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So fusionzgamer finally got his channel back today at like twelve in the morning. Which is good. Unfortunately he missed out on like three or so days worth of revenue as well as losing the money from his channel for the week...I think that's how it works.

So I learned his channel got hacked not for the fun of it, but because someone was trying to get rich quickly, which that's not really how you get rich quickly. Just buy a couple of lottery tickets and work...but I suppose some people are just that lazy. It's even worse than I thought tbh. I thought they were doing it because they hated people with over a million, but it turns out they're hacking channels to steal their money which is even worse.

But at least Fusion is back, and I plan to start commenting on his videos from now on. Im hoping this doesn't happen again or to anyone else, which is a big hope and I doubt that it won't happen again as this hacker is pretty smart using itch.io to trick people into playing a fake game that isn't there. However, with what we've seen let's just say people will be careful clicking on games on itch.io.

Anyways, today I am going to be updating Together. I'm on my final week right now, so I'm hoping to get a few chapters out this week before I have my final in math.

I probably will go back and edit it greatly, so the plot right now might be different later as well as more about the family that I wanted it to be about. It's my fault for adding more on training than I should have.

Anyways I might need to delete even more stories. Idk if I'm as passionate about some of them as I am of others. Also I really do plan on making a story about the Fennekin/Eevee villages.

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