Chapters 3: Search and return to the past.

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A/N: Hm~ Due to some personal problems and generally due to studying, it is only now that I continue to write to you "Happy New Year 2024🎉"


While everyone was enjoying the stew cooked by Delia.

Gray: Delia's stew is truly the best, it brings back the flavors of home.

Sandshrew: It's really delicious! If I were human, I would propose to her for this.

Me: I hope you say that in front of Ash.

*knock Knock knock*

Sandshrew: Come in.

The door opened, three people entered the theater and one had to complain.

Ash: I didn't expect you guys to buy so many *Shakes the bag humorously*.

May: Come on, Ash, we only bought one set.

Serena: That's right, May, and we also picked out an outfit for you.

Everyone started to look at Ash's group, some also noticed the three girls and some girls were jealous because they refused this trip because they were too embarrassed, some other girls blushed because of their new outfits Ash





Cynthia: Hey Ash, where's Dawn?

Ash: Her Piplup got lost at the shopping center. I wanted to go look for it with her but she said it's okay, you guys go first, so we came here first. I hope she's okay.

While everyone was talking, the door suddenly opened.

a girl with messy green hair and eyes that showed signs of crystallization as if she was about to cry.

Dawn: Hey everyone, has anyone seen Piplun *collapses*

Ash: *Runs over to comfort her* Hey, you said it's okay, Piplun is definitely okay, don't cry.

Dawn: Thank you Ash.

Ash: Is your messy hair okay? Do you want me to tidy it up?

Dawn: Do you know how to brush your hair?

Ash: yes I usually comb my mother's hair every time the adventure ends.

Dawn now seemed like the luckiest girl in the world singing a soft song while Ash was combing Dawn's hair.

Ash: Finished.

Dawn: *Dawn looks in the mirror*Wow Ash you are amazing.

*suddenly the door opened*

A group of pokemon entered, including Piplup.

Sandshrew: Hey quilava, where did you go and just now coming back?

Quilava: When Me kicked me into the air, I flew into a certain forest and got lost using the power of the script. I got lost on the plane and went to Alola when I accidentally found two old teammates on vacation, so I invited them. The second time I returned to this place, I accidentally saw this penguin and asked Ledian to guide me here.

The penguin was trying to find its owner when their eyes met. Piplun ran at full speed and hugged Dawn.

Ash: I told you Piplup was fine.

Dawn: Well thank you Ash.

Sandshrew: Yes, I would like to introduce these as my trainer's Pokemon, they all have the ability to talk.

Ledian/Mawile: Alola.


The people in Alola burst out laughing while the people in other areas didn't understand what was going on.

Sandshrew: *Slaps hand on face* They have been in Alola so much that they are already familiar with Alola.

Ash: Hey Me are they your Pokemon?

Me: Oh no, they're someone else's Pokemon. He was so busy that he let the Pokemon hang out in Alola because their trainer was too busy and had nothing to do so he came here to manage this movie theater.

Me: Oh, and there's another special guest.

Me: Hey Sandshrew push that button.

Sandshrew: *Push the button*

A portal appeared near the area where the pokemon was sitting.

Me: Let the legends appear.

This sentence echoed throughout the room, causing everyone to panic and pay attention to Me.

Legends from Kanto to galar and creator Arceus all appear at this cinema.

Me: Everyone, calm down.

Cynthia: How the hell can one stay calm when there are legendary pokemon here.

Me: Calm down, they are just existing in parallel, the real entity is still active out there.

Everything calmed down when the telepathic voice appeared.

Arceus: Where are we?

Palkia: I didn't know our consciousness all moved to this dimension.

Me: Ah yes you are distinguished guests invited here to react to another universe.

And yes, it's no surprise that mythical fairy Pokemon appear in Ash's seat like Latias(Bianca), Meloetta, Victini.

In a crowd of pokemon, there was a grass type pokemon from Johto, angry that his love was taken away and rushed towards Ash to protect him from the other pokemon, a bolt of lightning formed in their eyes then a voice said loudly .

Manaphy: Dad Mom.

May: *Runs to hug Manaphy* It's been a while since I last saw you, are you okay?

Dawn: If May is the mother then who is the father?

Manaphy: *Points at Ash* He is the father.

All eyes turned to Ash.

Ash: Hey I can explain *Before he finished speaking a hand was placed on Ash's shoulder*

Norman: Hey man, can we go for a bit?

Boys: F for lucky bastard.

After explaining the formation of Manaphy Ash had to promise Norman many things such as protecting May from perverts (Especially Drew) and the most important thing is not to defile May without getting married after, Norman walked with two Slakings wearing suits and dark glasses following Norman. These memories will haunt Ash for the rest of his life.

a slight change was May Bianca(Latias) sitting next to Ash causing the girls interested in Ash to glare at Me.

Me: Hey, I'm just fulfilling Manaphy's request.

Ash: *Ash turns to look at Bianca* Are you the Bianca I met in Alto Mare.

