To the Point of Hot Peppers

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I know I know.

You're like, "Hot peppers? That's the best you can come up with?"

Well I'm sorry there's nothing as good as a bag of disappointment chips, which seems to be the theme despite there's no bag of chips left for me to disappointed in.

Or perhaps nothing as scandalous sounding as There's a Child's shoe in our star Attraction.

But this is what we get. A random food item. At least it's not Potatoes...haha.

Just kidding. Everyone knows Potatoes are way Hotter than Hot Peppers. Oh the strange Irony.

Also while we're on the topic of randomness...

Two things:

-Imma delete my Pokeschool thing because there's no real point of it, and the stuff that happens in it is 100% not canon. Mostly.

- Ive been thinking greatly of making multiple fnaf fanfictions like My Friend...though they won't be based on it exactly. I'll be creating new characters for the fanfictions and new plots and just overall it's all oc and all new...that's all I can say besides one of my ideas involves one of the animatronics falling for some girl for whatever reason. Idk if she will be a night guard (highly unlikely because abuse to night guards happens in fnaf), or if she will just be some random MC trapped in there trying to get out. (Maybe the night guard is evil for once actually like that one time? Or Is trapped with a a killer in pink and the animatronics are trying to help her? Idk)


Okay I lied...

There's more.

I find it annoying how people can't handle any sort of opinion?

Like people agree that trump's not the best guy in the world, but then they'll say all his fans are like him....

In politics there's many things....not just stuff like what happened with trump, but also things like economy and many people support trump because of his economic policies and not because of who he is (though there are some like that, and I'm not saying all trump's supporters deserve a break, though I am saying they do still.). Like he wants to help the economy in a different way, and if someone supports him for that all people see are what makes Trump bad and hate those people even though they don't support all the policies....

Like some trump fans are supportive of every group, but people will put them in that category of insane just because they support him.

That's messed up man.

The situation I saw earlier showed how Biden fans (I'm sure there are Biden fans who are doing this I swear) can also be douches, and that makes me very sad.

Politics shouldn't be involved in things like what I'm describing, but it is.

They shouldn't be brought up in fandoms or in the talking of bringing down a certain individual just because they support someone's policies.

Gotta think bigger than just the political person.

And this isn't just in politics either.

It's in fandoms. Mostly ships, but you know it can happen with certain Pokémon and certain characters too that people can't imagine anyone hating or having a different opinion on.

But yeah I'm done talking about the stuff that doesn't even matter.

Oh quick question: Does anyone else get someone asking you for an update when your story is on hold and you clearly stated it was on hold not only in the title, but in the authors notes? No? Just me?

Okay. But yeah. Anyways some people on wattpad really quack me up.

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