5: Epic Battle

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"Ready..." Flannery said. "BEGIN!" She smiled. "..." I watched the two trainers battling. "Gale, you know what to do!" Mizuna said. "Fly!" Flygon used u-turn on Steven's Metagross. "Good job!" Mizuna said. 'W-what...? How...' I thought, shocked. 'It's like her Flygon reads her mind-- no, it's like they know what the other is thinking!' I thought. "Alright, Go, Blaze!" She said, as a Blaziken popped out of its pokeball. "Psychic!" Steven said, as it used psychic on her Blaziken. "Go!" She said, as Blaziken Sky uppercutted Metagross. "Again!" Steven said as he exploited the opponents weakness with psychic. "Good job Blaze!" Mizuna said, as her Blaziken returned to its pokeball. "Go, Puddles!" She said, sending out a Swampert. "SWWAAAAAA!" It roared a battle cry. "Mega!" She said, holding a stone on her pink bracelet. "The swampert changed forms?" I asked, looking at the buff swampert. "It's called Mega Evolution!" Flannery said. "Wow..." I said. "Swamp the Metagross! Sorry!" Mizuna said, as her Swampert used muddy water and finished off the Metagross.

An hour later...

"You win yet again Mizuna." Steven said. "Hehe!" She giggled. "Wow." I said. "Pretty cool, huh?" Mizuna said. "Yeah!" She said. "In Fiore, there isn't any Pokemon trainers... Only Rangers!" I said. "That sounds very interesting." Steven said. "Heh, yep! Everyone is nice to each other and to Pokemon, almost like a utopia." I said. "Actually, You remind me of someone Mizuna." I said. "Flannery reminds me of someone too." I said. "Oh!" They said. "Flannery, you remind me of my friend Solana, and Mizuna, you remind me of Spenser." I said. "Who are they?" They asked. "Spenser is the leader of our ranger base. He's fearless, and he's calm in the most tense situations." I said. "Solana is a little new to the ranger base. She can be flighty at times, but she's usually always optimistic." I said. "I WANNA MEET THEM NOW!" They both said. "Girls, again... Calm yourselves..." Steven sighed. "Steven, you remind me of Lunick." I said. "...?" He raised an eyebrow. "He's usually hanging out around Solana, and making sure she doesn't make careless mistakes. He's really smart, and he knows what he's doing most of the time." I said. "Anyways... I'd love to explore the region." I said. "We can take you everywhere!" Mizuna said. "Oh no... I have a bad feeling about this..." Flannery said. "How?" I asked. "By foot, or,... Riding through the sky!" She said. 'Wow... She really is almost exactly like Spenser!' I thought. "Alright! So, what do you wanna do?" Mizuna asked. "OH OH OOOOH!" Flannery said. "Yes?" Mizuna asked. "LAVARIDGE TOWN!" She smiled. "My gym is a hot springs." Flannery smirked. "She's a gym leader." Mizuna said. "And Steven is the champion!" She said. "Steven is the strongest--", "No, you've beat me tons of times." Steven interrupted. "Well, alright... He's the second strongest trainer in the region!" Mizuna said, rolling her eyes. "There." Steven laughed. "Well, I'm willing to go anywhere." I said. "Heh! Then Hot springs it is!" She said. "Ty! Typhlo!" Soul cheered. He doesn't like water, but if it's warm... Then he'll splash around like crazy!

Lucky... I wanna go to the hot springs....

7/10 too much water XD

Hey hi! It's me, WaffleCake!


What have you always wanted to see? For example. Skyscrapers, a meadow... etcetera.

My answer:

The Ocean. I wanna be a marine biologist when I'm older, so yeah! ^^

Anyways, have an awesome day!

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