Bianca(Latias): So you still miss me *Hugs Ash*.

Dawn: I have to keep an eye on this couple*Thoughts of many other girls interested in Ash*.

Sandshrew: Ready to go? Video is about to start.

Max: Oh it's begun


Search and return to the past.


Lisia: Ash's journey to rescue the princesses.


Bianca(Latias): Princess huh?

Binaca(Latias): Ash you need to explain many things to me.

Ash: *Feels chills*Ah yes I will explain to you after this video.


「Lab Elm / Johto」

Ash was sitting at a table in the living room of Professor Elm's lab. Apparently the professor is visiting an old friend, leaving Marina in charge of the place. His future partner was preparing coffee in the small kitchen. Humming a famous song that he had seen Gary listening to while doing paperwork, Pikachu and Piplup were eating under the table while Ash continued to focus on the map of the Johto region to locate the forest he had visited. on one of his first adventures.


Gary: She is a very beautiful girl. Are you sure she's just a drinking buddy? ...Whatever that means.

Quilava: Can we assure you that you don't have a girlfriend, does that help you?

Gary couldn't help but bow his head in pain at that comment.

P. Elm: I still don't understand, what are they doing in my lab and using my stuff? And since when does it look so clean?

Ledian: I can assure you that right now I have four bricks, one each and all ready to break his glasses.

Sandshrew: I wouldn't be surprised if because of her irresponsible attitude they end up giving Marina a teaching position.


Marina: "You seem very focused, Gary doesn't want to tell me why you're looking for Celebi and knowing how loud he is, he already told you why I'm helping you."

Ash didn't pay attention to what the blue-haired researcher told him, he was deep in thought when a cup of coffee was suddenly placed in front of him, waking him up.

Ash: "Hey, what's your problem!?"


Koharu: Ash, one thing you need to know about women is that they don't like to be ignored.

Ash: I learned that while traveling through many regions but he still seemed sad and lost in thought.

Judith: Don't give up... You didn't do it when we faced each other many times, you didn't do it when Lionel beat you in the finals, don't let that Ash state affect you .

Ash: *The boy smiled brightly at the silver-haired girl* Thank you for your words Judith, and you know... It's nice that you call me by my name sometimes.

The warrior blinked for a few seconds trying to process what Ash said and when she finally understood, she looked away while eating one of the cakes.

Ash: ...Did I say anything bad, Pikachu? *The Pokemon just shook its head, but Ash somehow sensed that this denial wasn't aimed at his question.*


The blue-haired girl looked at him with a prominent vein on her forehead.

Marina: "My problem is I hate being ignored! Didn't you hear me?"

Ash sweated a drop, he did that again recently, he dreamed more when he was awake than when he rested.

Ash: "Sorry, I don't know if Celebi is really still in that forest."

Marina: "Oh, Celebi are the guardians of the forests and they are very attached to them, according to their legend, if the forest where Celebi was born is destroyed or damaged then Celebi will also be injured, that is The reason why some people call him the voice of the forest is because Celebi can tell if the forest is sick or healthy".


Paul: It's so bipolar, the mood changes so quickly.

Arceus: Even I don't know a girl's mood or personality*Girls are hard to understand*.

Paul: Even God doesn't know, so what do we know?

Sandshrew: She's definitely having her period.

What neither of them expected was a shower of corn flying out, hitting Paul and Sandshrew on the head.

Kohaku/Serena: You already know too much.

Ash: What is Sutra and why does it change a girl's mood?

Before Sandshrew could explain, a sandal flew straight into Sandshrew's face.

Ledian: Great Delia in the face +100 points.


Ash: "Then it wouldn't be dangerous to separate him from him when capturing him"

Ash asked worriedly, he wanted to save his mother and the girls but if it made him sacrifice Celebi then he would never see his face in the mirror again, he would sacrifice his life for them but he will not use someone else's. To achieve it.

Marina: "We don't have any records of anyone ever capturing one, although we have a theory that if a Celebi decides to leave its forest, another will take over. guardian it left behind but in the end this is pure speculation, we will never know for sure." The full role of a legend unless we grasp and study it. ".


P. Oak: That's one of the many questions surrounding the world of Pokémon and that's why we're here to investigate and uncover its secrets.

Many teachers and coaches couldn't help but nod at the comments of the most globally recognized teacher, with some looking towards the trio of hosts.

Sonia: How they talk and can use this whole place is still a mystery.

Received approval from many people.


Ash breathed a sigh of relief and began gathering the information he had about Celebi during their brief encounter.

Ash: "Well, if I can give my opinion then I think you're right. When I met Celebi, he was sick from the damage the hunter had caused in the forest. When Celebi was about to die, Some others of his kind came to help to treat him." I don't know if they are Celebi from future or past generations or simply a different kind than the one I held in my arms when everything happened, I never took it seriously. The problem is that Celebi finally recovered..."


