telling you by skimming the pages in his book. You found it a bit cute that he looked so focused while doing so.

"It's known that they're about three meters long and as tall as a growing teenager, that means, a bit shorter than us. Not to forget that it has 15cm long, sharp fangs" Grimsley continued reading.

"They used to attack, no, actually devour people, no matter what age. Although it says that they prefer young people~ But they're pretty smart, the book says that the Trickster cat will stalk you and learn about your habits before actually attacking you. They used to strike late in the evening or at night, when almost no one's around and you're all alone~"

"People sure are creative these days" you stated after the raven haired male finished telling you the story. Although you had to admit it wasn't that bad.

"I know, but it's pretty convincing don't you think?", he said, closed the book, got up and put it on his shelf before taking his laptop to the TV. You hummed a "Mhm" and looked at him connecting cables from the laptop to the TV;

"What are you doing?"

"We said we'd watch something scary, no?" He grinned and opened a site on the laptop,, then pressed on something that seemed to be a movie icon, "I found this Anime here which is based off the Trickster Cat i just told you. It's a Supernatural-Horror series called 'Shinsekai Yori'. Shauntal liked it, so i thought you will too"

"Yeah it sounds okay" you smiled and got up from your comfortable position and went to the kitchen, "I'll grab some snacks~!". You took two packages of chips, a Paprika and a Honey-Buddha one, and a bit of ice cream, well Castelia-cream, and got back to the living room.

You set the food on the coffee table and plunged back onto the rather large-sized sofa.

"Everything's ready" Grimlsey stated, took the TV remote and sat down next to you. "You can hold on to me when you get scared~" he hummed smirking before he pressed on 'Play'.

"In your dreams~!"


The both of you ended up watching 8 episodes, so the time you spent on them were 2 hours and 40 minutes. It got pretty late and dark outside. Actually, it was half past ten.

"You can't define that as 'Horror' series! Barely nothing creepy happened" you groaned after stretching a bit.

"Shauntal told me that it was going to be a bit boring the first 7 episodes, but afterwards it gets pretty awesome. Or that's what she said at least" Grimsley said, getting up from the sofa, "You can come over tomorrow and we can watch until episode 16 or something"

You thought it was a good idea, and you always liked being around Grimsley, so you accepted almost immediately.

"But hey Y/N, are you really fine with going home at this hour? I mean, it's pretty late" Grimsley said a bit worriedly, "You can just stay over at my place".

"Thanks, but no thanks" you declined sheepishly. The problem wasn't that you didn't trust Grimsley or thought that he'd do something indecent to you. Actually, it was quite the opposite; You were more worried of holding back your own feelings if you stayed over.

"If you say so" Grimsley sighed and picked up your jacket, helping you slip into it before he walked you to the door. He hugged you goodbye and waved afterwards; "Get home quickly, or the Trickster Cat might come for you~!"

"Yeah sure, so scared!" you called back sarcastically as you were already walking. After he closed the door, you turned your head in front and couldn't help but smile at yourself.

There was no one around, and the cafe's and restaurants were closed too. It was a bit too silent for you, so you started humming 'Shinsekai Yori's Outro.

But all of the sudden, you could have sworn to hear something move behind you. You froze at first and stopped walking, then turned your head around quickly. That's when a garbage can near an alley fell to the floor, trash rolling out of it.

Since it was dark, it was hard to see there, so you turned your head back in front and started walking again. Speeding up your pace though.

"They used to strike late in the evening or at night, when almost no one's around and you're all alone~"

Grimsley's voice kept echoing in your mind while you walked. You tried to shake it off by thinking that it could have just been a Rattata. But slowly, you started hearing purring sounds. You then tried to convince yourself that it was just a Glameow.. but it didn't work. You subconsciously started running.

As soon as you got to your apartment, you slammed the door open, entered quickly and locked yourself inside. Your Shuppet soon came floating to you, to greet you.

You panted for a few minutes, but then hugged your small Pokémon. "Shuppet, let's lock all the windows okay?". Your Pokémon nodded and used it's psychic powers to do what you requested.

You were actually a bit embarrassed that a dumb story Grimsley told you was flustering you so much. What you wanted to do now was just to go to sleep.

You took off your jacket and went straight to your room. You changed into your pajamas and called your Shuppet, then even locked the door of your room.

You let all your Pokémon out of their Pokéballs, so that at least you wouldn't be alone. Litwick made his way onto your commode, to serve as little lamp while all the others, Froslass, Misdreavus, Frillish and Haunter floated around your room.

You took Shuppet under the blankets with you and also asked Haunter to use Hypnosis on you, since you knew you wouldn't fall asleep for a while.


Your Pokémon woke you up the next morning, and like everyday, you proceeded with your morning activities. Even though you couldn't call them 'morning activities' since it was already past 1pm.

You already felt less stressed after a late breakfast and after your Pokémon had tried their best to cheer you up. You went out with them to train a bit, then returned around half past four.

You returned all your Pokémon inside their Pokéballs, all except for Shuppet who you'd leave at home. He liked being the guard when you would leave, so that afterwards you'd be proud of him, so you always respected his wishes.

After that, you walked towards Grimsley's house. You were feeling more at ease, seeing that there were a lot of people taking walks with their Pokémon or children. It took you about 25 minutes and once there, you knocked at his door and waited for him to come and open.

"Hey, Y/N" the raven haired male smiled, motioning you to come inside, you did and took off your jacket, placing it on the small shoe-closet in the corridor, "Did you have a safe walk yesterday?"

