Hail Yeah

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Have you ever convinced yourself that your life is perfect, and so you think that because you think your life is so perfect that everything around is perfect, but it's all not perfect?

Like have you ever convinced yourself something of the means of your life being perfect despite it being far from it?

Yeah that's what I feel like.

I feel like I'm lying to myself.

My family feels like it's being torn apart, but I have a good life.

It's not me who's suffering though.

Sure I have some feelings that I'd rather not have, but it's my brother that makes me feel like my life isn't as perfect as I thought.

He's sort of rebelling in a way. Different than my cousin of course.

I'm not sure if I should mention it in this randomness since it's personal, but i know my brother does things my parents don't like.

I don't really like some of it like Vape (smoking basically) and not telling us about that tattoo he got. Yes he got a real tattoo.

It really feels like he's dividing himself from the rest of the family.

You see what I mean?

But my parents aren't being fully open to what my brother does either.

My father basically seethed at the idea he wanted a tattoo and wanted him to wait, which would have helped him with other situations and so on.

I do agree he should have waited, but even though he got it sooner I felt like he should have trusted us with the knowledge. I mean my mom knew it before anyone else, and she's far more open about things than my dad.

My dad, is the one who's probably the least open to what my brother does.

I mean my mom doesn't like how he's distancing himself from us, and I don't like it either. I feel like he's suffering, but he's not reaching out to anyone to help—well besides money, but you know how it is with money.

I know I shouldn't rant much more about things, but it just feels like everything is falling apart.

I mean I understand my brother. I think I was either the most or second most supportive of him so far.

I mean if we count my dog—anyways, yeah.

It just doesn't feel like my dad is open as much as he should.

It feels like my brother isn't getting the support he needs.

Honestly, it feels like my situation with fnaf.

I don't expect my dad to like what me or my brother are into, but he acts like what we're doing or liking is the devil in disguise.

My brother is an atheist now, which is fine because he never liked church anyways, but my dad laughed that off like it was a joke...

And it's just gotten to a point where it feels like as open as my dad is, he's becoming more close minded.

Sure he's open about certain things like Pokémon, and so on, but when it comes down to things like Tattoos and such hes not that open about it.

To be honest I understand it, but he has the tattoo, and the problem and he's not helping my brother by being the way he is.

I also understand, however that the way my brother acts is...odd sometimes, and him bashing on us for certain things like eating outside isn't the best thing either.

I don't know.

It feels like a stalemate situation. I don't know.

I don't expect you to solve this at all. I know it's quite the situation.

I just felt like getting this off of my chest.

I do feel like the support with fnaf is getting more accepting, but it still feels like there's something up.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know how I feel, though I don't expect you to be able to solve my problems or really do anything. I just thought I get this off my chest.

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