Everyone who didn't know about this information looked at Ash in shock, unable to believe that the teenager had direct access to so many Celebi. But then they remembered who Ash was with at the time and looked at Father Oak, waiting for some sort of response from him.

P. Oak: mmm- My memories have deteriorated over time, but seeing a large number of Celebi arrive to restore the forest and heal their friends is a moment I will never forget.


Marina: "I see, that's good to know, now if you don't mind, can you show me the equipment you brought, I want to see what I have to work with and what we will be missing in the process search."

Ash shows the six Pokémon he brought with him to search, Charizard, Blaziken, Noctowl, Scepttail, Pikachu and finally Piplup, Marina is not very impressed except Noctowl is smaller than usual along with an obvious color change in Noctowl's fur. Ash takes advantage of feeding the rest of his team in the lab, soon they are busy searching for time traveling Pokémon.

Marina: "Interesting..."

Marina took out her light blue Rotomdex to scan the Ash Pokémon, she had known this species since she caught them at some point, what she wanted to see were the moves they could use , usually Rotomdex does not have this function if the Pokémon is not registered Because she only does it if they are barbarians because it would be unfair in official battles if the opponent knows all of their cards you, but she's not limited to that because she's a federated researcher, they've given her special permissions to be able to look at data that regular Rotomdex wouldn't be able to, something all researchers have and makes the task of tracking the growth and progress of Pokémon and trainers easier.


P. Elm: Wait, I don't have anything like that.

Ledian: Surely you are irresponsible enough to say "I'll look next day" and repeat that phrase the next day.

The professor who researched Pokémon breeding tried to refute him, but remembering how his recent days had been, he remembered saying "I'll look for it the next day" without I can't remember what to look for.

Quilava: This guy is such a bully, it's not funny at all. *Receives a nod from Sandshrew and a curious Pikachu, as he and Ash both know Professor Johto's carefree attitude.*


Marina: "I see that you used your head a bit, Noctowl knows Evil Eye, a very useful move if we don't want the target to escape, Sceptail is a good choice to keep an eye on your team , I'm having trouble capturing a wild place in Hoenn"

Ash: "Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I chose them."

Marina: "What I don't understand is your other members, I would understand if Pikachu knew some move to paralyze Celebi, Piplup was at a disadvantage against its grass-type attacks and both Blaziken and Charizard were can burn down the forest if they're not careful, why choose them?"

Ash: "Well Charizard is a quick way to get here, he's the only one of my Pokémon strong enough to make this trip with luggage on him, the others are for personal reasons and I'll have to let you know the reason I searched for Celebi."


The aforementioned Pokémon felt insulted by Marina's words, and they were about to scream if their respective trainers didn't calm them down.

Ash: Calm down Charizard, even if you can't use fire moves, you still have Slash and Seismic moves, plus Piplup that can put out possible fires.

May: Ash is right, besides, you control the Fire Kick very well so it's not easy to cause a Blaziken fire.


Marina: "exactly, let's almost move on from my first question, why do you want to go back in time? Gary doesn't want to tell me"

Ash's eyes darkened a bit, as a stranger thought about his current dream, the reason for changing the past.

Ash: "Do you know what happened in Kalos more than two years ago?"

Marina didn't know what the question was. Normally, she would answer what they asked you and not skirt around the issue with another question, but the blue haired girl decided to answer just out of curiosity since she was the only one left. someone she knows is searching for the power to travel to the past.

Marina: "I know about a terrorist attack that took the lives of many civilians and trainers during the attack, thanks to some trainers and regional champions they were able to stop it before "Things got worse"


Diantha: It's nice to know that Team Flare was captured here too, but the fact that so many lives were taken still makes me angry.

Korrina: I understand how you feel, Miss Diantha, I couldn't stand everything Ash had to endure in that world and it also made me want to hit a member of Team Flare.

All the gym leaders and the Elite 4 couldn't help but nod at the youngest leader's comment. At this time, they also wanted to fight some of the henchmen of the person who was planning to sabotage the area.


Ash: "In that incident I lost something very important that I still don't appreciate until now. I want to go back to the past and save what I lost, and the team I brought also wants to come with me, that's why I brought them with me, they have the same right as me to return to the past."

With determined eyes, Ash looked straight into Marina's eyes

Marina: "I see... I'm sorry if I offended you by mentioning how unsuited they were for this mission and it seems like you still feel uncomfortable talking about that topic, I don't know what happened to you in Kalos so if you don't ask for details I won't ask any more. "My, what time will we leave for Ilex forest, let me finish some paperwork sheet and we'll start looking."

Ash nodded and watched as the blue haired researcher began to sign documents at a surprising speed, he decided to drink the coffee that was served to him, it was delicious. He then looked at his team and saw that some of them were not as confident as they were at the beginning of the day. Paleta Town was around 5:30 a.m. and it was now 8:00 a.m., maybe what Marina said about them unsuitability for the search has affected them.

