Top Ten Overrated Pokemon Who Aren't In many/any Pokemon Fanfictions

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This is a list of ten Pokemon that are popular that I'm surprised aren't in a lot of Pokemon Fanfiction.

10) The Gen Nine starters- I don't know why I havent seen a single fanfiction with these guys in them yet. I've seen at least one or two occasions where at least one of them is involved in some plot in a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fangame, but I've seen no sign of them on wattpad.

9) Dragapult and its line- despite being really popular and possibly overrated, this dragon-and-ghost-type line hasn't gotten much. Which is weird considering people really like this Pokemon and I feel some people could easily compliment this Pokemon.

8) Axew and its line- I feel this one is way more surprising than Dragapult. I don't think I've seen any fanfiction really focus on Axew and its line despite how many people love this Pokemon. In fact, I think this is one of the most 

7) A good portion of the legendaries- Now this is just me saying in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction. I don't know how used they are in trainer teams in fanfiction, but I do know they aren't really used in the fanfiction I've read. Its probably because they're legendaries, but I feel like including one like Kyogre or Groudon would add a lot to the plot of the story. 

6) Snorlax- Why isn't this Pokemon more used in Pokemon fanfiction? Its an actually cool Pokemon and would make a great main character people could actually relate to besides an overpowered Jolteon who can kill everyone. Legit this Pokemon embodies certain people a lot and I feel including this Pokemon more would be interesting. Especially since its a cool Pokemon. 

5) Wooloo- For as popular this Pokemon has become since its introduction. I'm kinda surprise no one really made any sort of fanfiction around it. Its really easy to make a fanfiction on wooloo because its a sheep Pokemon. 

4) Scizor- Despite being one of the most popular bug types, I don't really see much on this Pokemon. It's quite easy making a fanfiction for this Pokemon as well as making a plot based on it protecting other bug types or even some regal Pokemon. 

3) Flygon- I've seen so much love for flygon. Yet I don't really see any fanfictions on it. Why are dragon types rarely used in fanfiction? That's kind of ridiculous. Especially if there's legitimately 9/10ths of the Sylveon and Espeon being female. 

2) Gyarados- Im so shocked there's actually little on this Pokemon considering how many people actually use this Pokemon. Even I've used this Pokemon and I'm surprised no ones bothered to use this Pokemon in fanfiction. 

1) Metagross- Despite how annoyingly popular this Pokemon has become, I'm surprised there's really nothing on it in fanfiction media to my knowledge. Like why not? I'm surprised this Pokemon doesn't have any fanfiction on it. Its legitimately a good Pokemon to have a fanfiction on. 

What are some generically popular/overrated mons you've seen never used in fanfiction?

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