I went my first pride!

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I went my first pride today with my two friends and it was amazing! I was nervous going at first, not wanting to draw attention to myself but I finally started to come out a bit and I had fun!

I wish I wore one of my flags but I'll purrobably do that next year as me and my friends want to go next year as well.

I finally got an ace badge and a bi badge. Didn't have anything asexual biromantic but these are fine.

Also had my face painted before we went and two guys stopped us in pride and wondered where we got our face painted. We said we did it ourselves and one of the guys asked if we could paint his real quick.

We did, they were very nice!

I also saw another friend of mine there and we said hello. I wish I took a video but I forgot, i did take a pic of me and my friends though but I don't know if they want the pic on here or not.

Anyway, very good day and a bonus...I GOT MY SHINY ZAPDOS!


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