Ash: "Hey, change that face, I'm sure you'll be in that mood when we save the girls, you're very strong and I'm sure if we explain it to Celebi, we there will be no need to fight him."

The Pokémon smiled at Ash's comforting words, they would bring their friends and mother back.


The aforementioned Pokémon did not laugh loudly, we were paying close attention to what would happen from now on and were all planning to make things difficult for the Flare team.

Lisia: Those Pokémon are already scary, they seem like they want to suck blood.

Quilava: Well, this is not a virgin handing ceremony, although on the other hand there are many virgins here.

Sandshrew: You keep talking and it's not just the flip flop that's going to fall off.

Mawile: It's not just flip flops. This hammer wants to fall on your face.

Bianca(Latias): Ash, do you have to endure this pain * As she spoke, she rubbed Ash's head against her chest to comfort Ash *.

May: I was only caught off guard for a few seconds.

Manaphy: Stay away from my dad.

Bianaca(Latias): *Uses telepathy with Manaphy* If you let me hug your dad, I promise to reward you with chocolate.

Ash: (I feel like I've been sold).


After eating, Pokémon Ash decided to sleep in the laboratory. Ash nodded, looking tired.

Ash: (this girl talked too long)

Marina: "I'm finally done, this way the teachers won't be able to complain if I'm absent for a few weeks"


Ledian: No matter how irresponsible he is, I highly doubt he realizes that.

Sandshrew: Or he was clueless as he didn't know that Marina would be gone for a long time.

Elm tries to defend himself, but Samuel himself shakes his head, making it clear that this is a discussion that clearly won't end well for the parenting professor.


The researcher reached out, it was late afternoon, around 2:30 pm, she got up from her desk and saw Ash with his Pokémon sleeping, she got up from the sitting room to wake Ash up before the welcome wave came in, she saw how he started. Shedding tears while still sleeping, she was paralyzed for a moment, she didn't feel upset by Ash's actions, but she felt curious.

Marina: (He's having a nightmare, what makes him so difficult?)

Without waiting any longer, he began to gently shake Ash.

Marina: "Ash wake up, we can go now"

Ash was a little startled by the next unexpected emotion. He realized he was crying again so he wiped his tears and lowered his hat to cover his eyes.

Ash: "That's awesome, tell me, are we going on my Charizard or do you have a flying Pokémon to help you get into the forest?"

Marina noticed that he did not want to talk about what happened so it was better to continue the conversation in depth.


Serena: You have to admit that girl at least respects privacy. *Gets approval from friends and some other women.*


Marina: "Who do you think I am, of course I have one but we don't need flying Pokémon to get there, follow me"

Ash returns all of his Pokémon to theirs except Pikachu and Piplup. He followed the researcher to the back of the lab, where there was a farm much smaller than Professor Oak's farm. There are a few Pokémon that are definitely from novice trainers since Most of them are in their first stages of evolution. The blue-haired girl continued walking until she reached a tree of considerable size, on which she saw an Abra resting, which is what her species mostly does.

Marina: "Abra, forgive me for disturbing your sleep but you can teleport us to the entrance to Ilex forest, which is the forest near the town of Azalea."

Marina: "having a psychic Pokémon is always useful, and it's even more useful if it can teleport"


Sabrina: And that clearly shows that they're more useful. *The leader of the Psychic Pokémon declared, ignoring the fact that the entire farm was trying to stop the angry Charizard.*


Marina was the first to step forward with a confident smile into the depths of the forest, followed by Ash and his two little Pokémon that refused to stay inside their pokeballs, the first weeks were tedious in their search. Time traveling Pokémon, they can't find them and food starts to become scarce, Ash and Marina quickly become friends and talk about everything except past hurts because they don't want to relive old wounds , Marina told her the reason. why did she start accepting contracts to help collect Pokédex data and why did she charge him to do this search, the reason is that everything she earns is donated to charity and education, most of her income goes to the Pokémon academy founded by Count Dervish.


Sandshrew: Marina 1, Goh 0. *Talk to Quilava, who is placing the Roman numeral 1 on the blackboard.*

Goh: Hey! Why so?!

None of the hosts said anything to them, leaving only 1-0 on the board.

Judith: Shouldn't they be more neutral?

Quilava: When we find something that catches Goh's attention, we'll call you sexy thighs.

Judith: ...What are you telling me? *Starts to get upset but is stopped by Marnie.*


Marina was the first to act, she took out Parasee's Pokeball from her pocket, her Parasect, a specialized Pokémon that helped her capture. Before she could give the first command, Ash stopped her. Coach Pikachu calmly approached in Celebi's direction. He didn't want to scare him but had to chase him. He stopped at a safe distance so that Celebi wouldn't be wary. or doubt him.

Ash: "Celebi it's me, do you remember me? I'm the boy who helped you a few years ago".

The time traveling Pokémon looked carefully at the young man in front of him, who vaguely reminded him of the boy who had saved him so long ago with a smile that flew towards him to greet him.

