Chapter 2:The big fan

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Hi, its Pikachulover. I got my name because I really like Pikachu, which mean't I really liked Pokemon. Pokemon is the most famous thing in history. Sense Pokemon Go was created everyone is always after, Pokemon. Everytime you yell out," I found a (name of a super rare Pokemon)!" ,everyone near you will come running. Pokemon Go has taken over the whole world. Everyone on Facebook is like, "Pokemon Go owes us now", and other people say," True! So true".  If Poke'mon were real, everyone would want to become a trainer and try to catch em all.

 I've always thought Pokemon in real life would be cool, but it could also be very dangerous. For instance, a Beedrill would chase you and try to stab you with their needles and a Snorlax could try to eat you if you dress up like a kind of food. A good reason, would be that you'll be able to train them and battle others and catch them. I think everyone is like that, sense Pokemon Go was released.

My classmates and I went on a feild trip to a lab. Me and my friend, Ella were looking around the laboratory, when we spotted it. We spotted a machine that looked familiar to us. We investigated it, then I remembered. " It's Arceus!" I yelled. "Arceus? You mean the alpha Pokemon?" Ella asked. "Yes! Look!" I said, opening my Deluxe Essential Pokemon Handbook. I turned to the page with Arceus on it. I pointed to the symbol on Arceus' back and said, "see!" "Yeah! I do!" Ella said.

 "Hey Pikachulover and Ella stop talking right now and pay attention!" our teacher yelled. "Yes! Miss Valentine" we replied. When she got to the Arceus machine, I raised my hand, right when she asked us if there was any questions. "Yes, Pikachulover!" she said pointing to me. "It looks like the symbol on Arceus' back" I said. Everyone starred at me and starred at the machine and everybody laughed. 

Suddenly, my other friend, Tina stepped in and said, "it actually does". Everyone started to look at me and Tina and started bursting out with laughter. "Uh! Whatever! Laugh at me, but It looks like the Arceus symbol. Look!" I said, opening my pokemon book and raised it up, so everyone could see. "Can you please stop talking about Pokemon, that is all you talk about" Billy said in a mean looking way. When everyone walked away; Billy and his friend, Jackson laughed at me and pushed me near the machine,  I fell on the ON switch in the machine. "OOOOOO! Your introuble!" they yelled running away. I ran towards the teachers worried that they might tell on me, but they were too scared to. 

The machine began to glow and Arceus popped out of it, and that is how it all started.

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