Back From School!

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What's funny is that this girl in my English class actrally thought I was being serious to her when she tried to tease me about my name.

Saying what's your name over and over again (she already knows my name guys) and I just said why does my name matter?

She said she didn't give a sh!t about my name and I just stared at all.

I responded them why are you asking for it dumba** and then her and her friend ganged up on me asking what my problem was and why I'm being so serious about a joke.

I was far from serious but clearly (like everyone else in my school) have no idea how to read my emotions.

I just smirked and told them that I'll never be serious to anyone in the school because I don't care about them.

Like they are to me.

They obviously gave me a really weird look before the bell went.

Seriously, if I'm always not giving a crap around someone then I don't give a sh!t about them.

Where on here, sure I'm chill and laid-back but when it comes to my friends on here, I'm serious about them.

But like I said, no one can read my emotions in that school.

Reason why I get told off a lot really.

Anyway, I'm going to shiny hunt because it's the week for July but when I take breaks from shiny hunting, I'll be writing.

So, how was your day guys?

I'm always going to say that now because I like talking to you guys and hearing about your day.


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