Ash: "It's nice to see you recognize me after so long, old friend"

Celebi: "bii~"


Goh: How? Is it that easy?!

Ledian: How's it going?

Sandshrew/Quilava: ¡Woooo!

Some people laughed at the host's witty sayings, they were funny in their own way. But other people like the senior trainers, champions, and even teachers were shocked to see Ash approach Celebi so easily, they were suspicious and looked towards Ash, who seemed to have no character. . in response...Literally.

Celebi: Of course he's my savior. I had to meet a crazy person who wanted to take advantage of the power of time without knowing who was behind judging all my luck that led to meeting the chosen one.

Delia: Ash, who were you hanging out with to encounter such a situation?

Ash: Don't blame me*Points at Arceus*he's the one who knows everything.

Arceus: This wall is amazingly made from high quality plaster.

Rayquaza: Yes, its blackness is amazing.

Legend: Yes, that's right.


Pikachu greeted him and Piplup began to introduce himself while the researcher was speechless. Ash made her look like a fool. She had at least 7 steps planned in case of escape. Hell, she even had a variety of pokeballs at her disposal. to grasp. that little legend, from ordinary ones to super balls, not only that, by special request, she asked pokeball artist Kurt to make her ten of his best specialties

Marina: "wait a minute, this isn't that easy!"

Ash, along with his Pokémon and the little legend, turned to look at the disappointed blue-haired girl.

Ash: "Oh right, Celebi, this is Marina, my new friend, we came to find you because we need your help."

The little legend flew over the blue haired girl, checking on her, he seemed to have a kind heart like Pikachu's trainer, but what I noticed thanks to his psychic powers was that they both had problem, it seems they have a heavy heart..

Marina gives up understanding what is happening and continues the chain of events.

Marina: "Celebi, we need your help to return to the past"


Ledian: First you introduce yourself and then you ask "please", the fact that we don't talk like you means we don't have manners.

Sandshrew: Especially a Pokémon older than anyone here. You must always be polite to elders. *The answer received the agreement of the majority of adults present.*

And this happened when they ignored Quilava, who screamed from a very high height before hitting the chair.


The human duo explains their situation and why they want to return to the past with the best time-traveling Pokémon possible. Celebi seems resilient and wants to help them, but the god who reigns over time and who gave him the Gift of Time Travel will be angry. If it helps them, the times he allowed people to travel through time were all accidents and he was in trouble after that...

Celebi was sad that the head monk refused to help. Marina saw that the path of peace could not be taken. She was ready to capture the little legend but was stopped by Ash.

Ash: "Can't you really help us in any way? We really want to be able to change the past. I know it's a lot to ask for a second chance, but we promise to be careful with just one." bit into the line's time."

The little legend returned to a pensive state as he flew around in the small sanctuary reserved for him. The voice of the forest finally gave in to the demands of the two people but he could not bring them back to the past, they will have to ask permission from an older person.

Marina: "What's wrong with Celebi?

Ash: "I think he wants us to follow him"


Cynthia: So those are the famous Alpha ruins, I was planning on visiting them soon because of their close ties to the Sinjoh ruins and their ties to the Unown.

Ash, Misty, Brock, and Delia couldn't help but tremble at the memories that flashed in their heads, among them a crystal palace and an Entei acting as a father at the request of a little girl who had lost everything.


Celebi continued to fly over the ruins, signaling that they should follow him, having nothing better to do, and in hopes of returning to the past, the duo followed the time-traveling Pokémon. After a long journey, they finally reached a room where Celebi told them to touch the wall, the duo did, all the walls around the room started emitting light, today it was teleported again, the group We are located in the middle of a snowy mountain, the weather is new and the change is sudden. In a temperature that wasn't what anyone wanted, Celebi was still hovering above them, they were almost to their destination but a stranger was approaching their group so Celebi hid behind Ash.

???????: "Ash, is this you?"

Ash was the first to recover from the sudden teleportation when he saw a beautiful blonde woman whom he recognized as Sinnoh's champion.

Ash: "Cynthia is that you? What are you doing here?"

Cynthia: "I should ask, they are in an important excavation, this should be a restricted area"

The champion seemed a bit angry, some idiot had left the guard post and now they had two intruders who could damage the archaeological material.

Marina: "Sorry for asking but where are we?"

The blonde girl looked at the blue haired girl strangely.

Cynthia: (They didn't know that they were in Sinnoh near Mount Corona, how did lightning get here)


Rowan: Considering they came from the warm ruins of Johto, it's no surprise that this happened to them. *Received consent from some people present.*


Our two main characters began to tremble due to the effects of the weather, they had no snow clothes, what the hell was Celebi planning to bring them here for.

Cynthia: "You are in the ruins of Sinnoh, a place created by the inhabitants of Sinnoh and Johto in the past to worship the creator of Pokémon. I am very sorry but this is a somewhat delicate discovery and I cannot risk damaging something priceless. I'll escort you there to the "foot of the mountain"

The blonde's eyes focused on the Pokémon that Ash lay behind.

