The Red Pilled Comments Section

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Sometimes I forget how hateful and dumb the internet can be.

 I watch someone's YouTube who's recently been going down a better path for himself. He's mature and growing as a person, and that's amazing because some people don't want to improve themselves to be better than who they already are. And he made a video apologizing to Trans people because he said they didn't exist and he was wrong about it and that they do exist.

He was very sincere and serious about it, and I thought it was nice to see people apologizing for once instead of being adamant about never being wrong and so on. 

Well, most of this guy's audience didn't think it was cool to apologize for saying something so "truthful" and "correct." Which is entertaining to read I will admit. 

This guy's audience is indeed mostly just red pilled men who are now bitchy about the fact that he wants to be a better person and change his ways. If you've ever encountered the red pilled group they basically follow Andrew Tate and other red pilled men who agree to their ideals and make outrageous comments and claims.

For example in this guy's comments section you've got people liking the idea of bullying and saying Trans people aren't real, which they're basically saying trans people aren't people at all and they treat them like cattle rather than real people. Real issues that trans people deal with. They're basically like Donald Trump, but extremely convinced that you have to be like them or you're wrong and gay. That's how I would describe them. 

Anyway, this guy isn't so popular anymore with all these idiots saying crap like he's been lost to the matrix and people saying that was an "L move" on this guy's part. I even see a silly comment about how he's boring now that he's mellowed out and decided bullying isn't for him. 

Not gonna lie the comments are wild and as someone who believes in treating others how you want to be treated, this is basically why some trans people are as extreme as they are.

Regardless, it's safe to say the internet is one giant bully at this point. It isn't even the first time someone got bullied for something stupid. I still remember Sean and the idiots on his videos bullying him and the Last Life series on Grian's channel where his friend Scar got bullied because people wanted Grian to win.

Safe to say I wish Cyberbullying remained uncool and despicable because at this point you can't even say trans people are real without people assuming you are one or any other stupid comment I've seen on this video.

Although it is funny to see them whine and bitch about someone. I mean we can all do with a little change of heart every now and then.

And to end this on a good note I just wanna let you all know you're loved regardless of who you are. Whether or not you're a man, woman, trans, straight, gay it doesn't matter. You are loved and don't let the idiots in the comments section get to ya. 

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