"Don't mention it" you sighed, wrapping your arms around the male. You would usually hug each other when greeting or saying goodbye. Although this time you weren't letting go and nuzzled in his neck.

Grimsley was slightly surprised, but he found it pleasant, so he didn't let go for a while either but caressed your hair. "Come on, let's go now"


Despite how scared you got yesterday, you both watched Shinsekai Yori again. You both agreed to watch until episode 16, but every time one ended, both of you were like; "One.. More.. Episode..", and so you got until the 23rd one.

And again it was dark outside, 10pm.

"I should get going" you sighed while putting on your shoes and jacket. Again, Grimsley walked you to the door and hugged you goodbye, "You know, you can stay over if you want".

"Thanks for the offer, but i'll have to pass again" you declined once more and pulled away. You then turned around to check if the nearby street lamps were working, so that you wouldn't have to walk in the complete dark, "Bye.."

With that, you took a few slow steps away from the house, waited for the door to close and then sped up your pace. Thoughts of something creepy happening occurred to you, no matter how much you tried to shake off the Trickster Cat. "It's just a story..!"

And again, you heard something behind you move, then you started hearing cat-like hisses.

"The book says that the Trickster cat will stalk you and learn about your habits before actually attacking you", Grimsley's words floated back in your mind. Something has been following you yesterday too - Was the cat stalking you?!

"They used to attack, no, actually devour people" - Is it going to kill you?!

Trembling, you were about to turn around, when all of the sudden, you saw a shadow in front of you, about 10 meters distant. The light emanating from the street lamp made it possible to recognize so well;

There was no doubt; It was definitely the shadow of a Liepard. You didn't know if you were seeing things or not, but the size of the shadow was enormous compared to the one of a normal Liepard.

"This can't be happening..!" you gasped, tears filling your eyes in fear as you turned around quickly, running back as fast as you could. You didn't know if it was chasing after you, but you definitely heard movements.

"G-Grimsley, please open up!!" You shouted from the top of your lungs, banging the door while tears strolled down your face. You occasionally looked back once or twice while doing so. "Please!"

Grimsley rushed to the door as soon as he heard you, you throwing yourself in his arms. "What happened?!"

"L-Lock the door, quick!" You cried, and Grimsley did how he was told, then pulled you back to him. "T-The Cat..-"

"Shh, don't cry. Calm down first and then we can talk about it, okay?" he whispered, caressing your head gently. You sobbed lightly before nodding your head softly.

Grimsley picked you up, you automatically wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, and carried you to his room, where he then set you down on his bed.

"You can sleep here tonight. Here, wait i've got some clothes for you" He said, then walked to his closet and pulled out some clothes and came back to you. He gave you one of his dark shirts and a pair of his boxers, "D-Don't worry i washed them.."

Since you were still in shock, you didn't notice you were blushing when you took the clothes. "I'll go get you some water" the raven haired male said and then left his room.

You wiped your tears and then used this opportunity to change into Grimsley's clothes. The boxers were like knee-sized shorts and his shirt was baggy and covered your lower behind.

Grimsley came back with a glass of water, avoiding your gaze as he gave it to you. You drank what he had brought you and gave him the glass, which he placed on a nearby shelf.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to you. You stopped crying by then, but hugged your knees. "A-A bit.."

"Come here" he said, holding his arms out. You let go of your knees and crawled over to him, hugging him tightly while you buried your head in his chest.

Grimsley lay down and pulled you with himself, then pulled the bedsheets over both of you. He asked you what happened again and this time you told him.

After hearing everything, the male placed a soft kiss on your forehead, pulling you even closer to him, "Sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you that much" he mumbled, his fingers playing with your locks.

You looked up at him with those puffy eyes, then closed them, leaning forward. You didn't know if what you were doing was right, but it felt so. You brushed your lips against his and pecked them, before burying your head back in his chest. "G-Goodnight"

Grimsley, who by now had a red face, answered with a soft Goodnight as well before both of you fell asleep.


It was the next morning, and you had already recovered from last nights' shock pretty well.

Both you and Grimsley had just finished cleaning up after having eaten breakfast, and strangely, Grimsley seemed bothered by something; "Y/N, I have to confess you something.."

You were getting a bit nervous by his sudden remark, so you stopped doing whatever and stood there, ready for what Grimsley had to say; "B-But please don't hate me for it.."

"Okay.. i won't" you were starting to worry.


"I promise"

Grimsley took a deep breath, then sighed; "When you saw that Liepard last night and the night before... It was actually my Liepard"


"EXCUSE ME?!" You barked out, your face was probably red of all your rage, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FRIKKIN' SCARED I WAS?!"

"I know, i know, and i feel really bad about it.. I just wanted to pull a prank.." Grimsley said. Inside, he was feeling really guilty of having scared you like that. "I-I didn't think you'd really believe that there was a Trickster Cat!"

"Y-You..!", You stuttered, you have never been this angry at the person you liked, "You asshole!". With that, you were about to punch, hit, beat the crap out of him, but he pulled you to him, in a hug.

"L-Let go! I hate you!" you cried out, hitting his chest.

"Y-Yeah i love you too!"





My note to you:
This one was a bit long and full of other Anime references xD Hope u liked it~^^

Fanart of the day:

This one wasn't made by me this time^^ I'm not that good yet xD

Meme of the day:

Fact of the day:
Did you know, that Rotom is not a legendary because it can breed more of itself and it will reappear at the TV if you defeat it?

Author-chan's question to you:
Has anyone watched Shinsekai Yori?^^

Thanks 4 Reading!

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