Cynthia: "That's Celebi Ash? What are you doing with... are you going back to the past?"


Cynthia: Why didn't I realize that before? Time travel is too fragile and could cause a much bigger disaster! What if an event worse than the destruction of Kalos were to occur?

Ledian: Sit down, miss! That Ash already has experience traveling in time, you'll understand if you continue watching.

Cynthia huffed in annoyance, sitting in her seat, hoping Ash in that universe wouldn't do anything stupid.


Both young men remained silent, the Sinnoh champion's attitude began to intimidate them, her eyes became serious as if facing a threat.

Cynthia: "Ash, you of all people should know what happens when humanity tries to play with powers beyond their understanding. I'm sorry, I know what you're trying to do, But it's time to turn the page and leave the past behind."

The Sinnoh Champion released her Garchomp, she was in Destruction mode, it was clear she wasn't going to let them go, Ash started gritting her teeth, if they caught them they would definitely capture Celebi to stop them they achieve their goal.

Marina: "Ash, I will distract her, I don't know how long I can resist her, but follow Celebi and if you can travel to the past and meet me, warn me about my stupid boyfriend."


Misty: That reminds me, don't you guys know who that bastard is?

Sandshrew: Sorry, we don't know, the world is showing another adventure right now so no one knows for sure who the bastard he's talking about is, but many have guessed who it could be.


Marina released 6 of her Pokémon, they were Parasect,

Mr.mime creates a barrier to shield Ash, Parasect spreads spores across the field, and the rest surround Marina to protect her.

Cynthia: "Demolition"

Garchomp rushed forward, his right fin glowing white, breaking all of Mr.mime's barriers in one fell swoop, he gracefully dodged the spores and was about to catch Ash when his left claw was about to catch gets him in a red color. Aura. It prevented her from continuing forward, forcing her to retreat and return to the battlefield. Xatu and Mismagius are using Evil Eye and the effect will last until they fall in battle.


Gary: Even if she's not a fighter, she's still quick-thinking and can beat Cynthia's Garchomp to the wall.

Lionel: That's right, but if it's an official 1 creature 1 match then everyone is sure that the girl won't be capable.

The champions bowed at Lionel's comment, leaving behind Cynthia's annoyed expression.

Cynthia: This is not a fair fight.

Sandshrew: 12 vs 1, seems fair for your Garchomp.

Quilava: I still remember the second one I got from him. *Reopens the living room*

Sandshrew: wow Cynthia's Garchomp is female.

Quilava: *stares at Garchomp* Is that a woman?


Marina: "What are you doing!? You have to keep going, I'll stop her."

Ash: "I won't leave you alone, we can do it together!"

Charizard saw the situation, his instincts told him that this Garchomp was no game, he was far beyond his level and that of all of them and that annoyed him. The only way to win is for Ash to enter the ruins himself. Celebi was already there, only missing his trainer inside, Charizard flicked his tail, sending his Ash towards the ruins. They looked at each other for a moment but Ash understood the message, now was not the time to speak. stubborn so he began to continue running after Celebi towards the ruins.


Sycamore: You can clearly see that the relationship between the two of them is so strong that just by looking at each other, they quickly understand each other.

Alan: Is that your first name?

Ash: No, my first name was always Pikachu, Charizard caught him a while later and even though he seemed grumpy at first, he was my best friend.

In response, Charizard launched a powerful flamethrower at the ceiling, demonstrating just how powerful it was and why it deserved to be one of Ash's strongest Pokémon.


Marina: "I'm sorry but we won't let you pass, Celebi brought us here for a reason and I will give you the time Ash needs at all costs"

All the Pokémon roared in approval of what he said.

Cynthia bit her lower lip in frustration, she was confident and only brought one Pokémon with her on this new expedition.

Cynthia: "You're playing with the fire girl, you have time to quit"

Marina: "It's good that I brought Wani- Wani with me"

Feraligatr advanced, biting the air in defiance, he knew he couldn't win but that wasn't his goal, he just needed to buy time.

While an epic 12vs1 battle was taking place, Ash entered the ruins of Sinnoh following Celebi, everything was filled with ancient paintings and symbols. Celebi asked him to go to the altar, where there was a strange symbol on the ground and when he arrived there, everything around him changed.

In front of him was the creator of the universe, the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus. Celebi approached the father of all Pokémon to explain the reason for his visit while Ash gaped at the sight.


Arceus is here, I'm not surprised anymore *Still exclaims in surprise when seeing Ash standing next to Arceus on the screen*.

Arceus: I see.

All the legends looked at each other without understanding.

Arceus: You'll know as the video continues.

Goh: After catching Mew next I will catch Arceus.

Mew: I want to let him meet Giratina.

Giratina: Let him continue to be optimistic Mew *Looking at Goh with sympathy, he is as optimistic as Manchester United followers with the dream of winning the EPL championship.


Arceus: "ah, it's been a while, young Ash."

The man with jet black hair smiled at another old friend

Ash: "Arceus, I said the same thing, I think you know why I came here."


P. Oak: He even talked to him intimately as if he were someone else. *Comment feels like he's about to have a heart attack.*

Gary: Grandpa wait! You already know Ash, he either sees these big things as normal or he is unaware of the danger.

Ash couldn't help but laugh nervously, if he knew that it was actually normal for him to face dangerous legendary level Pokémon.


Arceus: "Actually, as the chosen one, your prayer came to me and this child asked me to let you fulfill my wish.... You really just want to go back to that time." Do you think you have what it takes? According to "My children witnessed the disaster. It was a very bloody battle with many casualties for both humans and Pokémon. Do you still want to go back?" that day?".


Arceus: mmm I see.

Ho-oh: What do you understand?

Arceus: He was just thinking about going back to the time of what happened in Kalos.

Lugia: yes, we have been able to confirm that.

Arceus: keep watching and you'll see what I'm talking about.

All the legends take notice.


Choosing a term that had been used to refer to him many times during his adventures, he never cared for that title and if he was being honest it was a very heavy thing to carry around alone and what Arceus said made sense although he would hate to admit that two years of not fighting a Pokémon battle had worn him down a lot, maybe if he went back to that time he would fail miserably . He also didn't have any Pokémon on him because they were fighting against Cynthia with Marina and if he took the lead his past Pokémon wouldn't have changed much because he remembered very clearly that they had just fought in the battle. shared

Kalos tournament ends and they are not in love best condition...

Ash: So, what do you advise, Arceus? I just come here to give life to what I love most in the world. I've been helping both legends and humans since I started my journey and I've never asked for anything in return, that's why I'm asking you. I beg you to let me return to the past.

Ash is not threatened by the possibility of failure if it costs him his life, he will pay it without a second thought, he has sworn to all his Pokémon and friends that he will bring they returned, the Alpha Pokémon smiled at the bravery of the one he chose first, Mew did well in choosing it.

Arceus: "Don't be confused, the chosen one, me won't stop you from going back in time, but I think if you go back further in time, you might save more lives and get stronger in the process, just promise me you'll continue continue to be a boy who helps anyone without getting anything in return and you will take care of my children from human greed.


Lugia: So you want to change an entire reality?

Arceus: To save a reality I send the Chosen back to the starting point to save more people and have more time to fight the disaster (And create a bigger harem Hahahaa).

Ho-oh: I will guide the Chosen One to the right path and help as much as I can.


Ash doesn't need to swear anything, it's something he would do without thinking about it and the creator knows very well that in Ash's very soul, he has engraved the protection of the weak from the strong.

Arceus began to levitate, his golden ring began to shine showing the 17 elemental panels, the room began to disappear, replaced by the Pokémon creator's dimension, Ash was in the middle of a dimension that he saw only the stars and the Unown in them. in between, he I feel like in space but can I breathe where I am now?

The four elementals began to move away from Arceus, creating a yellow object that flew towards Ash.

The object was a medallion that reminded him of the golden ring Arceus had.

Ash: "What is this Arceus?"

Arceus: "it is one of the gifts that will help you in your journey to the past, I don't have time to explain its uses, the powers that the elemental tables gave me are starting affect me"


Palkia: Why did you give him that, you practically gave him all kinds of elements.

Arceus: I don't know but I guess history will answer.

Ash: That means I can learn flamethrowers, hydraulic pumps, solar rays, lightning, shadow balls and more.

Gary: They turned you into a Pokemon.

Brock: Don't let it get in your head.


Once again, the golden aura enveloped Arceus and thousands of Unown flew around him. Pokémon Alpha decided to perform a second miracle. A light pink Pokémon egg flew into Ash's arms.


Sandshrew: Now exciting things are coming!

Quilava: Hello rioters!

Ledian: A legendary adventure begins.

No one understood the host's words, but they had a feeling that this would be something they could never have imagined.


Once again and as a final miracle, the Unown began to gather together to create a symbol similar to the ruins of the altar at Sinnho, Arceus seemingly reciting an incantation.



Ash: Come on, I know you can save them, you promised Arceus.

the others were infected by Ash's voice and determination, clenching their fists in excitement at what might happen.

Sandshrew: Ash Ketchum you are filled with Determination.


Darkness, Ash couldn't understand the language Arceus spoke, all coach Kanto could see was darkness... he felt relieved but that didn't last long because he felt like I'm falling into the abyss, it feels like when you dream. that you fell and he was at rock bottom when he finally saw the light and what he saw made him want to cry, he was in his room, nothing had changed

Ash: "It was all just a dream..."

Ash looked disappointed at the white ceiling in his room, he saw a poster of the Pokémon League similar to the first three letters of Kanto.

Ash: "I have to go to the lab, it's time to feed the Pokémon breakfast and Gary definitely wants me to help him with his research."

He stood up from the bed and before he could walk he fell down, he seemed confused, his hands and body were very small, before he could process what was happening, he heard the door to his room open. And there she was, Delia Ketchum in the flesh, his mother...


Sandshrew: Suffering because of famous Detective Conan.

Everyone watched the screen intently, unable to believe what was happening. Has Ash become young again?

A/N: (Images are for reference and imagination xd).

Serena: Wait... That look. *The honey-haired woman muttered, remembering a specific day, the day she met Ash and also the day she fell in love.*

Lisia: So cute! I want one like that. *Receives disdainful looks from some girls.* Huh? Did I say something wrong?

Anabel: As the International Police, I demand that there be no acts of pedophilia *Says then rushes to hug Ash*.

Bianca(Latias): Hey what are you doing *Speaking as she also rushed to hug Ash* .

May was staring at the screen.

Ash doesn't care what happens to him, he's happy that he can go back to the past to save the future.


Delia: "Ash, are you still awake? I know you're excited about going to Professor Oak's camp, but if you don't get enough sleep, you won't wake up on time..."

With a motherly tone that was both nostalgic and strict, his mother folded her arms there, reprimanding her disobedient child, Ash began to cry, he couldn't believe it, if this was a dream then it was. is a dream. was a very cruel thing because he would eventually have to wake up later, his mother noticed his tears, came closer and lifted him into her arms to hug her little boy.

Delia: "It was just a nightmare"

The brown haired girl cooed, Ash felt the warmth of the hug, this is true...!

Ash: (I'm back, I'm really back!).


Sandshrew: The most discreet way to show legendary level. With this we end the Sad moment and move on
Interesting and funny moments.

Quilava: What about your previous plans?

Sandshrew: That's right, thank you for the reminder, dear visitors, I thought there wouldn't be many of you here and it would be boring.

Sandshrew was getting strange looks from everyone, there were exactly 52 gym leaders, 9 champions and educators, 4 Kahunas, a director, a Rotomdex and the main character resembled friends and However, the number of Pokémon has not been taken into account.

Sandshrew: The question is, why only bring in characters from one universe? *After speaking, Sandshrew lowered the lever, creating a gate that opened above everyone present*

Kukui: That's how we got here.

A few girly screams rang out while falling, everyone became worried as to where she would fall, but to everyone's surprise, the girls fell down on top of Ash

Sandshrew: Meet Marina and the 3 girls from space you're watching! including Lyra Hilda Nancy.

Nancy: Hey Hilda, do you know where this is?

Hilda: I don't know.

Sandshrew: I'll explain to you but look down first.

Marina/Lyra/Hilda/Nancy: Oh Ash are you okay.

Currently this room is filled with a huge murderous aura. The others all left to eat the buffet and the girls, including the newcomers, all stared at Marina, who was letting Ash lie on her lap while unconscious.

Marina: Hey leave him alone.

The girls gritted their teeth because they lost the chance to get close to Ash because they were too shy.

Ash woke up and saw a girl with beautiful emerald green eyes, two blue pigtails, and a striking white hat.

Ash: Marina?

Looking around I saw other girls Hmm- I saw one that looked familiar and who were the other two.

Hilda: Hello I'm Hilda from Unova and Nancy is my sister.

Nancy: Hello.

Ash: Oh I'm Ash Ketchum from Kanto.

Nancy: Do you know where this is?

Ash: This place is a movie theater showing some universe I don't know about.

Hilda: *Hungry~*Is there anything to eat here?

Ash: Hmm- to explain what happened I'll take you out to eat and explain everything.

(Girls like a date huh) .

Ash: oh hey who you are in you is quite similar to Marina.

Lyra: Don't you remember me *Crocodile tears*

Ash: *Frightened* Ummm- I'm sorry but I don't remember who you are Ly Ly Ah remember, you're Lyra, right?

Lyra: you were right I will reward you~.

Ash: Huh *At the same time everyone walked in and saw an unexpected scene*.

Bianca(Latias): WTF who is kissing Ash.

Latios: [Telepathy for Latias] LANGUAGE.

May ran back to separate the two and asked Ash to explain.

Quilava: (Ash.exe stopped working).

May: Who are you *points accusing finger at Lyra*.

Lyra: I guess I'm Ash's girlfriend *Speaking while hugging Ash*

After those words, there was an eerie silence.

and yes no surprise the girls interested in Ash rush into battle.

Me: Hey Sandshrew quilava, you guys should take care of this.

Sandshrew: Hey, why don't you stop the fight?

Me: They say never interfere in a cat fight *Disappears into nothingness*.


Sandshrew: Hey Me, don't leave me here *A chair flies in the face from the girls' fight* I have to clean up this battlefield again *Sigh~*.

゚°☆//////☆° ゚

A/N: Sorry for being dead for a few weeks, I was planning to write a reaction to Memes. If you have any good memes, please send it to this gmail [email protected] Thank you for supporting this Fanfic.

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